NYT: After Trump’s Win, an Anxious Mexico Asks: What’s Next?

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Unconfirmed Member
It just means that AMLO has the perfect boogieman for 2018.

Ironically, AMLO has been the most receiving of Trump of all the presidenciables and has been campaigning on repealing NAFTA for a looong time.

No wall was even needed

Months before the election, I read a Fox News article about some murder that Hondurans members of a Salvadoran gang did. All comments were saying f***k Mexico and this why we can't let Mexicans in.


You can appropriate income to the wall from any kind of new tariffs, taxes on wire transfers, or even the whole "illegal immigrants pay their back taxes and we're all good" scenarios, and say that Mexico technically paid for at least part of it.

A large number of undocumented immigrants pay taxes. Stop spreading bullshit.


I don't think it will be the end of the world for Mexico, but the government should prepare for the worst, just in case. A negative factor for Mexico is that our Presidential figure is just laughing stock at this point, perceived this way by mexicans and foreigners as well. That won't help the bilateral relations with Trump who is being seen as a ruthless bully.

I think Trump's victory radically changed the strategy of all the people pursuing the presidency in 2018. The ex first lady, Margarita Zavala was gaining momentum but with Clinton's failure she will have to change her PR completely.

Personally, I despise everyone in the presidential race. I would vote for someone like Bernie Sanders, but Mexico is light years away from having someone like him even competing.


My father lives on the border. Mexican side. The bridge to the U.S. is usually packed.

After the currency crash he says it's basically empty now.
I can imagine. I live quite near to a highway that leads to Laredo, TX. People usually go and pick up something for Black Friday or end of year Christmas shopping. Even last year, when it went up to 17MXN-1USD rate, it was full.

I fear to think how it's gonna be this Christmas. Going to Laredo or McAllen for people in Monterrey is like a mandatory holiday thing.
I can imagine. I live quite near to a highway that leads to Laredo, TX. People usually go and pick up something for Black Friday or end of year Christmas shopping. Even last year, when it went up to 17MXN-1USD rate, it was full.

I fear to think how it's gonna be this Christmas. Going to Laredo or McAllen for people in Monterrey is like a mandatory holiday thing.
Fellow Mexican and I can fully attest to everything said here.

The entire private sector is scared and bracing for the worst. Trump is universally despised here and this fear has made the peso plummet in levels not seen since our last great economic crisis of 1995. Any talk about a possible NAFTA abolishment sends the markets into a frenzy and what Trump may not realize is just how many millions of American jobs depend on NAFTA staying afloat because of the huge amount of shit Mexico exports to the US.

In the very short term (as in "instantly") Trump's rise to power has already affected me very very directly. I earn in Pesos, obviously, and with our currency dropping in one day from $18MXN -$1USD to $22MXN pero dollar I'm already earning significantly less than I did before the orange fuckface was elected.

That's a salary decrease of around 20% less!

Donald Trump is a nightmare.


Fellow Mexican and I can fully attest to everything said here.

The entire private sector is scared and bracing for the worst. Trump is universally despised here and this fear has made the peso plummet in levels not seen since our last great economic crisis of 1995. Any talk about a possible NAFTA abolishment sends the markets into a frenzy and what Trump may not realize is just how many millions of American jobs depend on NAFTA staying afloat because of the huge amount of shit Mexico exports to the US.

In the very short term (as in "instantly") Trump's rise to power has already a life red me very very directly. I earn in Pesos, obviously, and with our currency dropping in one day from $18MXN -$1USD to $22MXN pero dollar I'm already earning significantly less than I did before the orange fuckface was elected.

That's a salary decrease of around 20% less!

Donald Trump is a nightmare.

Fuck me and it hasn't even been a week.

So sorry to hear and I hope you make it through.


Mexico better grow a spine, if they cave in and renegotiate NAFTA, Trump could go after the rest of the treaties with latin american countries because it would show is easy to bully us... ffs and I was hoping my country could finally get its own tax treaty with the US so I don't have to deal with double taxation, I guess that's gone now :(

What about Canada? if Trump goes after NAFTA, they should have an opinion about it.

