A few months back, 2 friends visited and we were walking around and having a laugh at night as you do. As we were on our way back home, we all saw a red light in the sky ahead of us. There were multiple lights on the thing, mostly red with a few green and maybe 7 in total but overall the dominant colour was red. The lights kinda puIsed too. I questioned what it was and the 2 friends said "it'll be a crane or something" but seeing as they don't know the area at all, I said that can't possibly be the case. It was hovering, deadly still, behind some trees and you could make it out quite well. Just as we were pointing at it, it pulled a move like reversing out of a bay in a car park and started flying away from us in a really smooth motion.
We tried to follow it but the road layout and the houses obscured our view and we lost it within 30 seconds. My friends were convinced it was a UFO, which I guess it technically was, but before we even walked the 10 mins back to my place, they were convinced it was an extra terrestrial. I tried to tell them that the most logical and simple answer is usually the right one. Occam's razor and all that. They didn't have any of it and proceeded to watch many many hours of alien documentaries (incl ancient aliens of course) and egged each other's beliefs on with theories and thoughts about the thing.
After they left, one of the friends resumed his normal life and not another thought was given to it. The other went on a crazy journey of spiritual awakening so to speak and tied this instance in with all the other UFO sightings he'd witnessed in his life. This guy has completely changed his beliefs and some of the stuff he comes out with is utterly ludicrous to me but to each his own I guess. I listened and heard him out and he started going "full hippy" on life (meaning no offense of course. Just can't think of how to put it). He was meditating (to the point of seeing "beings" from another dimension) and reading books about all sorts of mad shit like astral projection and really burying himself into this new lifestyle and belief structure. He'd tell me about his new spirit guide who is a dragonfly looking creature that he'd talk to through some form of telepathy and who explained that beings can shift through dimensions, up or down to a certain degree. He retroactively told me that when he saw the UFO, it felt like he had stepped through a semi permeable membrane, for lack of a better term and that he'd had some connection with it. He told me in a recent phone conversation that the sighting had legitimately changed his life and that it had confirmed things that he'd thought about for years.
I didn't have the heart to tell him. I saw a guy flying a drone in the same area, with the same lights, about 3 weeks later.
How much did the CIA pay you off to post this here to throw off the OP?