I played rigs demo and it seems very good. I'd say buy if you're interested.
Is there a way to preorder/predownload Battlezone in the US? I can't seem to find a way to do it.
any consensus on best launch title?
i got in on that $20 eve price mistake on amazon but thinking of selling it and using that money towards something else like Rez (never played the original)
Wow - my Best Buy preorder charged my credit card on Saturday (LOL - which triggered a fraud alert from my bank) and I just got a message from Best Buy this evening saying that it has shipped with a UPS tracking number.
Yeah same here. They charged my card (at least the charge is pending) and changed the order status to shipping soon. But that was about 5 hours ago at least. In that time they also shipped a separate order of mine that also arrives on ThursdayAnd still no shipping confirmation. :[
Is Rigs just DM/TDM? Or are there objective modes too?
What do you guys use for storing your headset? Will a headphone stand do? I don't want to use one of those mannequin heads. Stuff of nightmares, and all that.
There's objectives and stuff too like scoring "touchdowns" and such. It's pretty freaking deep from what I can tell.
Yeah just looked into it. I gotta find some more review videos.
Don't think you'll find much until tomorrow when the embargo lifts.
I'm really curious to hear which game that its was that was causing everyone to get motion sickness. I imagine RIGS might do it, but then everyone was also saying the RE7 VR demo was making people ill, and Here They Lie also uses traditional locomotion, so that could be the culprit as well.
Almost done making my quick guide for people that will come over to try the PS VR.
I'm really proud of what I did. XD Color printed and it tranparent protectors, they should last a bit. Will just have to update it whenever I get something new I guess.
Also, was gaf attacked or something? I thought it was on my side at home, but I'm getting adware stuff at work too when I click on posts and the reply buttons.
Do you want to wait another 4-5 years or not? Or do you plan on getting second wave of PC VR, which should come faster than PS VR 2 if there's ever such a thing.
See above, I added some details. And yeah, good idea for Halloween. I may bring it up at work too if I can find a monitor that supports hdmi.
Would it be really checky to ask for a copy? Intend on showing it to a lot of people so anything to help them get into it would be useful. No worries if not as seem to have put a lot of effort into it!
Edit: Seen the link thanks thats really well put together. Yoink![]()
You can get a HDMI to DVI cable pretty cheap does not bring the sound with the picture but not such an issue as sound is also provided by the headset via headphones. pretty cheap easy solution i have used in the past and pretty much all monitors have, also do you have TVs in meeting rooms seems pretty standard now a days as cheaper than big monitors?
Thanks! I'll look into this.
Mine still hasn't charged my card, but I got a shipping notice ... weird. I'm sure they'll get around to charging me sometime.
No worries is pretty simple been plug and play on the monitors i tried it on. Will probably just print yours and cross out the games i don't have seems easier, might end up getting most of them anyway depends how i find it all, and demos etc.
Also have you had ps plus because Futuridium EP Deluxe was given away recently and will be patched for VR also if you bought it Volume is day 1 patched too!
After reading some reviews, I've cancelled my VR Worlds preorder. Will probably pick up Rigs instead.
Driveclub, Battlezone and Until Dawn are now up on Best Buy.
So what else of note is coming out in October? I need to spend about $20 to reach $100 for the promo.
Windlands, HoloBall, and Tethered look pretty cool. Any first hand impressions?
Tethered and Windlands were demoed by a lot of people at EGX and got a lot of positive impressions. There is a video by PS Access playing the Tethered tutorial and what was shown was pretty neat. Definitely gonna buy it.
Holoball got a mixed reality video yesterday it looks like a fun tennis game.
Windlands, HoloBall, and Tethered look pretty cool. Any first hand impressions?
I really enjoyed playing Holoball on the Vive, made a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8iT5j9OWo4 hopefully the PSVR version will convert well.
Japanese developer Solid Sphere has announced Kaiji VR: Steel Beam Crossing of Despair for PlayStation VR. Its due out this winter in Japan
Kaiji VR: Steel Beam Crossing of Despair announced for PSVR
Found a GAF thread here:
Move support is coming.Still bummed Windlands won't support Move. It feels like it'd be THE game where I'd want to use it most.
Move support is coming.
Really? After having played the game, I'm not really sure how that would actually work with Move. How do you move around?
Guys I did it. I saw a bundle at Best Buy and couldn't help myself. Is there one agreed upon VR experience I should get?