Couple disappear; Man's facebook begins erratic posting; Later, woman found captive

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His fucking Amazon reviews...




He's like a comic book villain.


I know you're just taking a guess but when was Kala hired by Kohlhepp? I've been wondering why they were out at his place in the first place.

I don't know when exactly but if I remember correctly it was confirmed that she began working for him not long before she and her boyfriend went missing. Most of my theory is built upon the evidence the news reported.
This just keeps getting worse. The only silver lining is that it's not going to be hard to convince a jury with the living witness and all of the social media bragging.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
so these types of Amazon reviews, they can't be reported? I mean surely Amzon's BI software could pick up these trends and identify trends and patterns from users and surely they can set a threshold for "sick fuck" and report on these users to the law?

i mean sure as hell they target the rest of us for product sales?

No? And why? Most people who leave stupid reviews aren't serial killers, take away the context and they are just dark humor reviews and a guy who buys tactical shit.

The thing about can't tell if gunshots sounds like it's not Charlie maybe as the body was more decomposed than he would have been maybe.
He's like a comic book villain.

The comparison that comes to mind with the most recent updates is Patrick Bateman. He's done everything up to and including saying "I am a sick person and I'm buying implements of torture", and yet despite his history he was on no one's radar for years.


I don't know when exactly but if I remember correctly it was confirmed that she began working for him not long before she and her boyfriend went missing. Most of my theory is built upon the evidence the news reported.

Found it, thanks.

Brown, 30, worked for Kohlhepp, cleaning houses before he offered them for sale or rent, Brown’s close friend Leah Miller told the Independent Mail.

Here's the whole article where they talked to people who knew the couple:

Another creepy take-away: Kala Brown's phone sent a text to Leah Miller, the friend helping Kala clean part time, Aug. 31 asking if she was awake. I wonder if there was an attempt to lure her as well...


Really gutted they didn't find the boyfriend alive. I just hope the police's apparent laziness in getting a warrant didn't stop them from preventing his death.
The police did get search warrants for Facebook and the locations of the phones. I can't say if they did it fast enough, but they waited until all the information they requested was made available to them.

Just because they don't update the public on their investigation doesn't mean they're not doing anything though. They don't have to tell us everything about their progress.


I am sorry but what is the latest outcome to all of this? Did they find Charlie and Kala?

They found her chained by the neck and locked in a shipping container. Charlie is likely dead, since she saw the creep shoot him two months ago. She alive, but has been kept as a pet by a psychopath for two months. A body has been found but not identified.


Guantonomo is probably a pretty quick plane ride.. time to get this monster to either Guantonomo bay or another black site to extract information
I'm not one to condone torture but, fuck, if ever there was a time deemed necessary to use torture to get intel, this is it. I'm pretty sure the FBI/CIA wouldn't mind looking the other way to get info from this scum.


Wait. I'm reading that they found her by tracking her phone records exactly to the property. That was the last place the phone was on.

If that's true-why the hell did it take 2 months for them to do that???


Wait. I'm reading that they found her by tracking her phone records exactly to the property. That was the last place the phone was on.

If that's true-why the hell did it take 2 months for them to do that???

“To do anything like that, we’d have to issue a search warrant to Facebook,” Creamer said. “I don’t know if we’ve done that but I’m pretty sure we have not done that. … You’d have to serve [Facebook] with a search warrant to search their records for an IP.”

the way this whole situation was handled is fucking disgusting
I'll be checking out the Websleuths thread on this one... I'll bet they're already collating missing persons in the area where this fuck lived.

Very sad and disturbing story.


Unconfirmed Member
“To do anything like that, we’d have to issue a search warrant to Facebook,” Creamer said. “I don’t know if we’ve done that but I’m pretty sure we have not done that. … You’d have to serve [Facebook] with a search warrant to search their records for an IP.”

the way this whole situation was handled is fucking disgusting
That was an ongoing case, they won't come out saying "we're tracking everything", it's better to keep it low-key.
This is some real sick shit.

I'm not one to condone torture but, fuck, if ever there was a time deemed necessary to use torture to get intel, this is it. I'm pretty sure the FBI/CIA wouldn't mind looking the other way to get info from this scum.

Even putting aside the ticking time bomb dilemma and the moral question of torture, its just an ineffective way of information gathering. The man may be a vile piece of shit but torture is never reasonable.


Fuck. This is even worse than my initial fears, god, I hope she pulls through and her boyfriend's soul is put to rest.
“To do anything like that, we’d have to issue a search warrant to Facebook,” Creamer said. “I don’t know if we’ve done that but I’m pretty sure we have not done that. … You’d have to serve [Facebook] with a search warrant to search their records for an IP.”

the way this whole situation was handled is fucking disgusting

I don't know why yourself and some others are hung up on the Facebook angle. They said something about tracking her/his phone "ping" doesn't that mean any kind of correspondence with her phone and the outside world? Not just Facebook?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
What's really disturbing me, is that her phone pinged from his property for 2 days, yet here we are, just getting there 2 fucking months later.

That police department is disgustingly incompetent. Fire the Chief and rebuild.


I don't know why yourself and some others are hung up on the Facebook angle. They said something about tracking her/his phone "ping" doesn't that mean any kind of correspondence with her phone and the outside world? Not just Facebook?

the only reason i'm "hung up" on it is because it illustrates how fucking incompetent the police force is


the only reason i'm "hung up" on it is because it illustrates how fucking incompetent the police force is

Like I wrote earlier, we don't really know that. In the bond hearing, they said they waited for all the information requested from warrants to be provided to them before they obtained a search warrant for the property.

Were they too slow and incompetent? I don't know. But neither do you. You don't know what went on behind the scenes of the investigation, so at least wait until the facts emerge before coming to conclusions.


Wow, I glimpsed this thread a few days ago. I would not have guessed it would have taken this turn. I'm glad she is safe but, fuck.
somewhere out there a person with a very dark sense of humor is chuckling at this

just as two sentences it is amusing, if you don't know the context. Same problem with that 'fire department' line however: he understands how a joke is supposed to work, but he doesn't understand what it's supposed to do.
It's strange that nobody ever thought: "he's being way too specific". Kind of how Durst answers a question about his missing wife in The Jinx: "I don't know where the body is. I don't know whether it's in Arizona, Texas, or some other state." [I do not remember the actual states, except that he mentions a few and in this precise manner]
Not only does that basically spell out that he knows there is a body, he's being very specific about where it could be.

Really, if you're trying to guess if someone is a psychopath, listen to what they're actually saying.
It's obviously too late for the victims now though.


So you can kidnap someone at gun point, go to prison for 15 years, and you're still allowed to own guns when you get out? Brilliant.


So you can kidnap someone at gun point, go to prison for 15 years, and you're still allowed to own guns when you get out? Brilliant.


(But only if you are White)

If he weren't White, he'd probably have been put on death row as a teenager.

He didn't just kidnap that girl. He kidnapped at gunpoint AND RAPED HER!
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