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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again

I use the MG 15 storm and I think it's pretty great. You can tap snipe people with it, and it has a decent RoF along with a good clip. I'd work to use that lmg if I were you
I disagree. The MG 15 Storm is my second most used gun, and I still think it's not good. You can't really tap fire at any decent range because the bullets fly everywhere at first, and that's the same with all LMG's unless they're bipodded, unless I'm mistaken.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

My SPM is 985, which is top 2% according to the tracker. I primarily play Operations, usually solo.

985.... shit.

I only Operations as well. What's your loadout?

Also, are all the points earned during an Operations campaign counted at the end of the game, or only the points from the current stage? It seems like it's the latter, which would be ridiculous.


I think I ruined my SPM average a bit by doing a ton of tdm. In operations which is all I play now I am having some nice scores, but I've put in 100 hours now and I'd say 60 was tdm, really low scores there compared to my operations.. But I'm 600s, would of loved to see that without any tdm mixed in

Prior to the SPM calculation fix TDM would net you like 300-400 SPM max and that's assuming you were first every round. You've definitely killed your SPM. I've done the same with TDM and Domination. It's why SPM is useless.

I disagree. The MG 15 Storm is my second most used gun, and I still think it's not good. You can't really tap fire at any decent range because the bullets fly everywhere at first.

The MG15 Suppression is embarrassingly bad unless you have a bipod out. I feel like I'm trolling when I use it because it's so bad it feels like a joke. God forbid you try to move when firing too, holy crap lol.
Those who play with the Model 10 every single match should be banned imo. Seriously. Try using a proper gun.

There's a guy in this thread who literally only uses it and cries about other guns being too OP. He also admitted to planning to bitch and moan when they inevitably fix it lol, so I wouldn't expect anything to change until Dice steps in, until then it's open season.


It's fucking annoying when these Cult of Ayn Rand fucks go on an epic defense of their favorite OP weapon even when they know it's obscenely OP. If the Model 10 operated like that IRL, the world would never have need for any other Shotgun in history ever.


I'm at 834 SPM. I only play Conquest and have 71 hours played.

My score is no doubt inflated due to how overpowered tanks are. Just tonight I had 105 consecutive kills in the heavy tank across 2 maps. It took the dreadnaught on Fao Fortress to finally end my reign of terror in the last 30 seconds of that match. Overall I have:

4440 kills total
3053 kills with heavy tank
1063 deaths
4.18 overall KDR

Granted some of those deaths are in a tank or on foot being killed by an enemy tank, but I have no business with a KDR that high. I play the objectives too.

132 wins / 89 losses
992 flags captured / 1098 flags defended

All playing solo so I've had my share of bad teams.

That brings me to a little secret I'm going to let you guys know about. I get a tank at the start of nearly every match that isn't a join-in-progress because my game seems to load faster than almost everyone else. This was the case on my PS4 since launch and I didn't think too much of it. Then I got my PS4 Pro and I was suddenly loading into games slower and all the vehicles were gone. Sometimes teams were already capturing flags. I had copied everything over to the Pro via Ethernet from my old PS4. I tried a couple easy things first: resynched my trophies, compared my network settings against my old PS4, and rebuilt the database in safe mode (twice). Nothing helped. I was still loading slow between matches. I had read that getting a SSD would speed up the loading time but I didn't want to do that just for an advantage in the game. So on a hunch I reinitialized the PS4 Pro in safe mode and re-downloaded my games. After I did this I am always one of the first 2-3 people to load into the game, and usually the 1st, so the tank is mine every time. In case you decide to go through the trouble of doing this yourself, I'll add that after I reinitialized I only installed BF1 and one other game (Titanfall 2), in case fragmentation was the issue causing my slow load times and not knowing if downloading a bunch of stuff all at once would cause fragmentation all over again.

In my opinion, this is kind of cheap given how overpowered tanks are but I also want to win and getting the tank is the most effective way for me to win games. I do kind of hope that DICE does something to make it no longer possible to be guaranteed a tank every match since it gets a little repetitive after a while.


It's fucking annoying when these Cult of Ayn Rand fucks go on an epic defense of their favorite OP weapon even when they know it's obscenely OP. If the Model 10 operated like that IRL, the world would never have need for any other Shotgun in history ever.

"I exclusively use a shotgun in a game with relatively open maps and die to an automatic occasionally, therefore there's no possible way that the instrument of my sexual gratification is overpowered! In fact I'd say its UNDERpowered!"


My score per minute sucks.

I only play Conquest and I'm a somewhat passive player. I'd rather sit outside of an objective's boundary and pick off incoming players so my squad can capture, than to sit inside vulnerable.

