

It was pretty interesting at first, but then you realized you were watching a mystery with six or so named characters in it, where only two were adults and one of them was the MC's mom, who (early spoilers), making it obvious who the perp could've been (barring an overly outlandish plot twist such as Kado's). Then yeah, there was that later arc which was just underwhelming as hell and helped end things on a rather sour note.gets killed in the future fairly early on in the show
Satoru's mom was definitely one of the better ones in anime and there were many heartwarming moments along the way, but I think the show was built upon a very filmsy premise, which led to the show collapsing upon itself regardless of the good elements it might've had. The final episodes even had a freaking, as if the show felt like it had to give us that to give us a decent climax, but I don't think that was required at all and merely ended up disrupting the flow of the plot with things that didn't matter all that much...exposition dump to explain the perp's motivation
Then there was the whole thing about shipping and complaints, which was pretty weird IMO, both from the plot and the viewers' part.
Looks really good! Never been a fan of Akio Watanabe's character designs however but that's minor if the film itself is good, nevertheless a bitter taste enters my mouth whenever I see them.
I mean... I will also start that...whenever work decides I can have a day off.
Devil is a Part-Timer had a BD average of 11,802. That's not just reasonably well, that's extremely good. That's mostly better than probably 80 to 90% of shows that release nowadays. I understand BD sales are not the only factor but it then you have the LN sales that got a noticeable boost too. It was selling closer to 20k and now does around 70-90k. By all measures the show was a success.
If the old production committee isn't profiting then you make a new one. That's not unheard of.
So I am three episodes into ERASED... on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad am I going to feel once I get to the end of this?
The Monogatari character designs make me irrationally mad! My brain just doesn't like them!You're not living your life correctly friend.
Its BD sales are better than those of ~95% of currently releasing shows, yes, but then that 95% are not making a profit on BDs. I agree that by the numbers we have to measure success the anime was a success, just pointing out that there are all kind of business realities behind the scenes that we may not be aware of. An example I am aware of is that Horizon to the Middle of Nowhere did not receive a third season despite very good BD sales because Sunrise's contract for the series meant they didn't receive much of any return on their investment and so didn't want to continue animating it. Another example would be Attack on Titan not receiving a second season for a number of years since Araki and Wit were already busy on other projects by the time the producers wanted them to continue, and thus they had to wait a while to continue the anime. Of course, in the case of an adaptation the publisher who owns the IP could replace the animation studio to continue animating the work if the original studio is unwilling or unable to continue. Still, they may decide that changing studios would lead to a result they'd be unhappy with, or that they've already received the maximum amount of promotional benefit an anime would provide and any further seasons would be superfluous from their perspective.
Fundamentally, I think the easy availability of Oricon numbers needs to be treated with caution by anime fans trying to analyze whether an anime has been successful enough to continue or not. Having numbers at our fingertips can lead us to think we know the full picture when we do not.
Erased didn't stick the ending by 7 episodes though.Erased is my recent big example of how a show really needs to learn how to stick the ending. Soured me on the whole thing with those last 3 episodes.
Oh, I am well aware, heh.
Im with you, though, my ratings scale has only two possible values: This is fine or I love this, this is the best thing ever
Erased didn't stick the ending by 7 episodes though.
Of course there are all sorts of reasons why shows are and aren't made. Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer couldn't get the Pillows to sign off and fell through the cracks. However the reason cited in the article is financial and not something like the studio is currently busy as with Wit. I'm finding it hard to believe that reason in particular since it's doing better than almost all of its contemporaries, some of which such as Konosuba ended up getting a second season later. It's not like it's an idol platform such as Symphogeah where the music sales take a priority so I'm not even sure which other metric we could consider.
I actually agree with you that Erased is a good show. It's not great, imo, but it's definitely enjoyable and a stand out from the season it aired in.
Usually when people cite "____ is a business" that means said thing isn't making money and this isn't a charity.What Wagahara says, as quoted in the ANN article, is "Even if original creators say they want to make anime, that doesn't mean they will be able to. No matter how much you push the original creators, they can't make anime. Anime is also a business." He's saying he can't make an anime happen just out of his own personal desire; anime is a business that requires the involvement of many companies and people. I don't think he's specific enough here to identify any particular reason as to why a second season has not been made.
The Devil is a Part-Timer! Novel Creator Explains Why Anime Has No 2nd Season
spoiler, anime is a business.
Adds to the stack with Free! s3, Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere III, Accel World s2, World Trigger s2, and Owari no Serafu S3.
