Can you link me to some of the videos you are watching?
I need to see this. Merit 'shmeritGuys, the video is literally 10 minutes of me just blathering like an idiot in the darkness while driving. If it had anything of merit on it I'd post it without question. I have my HD Handycam in my car ready to go if it happens again. And I will post it if I get anything.
The whole way. Around 30 minutes.
I would totally do this if I was an alien. It would be my own psychological war on the human race. Especially knowing that nobody would believe any of the people that I harassed and followed. And if someone waved at me like the OP? I'd break out all the cool tech, like lights that can change color and intensity, strobe lights, you name it.An alien species come from millions of light years away...
...to fuck with you on your way home from your uncle's apartment.
*Alien Seth Rogen laugh*
My name is Kyle, I'm 32 and live in Tampa, Fl. I saw a big orange light about two months ago right above my neighborhood and as soon as I stopped my car to look at it, it went out. But tonight legitimately shook me. I was leaving my Uncle's apt. around 9:30pm and I saw a bright white light right above the neighborhood down the road. As soon as I got close to it it started to move and look just like a plane with the blinking lights but moving much too slowly. I was amazed but after giving it a wave hello after stopping right underneath it I went on my merry way. This thing ended up following me all the way home. It literally creeped up right in front of me at an intersection and then kept flying towards me straight on and as soon as it reached my driver's side would fly backwards keeping right alongside me. I get to another intersection right near my house and I see a few objects in the sky with glittery lights flashing over a large area in the sky, almost like morse code. I finally pulled in my driveway and got out, looked up and saw it fly by me one last time. I was always on the fence about all this stuff until tonight but now I'm a legit believer.
I had to check YT to see if others have had this same experience and at least two videos I watched described my experience to a T. I haven't even told anybody I actually know about it because I think they'll think I'm crazy. I've never seen anything until I started researching this stuff on YT and talking about it with my Uncle (also a believer) for the past year or so. The orange light now feels like maybe it was a test to see if I'd notice it because it was 3 a.m. (I go to work early) and I was the only one in my neighborhood outside at that moment. I'll be really curious now to see if this becomes a constant thing. I mean it was so obvious that it was letting me know that it knows that I know. Just crazy!
I still don't understand the not having believed in UFOs part. If you see something that appears to be flying that you can't identify, then it's a UFO. It's not exactly easy to identify something at night. It's not even a concept that you can believe or disbelieve.
Aliens are probably love Florida man storiesand have come to check it out for themselves
I still don't understand the not having believed in UFOs part. If you see something that appears to be flying that you can't identify, then it's a UFO. It's not exactly easy to identify something at night. It's not even a concept that you can believe or disbelieve.
Aliens are probably love Florida man storiesand have come to check it out for themselves
OléGunner;217077343 said:Fair point haha.
But I think, an advanced civilisation thousands of years ahead of us technologically may not give a rats arse about what we have going on down here.
Especially after discovering who knows how many other life forms advanced or not, out there.
A few things you don't talk about on gaf:
1. Ghosts.
2. UFO's.
3. GMO's.
4. Hillary Clinton
These things threaten the bubble that a large percentage of gaffers live in (not all of us are like that though).
You have been learned. Haf a nice day.
If it was a drone someone has some serious confidence in their skills to be flying a probably super expensive drone at at night, following a car and possibly dealing with trees and obstructions.
This is the equivalent of me researching Big Foot for a year, going on a camping trip, and then thinking I hear Big Foot outside my tent.
You believe in something, you wanted to see it, you thought you saw it. There isn't anything extraordinary or paranormal here. Best case scenario you got yourself hyped about a perfectly normal thing and rationalized it as being alien in nature. Worst case scenario you should probably talk to a professional. I don't mean to shit on you, but this is like a child getting to watch a scary movie and then thinking they saw a ghost when they go to bed.
No it's not. He saw it twice and the second time for 30 minutes. That's completely different than psyching yourself out that you caught a glimpse of Bigfoot.. You're the one rushing to conclusions here. He never said that he though it was paranormal or alien--- you came up with that all on your own.
Occam's Razor. An intelligent species capable of intergalactic travel decided to visit a little podunk planet called earth and buzz your car last night just to mess with you.
Or, the simple explanation it was a remote control drone and someone on earth was messing with you.
Of course, as with all pictures and videos of Big Foot or The Lochness Monster, O.P.'s "evidence" is useless.
You say it looked like a plane, how high up would you say it was?
He's been researching UFOs and talking about them with his uncle for the past year and then just so happens to see one after leaving his uncle's house. I'm not rushing to anything. Why even bring up being a "believer" in the OP if that wasn't the implication.
There are people that will say that the devil has lived in their upstairs bathroom for 25 years. At the very most this is something like the Solway Firth Spaceman where people jump to a conclusion because they want to believe something mundane is more than it is, and the actual explanation is far more reasonable
UFO does not equate alien.
the molemen built UFO's?
wtf is this Trumbull County incident. I'm watching some re-creation video on YouTube and it reminds me of Rescue 911 and shit that would terrify me as a kid.
He said that's he's open to the possibility that there's a mundane explanation. He specifically said that he meant that he's more likely to believe other people who have seen UFOs, not that he believes in aliens. I'm just commenting on the fact that the knee jerks didn't come from him. UFO does not equate alien.