NYT: After Trump’s Win, an Anxious Mexico Asks: What’s Next?

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New York Times did an article on parts of Mexico's reaction to Trump. Maybe some Mexican Gaffers can chime in with their experiences. Here are some snippets:

Clouds have descended over Mexico, miring it in a state of anguish and paralysis after the election of Mr. Trump to the highest office in the world. They are clouds of uncertainty and fear, of self-doubt and insecurity. There were even actual storm clouds hanging over the capital in recent days, a literal echo of the nation’s state of mind.

“This may not affect people on the top of our country, but it can only mean bad news for us merchants and lower, working-class people in Mexico,” said Claudia Rivera, a street vendor who owns a food cart in Mexico City.

Never mind that Mexico’s rich culture and cuisine, its art and film, are having a global moment, Mexicans say. Or that a wall between the two countries these days might actually keep more Mexicans in the United States than out, given the recent research showing more Mexicans are returning home than leaving to seek opportunity in America.

In a statement after the election, Mr. Peña Nieto said the results “open a new chapter in the relationship between Mexico and the United States, which will imply a change, a challenge, but also, it’s necessary to say, a big opportunity.”

He was sure, he said, that the relationship would be one of “trust and mutual respect” that would “build prosperity” for both countries. He also recounted that he had congratulated Mr. Trump by phone earlier and that the men had discussed the possibility of meeting again in the coming months “to define, with total clarity, the course that the relationship between the two countries will have to take.”

However, behind the scenes, there was a deep worry regarding the transition, most immediately the possibility of mass deportations of Mexicans living in the United States.

The Foreign Ministry called back all the Mexican consuls general serving in the United States for meetings to discuss how to respond to the incoming administration. Other consular offices issued requests for Mexicans to report harassment or assaults, as anger stirred by Mr. Trump’s ascendance has turned into racial threats and violence in parts of America. Meanwhile, the government has already expressed a willingness to renegotiate parts of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

But to some, Mr. Peña Nieto’s statement seemed a missed opportunity to address the injury that many Mexicans still feel by Mr. Trump’s anti-Mexican stance and the broad concerns about his threats regarding trade between the two nations.

“It is worrying and frightening to know that the loud guy holding a stick in his hand, saying he is coming to get you, to beat you up, is actually in power to do so now,” said Leticia Vega, a Mexican lawyer.

More at the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/15/world/americas/mexico-donald-trump-enrique-pena-nieto.html
Well an NFL game between the Raiders and Texans will be played in Mexico City next Monday. Mexico could send a message by closing the borders and not letting them play. It would save everyone the torture of watching Osweiler try to throw an accurate pass thats for sure

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
NAFTA has not been solely beneficial, but the Mexican economy is in a much better state than it was in the eighties thanks to it. It going away will bring lots of pain.


Well an NFL game between the Raiders and Texans will be played in Mexico City next Monday. Mexico could send a message by closing the borders and not letting them play. It would save everyone the torture of watching Osweiler try to throw an accurate pass thats for sure

Yeah but everyone wants to see the Raiders beat the Texans.


won't it mean more jobs?

to build the wall

Yeah, this isn't Pacific Rim. The nation isn't building a wall. If Trump does decide to build a wall (big fucking IF) it's going to be a government contract/gift to one of his buddies. I promise you, not one new job will be created building this fucking wall.


Junior Member
Didnt the current guy just host trump . Also even if the majority of illegals get deported back these are us experienced workers it's not like they are bad ppl so how exactly is Mexico fucked on that ? Now repealing nafta and trade agreements yes that can have a very strong impact
Wait, they're already willing to re-negotiate NAFTA? And I thought Democrats were spineless. I guess intimidation works. The expansion of "might makes right" is a dangerous precedent. What will happen if the world doesn't trust the United States to keep any of its commitments from election to election?


Didnt the current guy just host trump . Also even if the majority of illegals get deported back these are us experienced workers it's not like they are bad ppl so how exactly is Mexico fucked on that ? Now repealing nafta and trade agreements yes that can have a very strong impact

Jobs aren't created by magic.

And what does it mean to be "us experienced"?


It would bring me a little happiness inside to see all those rural areas that supported Trump suffer when cheap Mexican labor becomes even more limited.
Wait, they're already willing to re-negotiate NAFTA? And I thought Democrats were spineless. I guess intimidation works. The expansion of "might makes right" is a dangerous precedent. What will happen if the world doesn't trust the United States to keep any of its commitments from election to election?

I mean, they can say that, and even come to the table. Then laugh their asses off when a stupid offer comes in from Trump's team. That would humilate Trump as well.
I think Trump needs to reconcile with the Fact that Obama and the enforcement authorities have actually been doing their damn job this entire time by deporting more criminals than any other administration at this point

Not sure why a wall is even necessary unless the problem is getting out of hand for enforcement authorities

Can we get some more facts? It seems even Trump and his cabinet are downplaying the whole wall idea

EDIT: Oh i see. this is anxiety for Non-Criminal Illegal Immigrants. understandable

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
What was the Mexican "contingency plan" that was mentioned a few weeks before the election anyway? I'm guessing it was never released on the basis that nobody (or very few) was/were seriously entertaining the idea of a Trump victory.
What are some realistic ways that Mexico will pay for the wall?