Old BF games would still allow me to get a decent score wtih all the kills I get but with this title I'm barely getting anything. aaah well. Don't care too much. It gets the job done


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Fairly confident this patch made the graphics worse on Xbox One. Everything looks less crisp. Also, a lot buggier. Went away from near perfection at launch. Bizarro Dice making a great launch game now like a typical Dice launch. Ugh!
Oh man this learning curve is steep for me. I was always more of a vehicle guy in bf4. Hope to get some unlocks soon cuz i need them badly. Im blind and cant see shit. Hard for me to spot guys through all the smoke and effects. Just gonna keep trying to get good. Def not enjoying myself as of yet. Still green tho. Gonna keep at it.


If you play Battlefield properly, as in Objectives are 1st on your priorities list by a long way, you should be averaging about 600-700 spm. If you can maintain that standard while also "gitting gud" at the actual shooting, you can get that average up to about 800-1000 spm. If you can get into that ballpark, that's what I'd consider a very decent, seasoned BF player.

I'm sitting on 803 currently

I think you are being way to aggressive on those numbers. I always play to win and I dont give a crap about my KD ratio.

I feel like I am a very average BF player and these are my stats.


40% win ratio (top 98%), .8 KD (top 95%). For an SPM of 800 you need to be in the top 2%? That is well beyond "decent".

I don't consider myself good at all but it is amazing how bad the general population is. What is your percentage with a SPM of 803?


I think you are being way to aggressive on those numbers. I always play to win and I dont give a crap about my KD ratio.

I feel like I am a very average BF player and these are my stats.


40% win ratio (top 98%), .8 KD (top 95%). For an SPM of 800 you need to be in the top 2%? That is well beyond "decent".

I don't consider myself good at all but it is amazing how bad the general population is. What is your percentage with a SPM of 803?

According to BTR, I am in the top 8% on an spm of 803. Win % is at 48.79, which yes I put down entirely to a terrible playerbase. It is very obvious there has been a mass migration from CoD to Battlefield off the back of reviews and viral opinion this year and it shows.

Apparently I'm in the top 3% globally for Cavalry lol wow


According to BTR, I am in the top 8% on an spm of 803. Win % is at 48.79, which yes I put down entirely to a terrible playerbase. It is very obvious there has been a mass migration from CoD to Battlefield off the back of reviews and viral opinion this year and it shows.

Apparently I'm in the top 3% globally for Cavalry lol wow

I feel the same

So many new kids playing who dont PTFO

I can just fuck around in a match, capping 2 or 3 flags max, and still end in the top 5 consistently

Its going to get worse over Christmas though.
Lol what is up with the invisible blimp of death? Walk randomly into a spot with no blimp and you'll still get KIA.

Also, operations matches do last way too long now.


Here I was sitting proud of myself for finally having a KD score of 1. I know it's not as relevant in BF, but still, that puts me in the 89th percentile! Yikes! How do people get high KDs??

By playing the game incorrectly. In a perfect world, a ridiculous K/D like 72 - 8 or something in BF would be a mark of disrespect. SPM and W/L should be the only things people give a shit about.
My score per minute sucks.

I only play Conquest and I'm a somewhat passive player. I'd rather sit outside of an objective's boundary and pick off incoming players so my squad can capture, than to sit inside vulnerable.

Old BF games would still allow me to get a decent score wtih all the kills I get but with this title I'm barely getting anything. aaah well. Don't care too much. It gets the job done
All that matters is that you have fun. Fuck stats.


By playing the game incorrectly. In a perfect world, a ridiculous K/D like 72 - 8 or something in BF would be a mark of disrespect. SPM and W/L should be the only things people give a shit about.

Except SPM completely depends on your game mode and W/L completely depends on how many people you squad up with. They're even more useless than K/D when assessing individual skill.


Except SPM completely depends on your game mode and W/L completely depends on how many people you squad up with. They're even more useless than K/D when assessing individual skill.

You're pretending as if Operations and Conquest aren't what 90% of the entire base play BF for, and not finding a full squad even if they're randoms is very inadvisable just in general.
Lol what is up with the invisible blimp of death? Walk randomly into a spot with no blimp and you'll still get KIA.

Also, operations matches do last way too long now.

Yeah, had that several times yesterday. Bloody annoying.

Haha, it's like an anthill. Excellent.

All that matters is that you have fun. Fuck stats.

This man gets it. If the match ends and you've had fun and did your part, nothing really matters.


*checks patch notes for fix to the "not quite as good as BF4 controls" and sees nothing.* Damn, thought they would add a slider to adjust deadzone like on the PC version but no luck. :/


You're pretending as if Operations and Conquest aren't what 90% of the entire base play BF for, and not finding a full squad even if they're randoms is very inadvisable just in general.

