Z Zubz Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,004 Trump is literally doing that "cut off the other person with single syllables" thing that annoying kid everyone knew in 2nd grade did in an argument.
Trump is literally doing that "cut off the other person with single syllables" thing that annoying kid everyone knew in 2nd grade did in an argument.
M Michael F. Assbender Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,006 Fuck this clown. She's actually bringing up good points. He's just doing nothing but being an insulting, interrupting prick.
Fuck this clown. She's actually bringing up good points. He's just doing nothing but being an insulting, interrupting prick.
K Killthee helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions! Sep 27, 2016 #5,007 Lester holt might as well not be there.
K korona15 Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,009 slightconfuse said: Please tell me Anderson Cooper is moderating a debate Click to expand... Anderson Cooper is moderating a debate.
slightconfuse said: Please tell me Anderson Cooper is moderating a debate Click to expand... Anderson Cooper is moderating a debate.
L LaNaranja Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,010 shadowsdarknes said: I really do hope Bernie fans listen to this and see the stark contrast. Hillary Clinton is a solid contender. Click to expand...
shadowsdarknes said: I really do hope Bernie fans listen to this and see the stark contrast. Hillary Clinton is a solid contender. Click to expand...
B balladofwindfishes Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,011 Does he honestly believe he'll convince African Americans that Obama hasn't tried to do things to help the AA community?
Does he honestly believe he'll convince African Americans that Obama hasn't tried to do things to help the AA community?
B bangbang i'm a timpani Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,012 why are you all blowing up Holt? He's letting Clinton say whatever and only interrupting Trump.
P Poeton Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,014 Trump looks like he is learning a lot of this for the first time.
V Veitsev Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,022 Holt is spineless. Lets Trump have the last word on every question.
Z Zeuanimals Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,025 Black people are treated terribly by Democrats, that's why we should stop and frisk them.
E EstoyBlackWaldo Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,028 Over Lester. They honestly need to find a new moderator.
F FunkyMunkey Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,033 "they talk good" i went from drinking wine apprehensively to drinking happily. fuck you trump
B broncobuster Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,037 Please please please please actively fact check in the next debate.
K kinggroin Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,041 Nothing from either one about properly punishing police found in the wrong. Not a one. I did like better training and bias answer.... But there's more. Much more. Lester knows. No one has really answered
Nothing from either one about properly punishing police found in the wrong. Not a one. I did like better training and bias answer.... But there's more. Much more. Lester knows. No one has really answered
B Baron von Loathsome Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,045 "Democrats have exploited African Americans-" "Mr. Trump-"
C Christine Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,050 He came damn close to saying that we'd be better off with more law and order for Black and Hispanic people. Again on the dog whistle shaming. "Political reason She can't say it"
He came damn close to saying that we'd be better off with more law and order for Black and Hispanic people. Again on the dog whistle shaming. "Political reason She can't say it"