A.Any Mexican tourist coming to the united states get an extra charge (sorta like a tollroad) for coming to America?

B.The President of Mexico agrees to pay for the wall.

What other scenarios are there?
What are some realistic ways that Mexico will pay for the wall?

A.Any Mexican tourist coming to the united states get an extra charge (sorta like a tollroad) for coming to America?

B.The President of Mexico agrees to pay for the wall.

What other scenarios are there?

The wall doesn't get built and Mexico continues to lol.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
What are some realistic ways that Mexico will pay for the wall?

A.Any Mexican tourist coming to the united states get an extra charge (sorta like a tollroad) for coming to America?

B.The President of Mexico agrees to pay for the wall.

What other scenarios are there?

I guess Mexico would kinda sorta pay for it if the US placed a significant tariff on Mexican imports with the purpose of building the wall.


41 > 38
What are some realistic ways that Mexico will pay for the wall?

A.Any Mexican tourist coming to the united states get an extra charge (sorta like a tollroad) for coming to America?

B.The President of Mexico agrees to pay for the wall.

What other scenarios are there?

You can appropriate income to the wall from any kind of new tariffs, taxes on wire transfers, or even the whole "illegal immigrants pay their back taxes and we're all good" scenarios, and say that Mexico technically paid for at least part of it.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Don't you dare fuck with my Corona or Tex-Mex food!!

Corona is awful and any decent food is made locally (as in, not in another country), so those aren't great examples :p


Unconfirmed Member
NAFTA has not been solely beneficial, but the Mexican economy is in a much better state than it was in the eighties thanks to it. It going away will bring lots of pain.

It also destroyed the local tech companies and made Mexico largely dependent on USA food imports. Not that I'm saying that getting rid of NAFTA would be good for Mexico, though. Is too late for that.


Unconfirmed Member
What are some realistic ways that Mexico will pay for the wall?

A.Any Mexican tourist coming to the united states get an extra charge (sorta like a tollroad) for coming to America?

B.The President of Mexico agrees to pay for the wall.

What other scenarios are there?

This will never happen.


I have no real basis for believing this but I don't think NAFTA or any other existing free trade agreements (except maybe inconsequential ones with small trade partners) are going to be abolished. The positioning of US as protectionist will be from its lack of effort to pursue any new ones.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Texas knows how to win wars against Mexico. With 49 extra states on its side I wouldn't bet against USA in war with Mexico

Texas Rangers and State Troopers are already fighting a war with Mexican Cartels right now. Yet nobody talks about it, or even knows about it other than other police officers.
Mexico needs to get its shit together is what. I won't be surprised if Mexico gets its own populist movement going a hard left one too everyone has had it with the PRI


Unconfirmed Member
Mexico needs to get its shit together is what. I won't be surprised if Mexico gets its own populist movement going a hard left one too everyone has had it with the PRI

When it comes to international trade and macroeconomics, Mexico has been doing things correctly and by the book since the late 90's, playing it responsible. There are no easy solutions for the problems of the country and pretty much all the "get its shit together" calls are empty.

I still remember how on the 2006 elections how there were calls of how Mexico should get their get its shit together and follow the examples of Spain, Greece and Brazil (which were growing at the time) and even then I knew that their growth was temporally. Don't base your growth on debt is what I told to anyone willing to talk about economic policy back then.


Best case scenario they will spend some time negotiating about securing the border and renegotiating the NAFTA agreement. Most economic podcast highlight how Mexico has to save NAFTA at any cost. However, just like the rest of the world and the US we won't know what the future holds until it happens.
What's next?



Peña Nieto is a goddamn moron, but he's no warhawk.

Felipe Calderón in the other hand...

Well, right now AFAIK some foreign investors aren't really sure of spening money on our country, and given the sad state of our economy, the peso is sinking. We're at
$20.35 now. Fuck that noise.

Again, this comes from someone in Monterrey, near the border and with better life quality than say, someone in a poor part of Oaxaca or Chiapas, so I'm just saying the stuff happening around me and some people I know.


Peña Nieto is a goddamn moron, but he's no warhawk.

Felipe Calderón in the other hand...

Well, right now AFAIK some foreign investors aren't really sure of spening money on our country, and given the sad state of our economy, the peso is sinking. We're at
$20.35 now. Fuck that noise.

Again, this comes from someone in Monterrey, near the border and with better life quality than say, someone in a poor part of Oaxaca or Chiapas, so I'm just saying the stuff happening around me and some people I know.

My father lives on the border. Mexican side. The bridge to the U.S. is usually packed.

After the currency crash he says it's basically empty now.
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