[UK] Nicola Bulley, missing woman in strange circumstances (Up: Body found, positive ID)


How far away is that from where she went missing? Genuinely surprised it took them so long to find her tbh with how their is literally cameras everywhere.

Whilst it's not a happy ending, it's a little bit of closure.

I assume they have traced her partner's steps? As sadly it's usually a loved one in these situations :/
I’m pretty sure he had an alibi at the time she was missing. He could’ve had something to do with it though.


So they've been searching the river and its banks for 3 weeks. With sonar, presumably sniffer dogs, and a human search team....and she was in the reeds on the bank all this time (if it's her).

Surely the dogs would have sniffed her out, or there would have been a mass of flies if a body has been there for weeks. It doesn't really make sense.

A lot of rumours online about a witness seeing man walking a dog similar to the families with big bags on his back?

A day after the search is called off....a body appears. Hmmm.


This whole case is just weird. Someone was DEFINITELY involved. The diving expert said he searched the river and found nothing but couldn't search the reeds. The police said they searched the reeds. So one of them fucked up, or they both fucked up or someone dumped the body there sometime over the last couple of days.


This whole case is just weird. Someone was DEFINITELY involved. The diving expert said he searched the river and found nothing but couldn't search the reeds. The police said they searched the reeds. So one of them fucked up, or they both fucked up or someone dumped the body there sometime over the last couple of days.
Ya I feel like she was in such an obvious spot. How the fuck did they miss that? The body had to be in plain sight for walkers to just happen to see it. Unless the were some internet true crime detectives and were actually searching the land. This is a horrible job by the police and kinda embarrassing. Only if the body is actually proved yo have been there the whole time. Like how do some dog walkers stumble upon a body in an area that should of been extensively searched? Dogs, locals, wnd I’m assuming a helicopter on drones.

For some reason this case has been on my mind since it started.


Ya I feel like she was in such an obvious spot. How the fuck did they miss that? The body had to be in plain sight for walkers to just happen to see it. Unless the were some internet true crime detectives and were actually searching the land. This is a horrible job by the police and kinda embarrassing. Only if the body is actually proved yo have been there the whole time. Like how do some dog walkers stumble upon a body in an area that should of been extensively searched? Dogs, locals, wnd I’m assuming a helicopter on drones.

For some reason this case has been on my mind since it started.

Exactly. Like I understand bodies don't magically float up after a few days, but when you have an expert diving team search the area AND police divers also went down, you just can't help but start asking questions.

Forensics will tell us the truth, but what I don't understand is, her friends and family said she's a good swimmer. Also, this area happens to be RIGHT next to the road. I know I'm becoming some sort of armchair detective, but the whole thing is just really weird.


You can be a professional and still fuck up at your job tbh

The place would have been under some cost surveillance is like to assume so could someone really bring her back and dump her?

Honestly to be it points to negligence but will be interesting to see the reports.


Her body is likely to pop up (literally) at some point in the very near future.

The police can and should be criticised for not establishing a proper scene guard on the location... but I very much doubt they've got it all that wrong on what happened to her.

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, this has now happened.


Exactly. Like I understand bodies don't magically float up after a few days, but when you have an expert diving team search the area AND police divers also went down, you just can't help but start asking questions.

Forensics will tell us the truth, but what I don't understand is, her friends and family said she's a good swimmer. Also, this area happens to be RIGHT next to the road. I know I'm becoming some sort of armchair detective, but the whole thing is just really weird.

I mean, a lot of that could be explained by a condition I can't for the life of me remember at the moment. Something about becoming fixated on one narrative and it becoming increasingly harder to explore any others. With the intense pressure the police and those working with them have been under, that could well have been what happened.


I mean, a lot of that could be explained by a condition I can't for the life of me remember at the moment. Something about becoming fixated on one narrative and it becoming increasingly harder to explore any others. With the intense pressure the police and those working with them have been under, that could well have been what happened.
Focus What They Want GIF by Graduation


Very sad police announcement there.

Also, Sky News and ITV News just got fucking wrecked by the family in their statement. That's no surprise, they are total scum.

Of the broadcasters, they are the bottom feeding scum.

ITV News was bad even when the venerable Trevor McDonald presented it. Other than the occasional bit of good investigative journalism, and I do mean occasional, he was the only good thing about it.
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