Ok, so for the players that all play the same mode and play on the same teams they are meaningful stats.


For the PC people on here that is not on the discord, please consider joining us :) We need fresh blood! There is a link in the first page on OT for the discord!

Also noted that they botched performance for A LOT of people on the PC with the patch.

GTX 1080
I7 4790k
Freshly installed Windows 10 64 bit
144hz Gsync 1080p screen

All settings on low with mesh on ultra.
Nothing changed on computer except for BF1 patch.

Before patch - solid 135 fps at all times capped with rivatuner
After patch - 63-80 fps jumping around a lot, on almost all maps and modes.

Tested with 375.76 hotfix driver and the latest driver.
Will try the older 375.70 driver later tonight which as helped some on the official forum.


Took the new patch for a spin yesterday and here's a few things I noticed:

1. the mortar is random as fuck. can't hit anything after the first shot? I think I'm aiming wrong, so if you got tips let me know.

2. was defending on operations and a while in I looked at the ticket counter and it said 180 lol Matches are long AF now.

3. A model shotguns still packs a punch.


Took the new patch for a spin yesterday and here's a few things I noticed:

1. the mortar is random as fuck. can't hit anything after the first shot? I think I'm aiming wrong, so if you got tips let me know.

2. was defending on operations and a while in I looked at the ticket counter and it said 180 lol Matches are long AF now.

3. A model shotguns still packs a punch.

They patched the mortar so you cant spam shots without them being inaccurate.
When you get the red dot it is at full accuracy, if you just click to shoot them without re-aiming they will go all over the place.

Thank god!


I should've abused the mortar before the nerf, I barely used them since limpets are too fun.

I'm not getting any grenade kills anymore. I did make it to 400+ kills before the grenade nerf though! They badly needed to be toned down, it was ridiculous haha.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
My accuracy on that stat tracking website is 0.3, which puts me in the top 4% of players apparently. My only worthwhile stat.
PS4 PRO new patch - don't know what the fuck they did, but menus definitely became more laggy again.

Could be placebo, but I noticed a few instances in domination matches where FPS took a dive for a few moments and that didn't happened before yesterday's patch. It played almost perfectly during the weekend.

Din they fuck up something?



Ugh, one of the biggest pet peeves in this game is Bayo charge. It just feels cheap, especially when spawning in on a teammate or similar and die asap...
I know it is not super good but I dont see the point of it in the game. It is simply there to be annoying for us who PTFO and close quarters.

Don't even get me started on dying to bayo from behind (by someone who jumped out of an airplane) after picking up a sentry kit..


wtf? Just saw this. How is that average? You're literally in the top 1% worldwide. Hell, the number one player in the world barely beats your SPM at 1,185.

The average player wins MVP every round, didn't you know?


Ugh, one of the biggest pet peeves in this game is Bayo charge. It just feels cheap, especially when spawning in on a teammate or similar and die asap...
I know it is not super good but I dont see the point of it in the game. It is simply there to be annoying for us who PTFO and close quarters.

Don't even get me started on dying to bayo from behind (by someone who jumped out of an airplane) after picking up a sentry kit..

Every soldier has commando pro from MW2 in this game. The worst are people that panic bayo charge kill you in CQC. It triggers the animation when they are like 6 feet away sometimes (might be lag) and instead of easily being able to kill them you just get to watch them get a free kill instead. I'd remove it from the game but whatever, just add it to the list of things that make BF1 worse than BF4.
I think we need to take this tracking site with a grain of salt. It looks like it's inconsistent as fuck.
Hell, it puts me at #260 of the highest accuracy in the world and that's something that's definitely not true 😂
If you play Battlefield properly, as in Objectives are 1st on your priorities list by a long way, you should be averaging about 600-700 spm. If you can maintain that standard while also "gitting gud" at the actual shooting, you can get that average up to about 800-1000 spm. If you can get into that ballpark, that's what I'd consider a very decent, seasoned BF player.

I'm sitting on 803 currently
Objectives are my main priority and my SPM is pretty low sitting at about 700 spm. I mainly play conquest and defend objectives and my KDR is about a 2.0. I also mainly play assault so I can blow up ground vehicles.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Which game mode usually nets you the highest points? Is it attackers on operations? Conquest?


Which game mode usually nets you the highest points? Is it attackers on operations? Conquest?

Conquest, easily. More objectives to play off of, which means more to capture. Best way to rack up points is to get squad leader to put a marker on every flag you're capturing. That's an extra 200 points or thereabouts for every flag you capture.

Combine that with the odd fun run in a heavy tank and you should start to see yourself getting 10,000+ points a game.
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