They also would have complained if she didn't smile.
I thought at first Hillary should be more assertive but towards the middle of the debate I thought it was smart she let Trump do his thing. She's been debating for a long time so she knows whats up.
I feel like Trump's side needs more crude drawings of sexy women.
Is it possible to nuke the cyber?
Is he the fucking awful old guy who won't shut up about Chester A Arthur?Jeffrey Lord's catch phrase might as well be "... and white guys."
Oh please. They were obviously fake smiles.
Bingo.Well, to put it more generally, I think Trump won with people who don't care about debates, or policy. He had enough one-liners to successfully paint her as ineffective. That's really all he needs to do. He doesn't need to play Hillary's policy game, he just needs to make her seem like the same old politics that have done nothing for the average middle class American. I know PoliGAF doesn't necessarily understand this perspective, but many people in America don't care about the intricacies of foreign policy or even specific domestic details. They want someone who projects leadership and who appears to be a "fixer", not a politician.
Whether there's enough of these people to put the election in his favor remains to be seen. But I don't think his fumbles tonight were enough to ruin his position with most undecideds and independents. I say this as someone who supported Bernie and plans to vote for Hillary.
My thoughts.
Trump: Better debater, more charismatic, more suitable for foreign policy. His domestic policies would be disgusting.
Hillary: More sane, totally better at domestic policies. She never wanted to address Trump head on though which worries me.
Conclusion: I still don't like either candidates.
Conway: "Donald showed great restraint tonight."
omg post debate poll finds voters think Hillary Clinton won 51-40. Full results coming in next half hour
Jerry Springer still comes on TV holy shit
Trump will win simply because he is less fake.
Did you see those smiles?
"But did you see this on the Internet?"Jeffrey Lord's catch phrase might as well be "... and white guys."
Its happened before. Remember this lady?
She was fired right after E3 for being overly enthusiastic. Some people don't like that. It feels so forced.
According to some CSPAN comment, him doing so is actually pretty unusual.Trump is pretty smart to hog the post-coverage with all these Q&As he's giving, where's Clinton?
Why does Trump have a lot of respect for Chelsea though? Is it because Ivanka and her are friends?
They also would have complained if she didn't smile.
Before the debate they said she needs to smile more.
Its happened before. Remember this lady?
She was fired right after E3 for being overly enthusiastic. Some people don't like that. It feels so forced.
Yes.Is he the fucking awful old guy who won't shut up about Chester A Arthur?
Don't get me going, Krejlooc.Or cyber the nuke?
That guy can fuck off too...Is he the fucking awful old guy who won't shut up about Chester A Arthur?
People are saying she smiled too much wowowowow
Just some notes I had during the debate about shit Trump was saying
-- Rooted for economy collapse
-- Lied about being a global warming denier
-- Admitted to tax evasion
-- Admitted to not paying employees
-- Confirmed he would attack foreign soldiers for a simple taunt
-- Said racial profiling is okay
I thought at first Hillary should be more assertive but towards the middle of the debate I thought it was smart she let Trump do his thing. She's been debating for a long time so she knows whats up.
I thought at first Hillary should be more assertive but towards the middle of the debate I thought it was smart she let Trump do his thing. She's been debating for a long time so she knows whats up.
Wrong. She left the company in 2010, a couple years after that E3
People are saying she smiled too much wowowowow
Americans have memories roughly the length of a dogs memory. The details are gone before the sun comes up and all a lot of people remember was whether or not he or she had a good smile and was huggable. Forget the policies. How did they LOOK?It is absolutely terrifying that people can honestly think that about a man who...
Wants more nations to 'defend themselves' with nuclear weapons.
Wants to extort our allies for money or we'll back out of our mutual protection agreements.
Wants China to invade North Korea.
Wants to allow our navy to fire on unarmed civilians in international waters if they annoy them.
Wants to back out of all of our current trade agreements.
Wants to back out of the Iran nuclear agreement.
Wants to build a border wall and attempt to strongarm Mexico into paying for it.
Wants to bring back waterboarding and other forms of torture.
Wants to fight ISIS by 'bombing the hell out of them' and sending ground troops into Syria.
Wants to simply 'take' oil from foreign nations.
Implied he is willing to abandon American citizens held in foreign countries if he doesn't think he is 'winning' the negotiation.
Thinks our only real ally in the world is Israel.
Every single 'plan' he has can be boiled down to an extremely vague "be better at stuff".
Seriously, my cat is more suitable at foreign policy than this raving lunatic.
Everything that happened tonight will be forgotten as soon as the next debate starts
NPR had a piece about the sexism women are subject to at debates. One of the things the guest mentioned was smiling too little, or too much. Jesus.
Conway: "Donald showed great restraint tonight."
I wonder if this is what Palmer Luckey thinks.
The U.S. Constitution is fundamentally constructed to protect minority rights from majority rule. This is kind of a bedrock principle.I can understand agreement on white nationalist centric platforms on a 70% white majority country. That is democracy: rule of the majority.
BTW I'm not saying that minorities should have worse treatment or anything, just seems reasonable that a candidate has a strong support when the 70% majority gets seduced by policies focused on favoring them
Its happened before. Remember this lady?
She was fired right after E3 for being overly enthusiastic. Some people don't like that. It feels so forced.
Who's the stupid blonde on CNN?
She needs someone to fuck some intelligence into her. I would volunteer, hahaha.