Heh. That guy who went to 700 idol shows in 1 year...
And that older guy who quit seeing his girlfriend to go see idols instead.
*Gets to part about Harajuku Monogatari*
Well, it's kinda creepy, but not THAT bad...
*Gets to part anout Amore Carina*
God dang it, I knew CR wasn't going to keep a monopoly on anime streaming for long, but I don't know if I really want to subscribe to several streaming services for my share of seasonal shows...
God dang it, I knew CR wasn't going to keep a monopoly on anime streaming for long, but I don't know if I really want to subscribe to several streaming services for my share of seasonal shows...
anime strike is the issue to be honest. Fuck anime strike.
That was a pretty amazing fight in episode 13 and again to finish off episode 14. Ypu can certainly see why/how they are creating a PS4 game from this show.
Kiritobread is easily influenced, hence the biggest SAO stan.
I wouldn't mind that much if amazon strike didn't require a prime account on top of it.
oh well, it's going to suck for a bit but I doubt 4 services will survive for that long.
That's kind of my thinking. I see it as more of a waiting game, since I can't imagine that Amazon is going to get the type of returns they're expecting versus how much money they're dumping into the service.
Amazon seems like they're working with the mindset that they're just competing with Netlix and CR which is definitely not the case; they're also competing with fansubs. CR's biggest selling point is not just how cheap it is, but also the fact that it's able to get their content out much quicker than fansubbers . Ignoring the Double Paywall (though that is definitely an issue) the average anime fan won't put up with Amazon continually delaying their simulcasts. Why pay for a service that's always late when you can just watch the content on certain sites for free?
I dont think amazon is going for the ~average anime fan~ but rather Amazon Prime users who watch anime. And isnt it unclear how they are getting sentai and aniplex shows, is AMZN paying those companies for them, or are those companies paying AMZN to have their shows on the service?
I... really liked Erased...
Sonetimes this show is to smart for me, other times, it tries to be too smart for me. Even with that, it remains ibteresting because it keeps you guessing how eveeything pieces together..
I am always here.![]()
Season 2 when for this....
It moves at a blistering pace, but it's worth it for the mecha action and soundtrack at the very least.So is/was Gundam Thunderbolt good? And if so should I watch the recut movie or the episodes?
So is/was Gundam Thunderbolt good? And if so should I watch the recut movie or the episodes?
Youtube link for the non tea drinkersTokyo Girls, one of the idol docs I watched a month or so ago, is out on BBC:
As I said at the time, it's interesting if you want to see the struggle life of an independent idol and some of the weirder/awkward aspects of idol fandom.
(The part where 40 year olds cheer on 8 year old girls, in particular)
*bro hug*
My Little Monster, right?
Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans S1 Episode 25 [End]
It's been so long since I've watched a full Gundam series and I'm glad that this was so enjoyable. All the characters are so great but man I can only see things ending up awful for Orga and everyone in Tekkadan in season 2. "Yeah let's all fucking die for the family who cares about our individuality." I want to see them happy but with that kind of attitude, they most likely won't make it and it pisses me off that they are okay with that. Maybe I'm right or wrong and people here know what's coming, but that's just what I'm expecting.
I'll start season 2 next week.
Amazon announced on Friday that it will begin exclusively streaming anime titles that air in the Animeism programming block of MBS, TBS, and BS-TBS to over 200 countries around the world through its Amazon Prime Video service. The titles include this summer's Shōkoku no Altair (Altair: A Record of Battles) anime. The service will also continue streaming the Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul anime, which is now airing the Animeism block and is continuing its run this summer.
Amazon also revealed more titles for its summer streaming, including Lights of the Clione (Clione no Akari) and Hell Girl 4 (Jigoku Shōjo: Yoi no Togi).
Amazon has to be paying Sentai because the reverse wouldn't make any sense.
Not yet, but that's big news (and bad news for those who were hoping Amazon would stop licensing so much anime). Now they've got both this and noitaminA as ongoing blocks they hold the exclusive worldwide streaming rights too, in addition to any individual shows they license in Japan and what they get from Sentai.
ideally amazon will just go one step farther and start actually funding some anime series.
someone high up in amazon might be an anime fan and we might finally get a new season of Berserk as we haven't had one in almost 20 years.
Amazon has already been funding anime series that haven't aired on TV, namely an ongoing series of Shin-chan spinoff shorts. I think most of the impetus for Amazon's involvement in anime comes from Amazon Japan though; their Western branches don't seem to care much.