Spring Anime 2016 |OT| Get a Season So Complicated

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Hey guys, this show is by BONES. It's looking great.
Whoohoo, y'all should watch this. It's the best right now.
It's still doing alright. I don't see anything wrong with this.
I still have hopes for this show. I've never been let down before.
*Final episode or 2nd season starts*

In Bones he trusts... got it, lol.
Because you like the Sawano music.


Thanks for trying to justify it, but nope LOL... I really think it is a case of me wasting all this time watching it and hoping it's be great. Dropping it would be displaying weakness and admitting defeat. I will come out on top
except, not.


Thanks for trying to justify it, but nope LOL... I really think it is a case of me wasting all this time watching it and hoping it's be great. Dropping it would be displaying weakness and admitting defeat. I will come out on top
except, not.
Guh. Might as well.


May karma smile upon you to the finale.
Thanks for trying to justify it, but nope LOL... I really think it is a case of me wasting all this time watching it and hoping it's be great. Dropping it would be displaying weakness and admitting defeat. I will come out on top
except, not.
Show wasn't even so bad it's good to make fun of it like TD S2, it's just bad.
Show wasn't even so bad it's good to make fun of it like TD S2, it's just bad.

It has gotten to a point of me legitimately cringing at things characters say and do.

I was one of those dumbasses defending TD S2 until the very end... always hoping something on a genius level would solve all of the issues the show had, that it was all deliberate. I'll never get those hours I spent watching it back. There is only one season to that show, and no more. Don't let people (including the creators) fool you that it's otherwise.


Concrete Revolutio [END]

I feel like they tried to do a lot of things and in the ending wasn't as satisfying as S1. And S1's ending wasn't great... They kept adding characters and various elements to the story, but not all of them integrated perfectly on the show. And a lot of the plotlines were either rushed or had a dumb outcome.

Still, I generally liked it and enjoyed my time with it. It had some cool characters, some nice action and a pretty unique setting and theme for a "superheroes" show.


Latest Kabaneri impressions are killing any will I had to watch yesterday's episode. Yet why do I feel obligated to watch it tonight.

It's almost shocking how much the introduction of a JRPG villain seems to be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to something that was always stupid zombie action schlock.

Perhaps I would agree if my expectations for the show had been anything other than a 1980s ultra-violent OVA, which aren't known for their intelligence or subtlety.


It's almost shocking how much the introduction of a literal JRPG villain seems to be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to something that was always stupid zombie action schlock.

I guess when the show was Devil May Cry/Chaos Legion in terms of design, people were okay with it, but going Geass/Sengoku Basara in terms of design style was a bridge too far! Lol.


If there was a "Disappointment of the season" award, goddamnit if this show wouldn't get it.

I have not been disappointed with this show if only because I was expecting it to degenerate into stupid at some point and I still like the spectacle of ambition shown here.
I like the manga.
It has Kumeta quirky humor about Mangaka who try to hide his job from his daughter. Maybe Shaft could work on it when the manga has enough chapter.

Commercial for Kumeta Kouji latest manga.

Yep the manga is quite great, also love how all her friends/classmates are literally just the girls from Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei.


I like the manga.
It has Kumeta quirky humor about Mangaka who try to hide his job from his daughter. Maybe Shaft could work on it when the manga has enough chapter.

Commercial for Kumeta Kouji latest manga.

Kabaneri 10

If you hit your head against the wall hard enough, this series becomes some Ikuhara tier story about the industry's obsession with oniichans and imoutous and the pitfalls that lie therein.

Honestly, this episode didn't trigger me as much as the previous one, maybe because no one was chanting "Liberation, Liberation" when ankles deep in the blood of people they just slain and the obnoxious Mumei's arc traversed to the point we all knew we would.


If there was a "Disappointment of the season" award, goddamnit if this show wouldn't get it.

I don't know, there Joker Game, unless that got better later on.<.<

Kabaneri is okay, through the last few episodes became quite bleh and Biba is a weak villain (his motivation this week didn't really improve him much).
Lulucop 12

Imaishi to the point of self parody. Bravo.

Kagewani II whatever

Kagewani II is so fucking lame that I don't even want to talk about it. But theres a dude who has a half cybernetic body and is constantly pumping bass out of his chest at the frequency Kagewani dont like so he can...absorb their power? or something?

fucking shitty show


If there was a "Disappointment of the season" award, goddamnit if this show wouldn't get it.

I don't see how Kabaneri can be considered a disappointment on any level. If you liked Highschool of the Dead and Attack on Titan, I don't see how this is any worse really. If you didn't then why would you expect it to be good in the first place given the director? I think it's a bad show, but it's also hilarious, and there are much bigger disappointments this season in terms of shows where people had actual expectations for. This is like saying the next Transformers movie is a disappointment when it turns out to be "bad" (*).

(*) - Bad by the standards of snobs who don't understand the genius of Bayhem and how hard Michael Bay works on his masterpieces.


I will never understand how this is made by the same staff.

It isn't ? Im pretty sure at least the director changed.

Edit: Nevermind, I'm wrong, confused it with that second horror short.


Better story and characters than in Getter Robo Armageddon.

Not Inferno Cop as always with the best lines and visual gags.


Joker Game still the most disappointing. Don't know how you can screw up with that setting.

I gave up at the train episode. I understand that the novel is basically a series of short stories, but the episodic nature of the series after the 2nd episode cause the series to take a nose dive really.


Big Order episode 10 (END)

Overall this show was pretty horrible, and by far the worst thing that i watched this season, and i can't believe i watched it all. I'm genuinely relieved that it's over. It started kinda crazy, and at first i actually thought it would be one of those special experiences, a true trainwreck, but the show failed even at that, and got more disappointing with each episode. They should called the show Big Mess instead.


Most of the shows this season ended up disappointing. Mayoiga, Kabaneri, Joker Game, MHA and more.

On Kabaneri, I was pretty hyped after the first two episodes and I thought that this may end up as a pretty solid show and I'll fondly remember it for its nice looks, its setting and its animation. But, too bad, that's not the case for quite a few episodes now.
Big Order is total shit. It can't even follow through on its ridiculousness. Girl gets pregnant cuz her rabbit ears got touched but next episode it goes away. Fuck you


Big Order - Ep. 10
Literally the worst anime I have ever watched,
Everything else is godawful.

Ushio to Tora - S. 2, Ep. 12
This an other hand was really fucking good.
Looks like the final boss is in his final form.
Can't wait for the fina episode next week.
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