Brexit |OT| UK Referendum on EU Membership - 23 June 2016

Did you vote for the side that is going to win?

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Does Scotland want to leave the EU?

I don't get it...doesn't the UK always score like top 5 or 10 in those happiness or "good" country ratings....

I swear you'd think the fucking world was falling apart and there were roaming gangs from hell with how you heard the discussion.

Haven't really kept up with this, always thought Remain would win out easily. Is there even a "Leave" plan after it wins??
Probably not, there's a 2 year negotiation period before we're allowed to leave anyhoo, so making detailed plans before then wouldn't really be worthwhile, but I'm hoping they have a vague skeleton of a plan worked out so they've got something to take to negotiations in the unlikely event leave wins.
Scotland really should have left.
Then the RofUK definitely would have left the EU!
Holy shit Glasgow 67% never saw that coming.
67 is a resonant number for one half of the city ;)
If Scotland leave can they take London with them.
Makes sense; they take all our money anyway :p
They overwhelming voted no in the independence vote by massive margins. not sure if that indicates whether they'll vote stay or leave though
Financial centre of Scotland + huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge tourism during the various festivals and Hogmanay...I'd be surprised at a Leave vote.

But who knows what the margin will be...


North Ayrshire 56.9% remain, so reasonably happy with my lot. If it is a leave result, it's gonna be such a clusterfuck up here, and considering it will be a complete clusterfuck elsewhere in the UK as well, that's a terrifying prospect.
The EU hostile to democracy and referenda? What a surprise!

And if Trump were to be elected president of the US would that be some great victory for "democracy" too? Or would it be a victory for a campaign of fear, xenophobia and hate mongering?

I've never encountered hostility in any of the European Parliament elections that I voted in by the way.


Being brown wouldn't actually be a problem. Don't come up north because you sound like an arrogant, presumptive arsehole.

Whoa hold on now

I'm saying this because spent my teenage years in Manchester and my facebook feed has a significant amount of xenophobic posts. But I am anything but arrogant, I was half joking -- I get weird looks even in London when I say I'm English. I know what that's like up north.

"Where are your parents from." is the most common thing new people say to me and I get weirder looks when I say "English."

So while I regret that you took my comment as completely serious, there is a little truth in it.


Gross seeing Conservatives putting more effort in to circling the cart around Cameron rather than trying to show any sympathy or understanding for the average voter.
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