Best thing about it is you can fire the incendiary traps when it's active.
Viper is the stupidest fucking boss on master. Bullshit artificial difficulty. How about designing your goddamn mechanics around your garbage difficulty mode, respawn. Bullshit.
Viper is the stupidest fucking boss on master. Bullshit artificial difficulty. How about designing your goddamn mechanics around your garbage difficulty mode, respawn. Bullshit.
I didn't even know that was possible.
Lol he is man. Super tough fight on Master If it makes you feel any better I died atleast 50 times and there's aViper is the stupidest fucking boss on master. Bullshit artificial difficulty. How about designing your goddamn mechanics around your garbage difficulty mode, respawn. Bullshit.
What if I told you Crash site is starting to grow on me...?
Holy shite, Northstar's main gun with a full charged shot...that damage is gross. I love it. The only thing I don't like about her is her flight core. I feel like I'm setting myself up to be an easy target to pick out of the sky, so most of the time I just don't use it.
Okay. What am I doing wrong with executions? Seriously. Hold R3 behind them right? Works about 40% of the time. The other 60 is always a regular melee kill.
Master must be crazy hard. Only had to retry twice against him in Hard.
Speaking of voices, if you set your system language to Japanese, this game suddenly gets a whole lot more anime.
I think I'll leave it like this for a
Agreed. That Japanese voice over you could get in Titanfall 1 was amazing.Goodness gracious me why haven't I done this already.
Ion is so satisfying to play when you begin to nail his gameplay. Netting quick succession double kills or collaterals with the laser is unbelievably satisfying.
I do wonder why I would ever use the splitter rifles secondary though? It doesn't deal enough damage to justify wanting to expend energy. For me, it's better to spend the energy on laser shots.
Also, it's a bit odd that Ion beats Tone in Sniper battles, no? While all the while being much more versatile. Shame about her design, it just doesn't work. Two laser shots and she's at half health, and it's not like any of these Titan's are hard to hit. Meanwhile, she risks getting her projectiles sent back at her. If you use double laser and throw back one of her sniper bullets, she's pretty much dead.
Agreed. That Japanese voice over you could get in Titanfall 1 was amazing.
I feel dirty as shit using that Northstar tether with nuclear ejection. You pretty much get your Titan right back.
I find the split laser shot to be really good at killing pilots trying to run away.Ion is so satisfying to play when you begin to nail his gameplay. Netting quick succession double kills or collaterals with the laser is unbelievably satisfying.
I do wonder why I would ever use the splitter rifles secondary though? It doesn't deal enough damage to justify wanting to expend energy. For me, it's better to spend the energy on laser shots.
Also, it's a bit odd that Ion beats Tone in Sniper battles, no? While all the while being much more versatile. Shame about her design, it just doesn't work. Two laser shots and she's at half health, and it's not like any of these Titan's are hard to hit. Meanwhile, she risks getting her projectiles sent back at her. If you use double laser and throw back one of her sniper bullets, she's pretty much dead.
I find the split laser shot to be really good at killing pilots trying to run away.
Yeah...Right now I can't decide what feels better. Tether+Nuclear ejection or popping a pilot like a zit with Ion's over-the-shoulder laser. They're both better than sex for me.But the laser...
Ion is my favorite Titan by far. Owns Tone Legion and Northstar and Ronin so hard.
japanese northstar is sooooooooooooooooooo fucking sexy omg
i only just got on trance
japanese northstar is sooooooooooooooooooo fucking sexy omg
I guess i suck. I never hit pilots with that thing. Tips? Charge or no charge?But the laser...
I guess i suck. I never hit pilots with that thing. Tips? Charge or no charge?
I guess i suck. I never hit pilots with that thing. Tips? Charge or no charge?
charging is just a way to hold firing. makes no difference. it's easy to hit pilots either way.
Sounds good, thxGo into an Attrition game on your own and practice killing Grunts while dodging I guess. It's hitscan so... it's as simple as aiming and shooting.
You can charge up and release when you line the pilot up, but you shouldn't need to if you simply track a Pilot.
How the hell do i remap buttons on the Xbox?
Respawn folks posting here have been asking for information to be shared whenever you see someone who seems like they're hacking. Recorded video especially helps.Is anyone else playing on PC encountering hackers? Is there anyway to report them?
Last game, for instance, the guy's gun was zooming on me like a robot while I was running around inside of a building AND out of his sight and of course as I popped out of cover I died in an instant.
Thankfully we won the game and I called him out on it, but it's very annoying and frustrating to deal with. Especially when they end up taking the W.
I haven't had that match for the last week now. I think Respawn deleted it from the matrix.I had a great damn match last night on Crash Site. I don't know why people hate that map. I fucking love it.
I'm really starting to get into Titanfall 2 now. Carried my entire team, lol.
Am I the only one that feels like Titan melee range is sometimes a bit...reachy? I swear I get smothered into paste from melees at times that are good 2-titan steps away from me.
What's everyone's anti-Titan weapon? I unlocked the Lock-on rocket launcher earlier, but seems kind of underwhelming.
starting to prefer the mag launcher to the archer.