Also if Mexico's economy collapses, people will have to keep emigrating to the US even if it gets scary. Shit's so fucked.
Honestly this is Mexico's fault for relying way too much on the USA. They should really start investing in their things that way they don't have to rely on the US. For fuck sakes most of their military shit comes from the US.
It's a shame because Mexico has potential.


Mexico better grow a spine, if they cave in and renegotiate NAFTA, Trump could go after the rest of the treaties with latin american countries because it would show is easy to bully us... ffs and I was hoping my country could finally get its own tax treaty with the US so I don't have to deal with double taxation, I guess that's gone now :(

What about Canada? if Trump goes after NAFTA, they should have an opinion about it.

Also if Mexico's economy collapses, people will have to keep emigrating to the US even if it gets scary. Shit's so fucked.

There is not much Mexico can do about NAFTA. Literally any of the signees can back out by simply providing written notice (6 months).


Unconfirmed Member
Honestly this is Mexico's fault for relying way too much on the USA. They should really start investing in their things that way they don't have to rely on the US. For fuck sakes most of their military shit comes from the US.
It's a shame because Mexico has potential.
This is false. USA limits weapons sales to Mexico due to reasons.
People don't realize what a boon NAFTA has been for manufacturing and near shore enterprises in Mexico.

Foreign Trade in terms of USA commerce (exports go outside USA and imports go inside USA)

Just in Tijuana, manufacturing plants include
69 medical devices manufacturers
25 aerospace manufacturers

Juarez is an even bigger manufacturer market

What do Trump thinks will happen if he breaks down NAFTA? They will be gone. And NO they will not go to the USA. Automation is a big thing. Electrical and industrial engineers have been working at these plants for 15 years in order to reduce manufacturing processes costs. The manufacturers will be gone to India (because Trump hates China also) or to Brazil.

People, both low skilled (plant operators), skilled (engineers, consultants, lawyers and accountants versed in bi-national commerce compliance) and executives will lose their jobs and consumer goods in Mexico and USA will increase in price.

These are the jobs that have brought young people from fields to the city. And they will be gone, so where do you think they will go? They will try to go North again, after more than 5 years of almost negative MEXICAN immigration. More people will die at the Sonoran desert, at the hands of Coyotes, or local militias or la migra.

Curiously, highly skilled jobs such as nearshore software development, tech support and financial markets will remain as open and succulent as ever.

Honestly this is Mexico's fault for relying way too much on the USA. They should really start investing in their things that way they don't have to rely on the US. For fuck sakes most of their military shit comes from the US.
It's a shame because Mexico has potential.

This is a popular sentiment in Mexico, but USA is the biggest market there is. It would idiotic not to take advantage of that. If the USA somehow closed it mercantile borders, a realignment of clients would soon follow. Mexico has about a 100 Free Trade treaties with other nations
Honestly this is Mexico's fault for relying way too much on the USA. They should really start investing in their things that way they don't have to rely on the US. For fuck sakes most of their military shit comes from the US.
It's a shame because Mexico has potential.

Of course. Only idiots would engage in plentiful commerce with their neighboring countries.


Texas Rangers and State Troopers are already fighting a war with Mexican Cartels right now. Yet nobody talks about it, or even knows about it other than other police officers.

it's weird. i know some people saw Sicario.


It is when you have a long bittersweet relationship with your neighbor, including a war.

A 150 years old war.

And we "didn't" pick the US, Mexico has free trade agreements with lots of countries, if the US if our biggest trade ally is because of economic factors not a political choice.

And getting rid of NAFTA won't end the relationship, it would make it rocky but it wont come to an end.


Mexico should beat us to the punch and wall us in. Then release a global presser stating they have formed an alliance with Canada to help build a northern wall, like in Game of Thrones. Bottle us up with walls on both sides.
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