I worry about Jim Ryan and the leadership chasing trends....
By the time you pivot and organization to have a focus on live-service games or subscriptions or cloud, the trend has already likely peaks and will only drop off.
The best thing is to chart your own course and set your own trends.... as they did with cinematic games.
I don't like seeing PlayStation trying to do their best imitation of Epic games or MSFT or..... whover in the mobile space.
They should be looking at their catalog and thinking of titles and genres that they have nothing BUT that they do have the capability and audience for...
Arc System Works to make a Marvel fighting game that can bring some of the Spider-man and Wolverine audiences in.
A successor to PS Home, expanded... houses you can buy or earn, link into trophy level for unlocking more impressive homes and clothes etc and encourage trophy hunting.
From soft.... they need an RPG studio and PlayStation set them on the course they are on by commissioning Demons Souls, bout time to make them part of PS.
Konami IP's...... MGS remakes or MGS Babel style alternate reality. Many possibilities but the talent needs to be there to make it feel like MGS.
PES.... should get the MLB style treatment and have a 'Fifa street' version 5v5.
Bomberman party games, could be managed by Team Asobi.
Silent Hill, ZOE etc (Lower sales potential IP's)
I feel like PC ports are really taking the focus away from the console push, Horizon ZD didn't launch with as many issues as HFW..... and staff were diverted to make patches for the PC port from GG.
100% of resources should be put behind console and console games. Sony only have 1 platform and that is not PC or anything else...... just console.
They killed Vita when it sold probably 20 million..... but 1 million sales of Horizon on PC is somehow a great success???? Someone is defending and doubling down on their bad ideas.
PlayStation didn't need to put exclusives on PC during PS2 when they hit 155 million consoles sold and likewise during PS3 when they were at their lowest, they didn't need to put games on PC....
Nintendo is the same situation.... never needed PC, they always put 100% behind their own hardware. That is how it should be.