The Black Culture Thread |OT16| - I'm blacker than you'll ever be

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A little bit lower and more curly, kinda like this


I'm a thotboy now

This combined with your gains? We gonna sell the fuck out the BCT calendar
Just got finished watching Almost Christmas. I surprisingly enjoyed the movie, its a really good movie, funny, relatable... RT salty over that 48% they gave it, wish I put money toward it in theatres now.


Dai..I wanna move to Mexico. Tell me how nice it is.

Is quite nice. Also we don't have institutional racism, so i guess is a plus.There's still a lot of classism and discrimination tho'. But overall i love my country, with all it's shortcommings

THey got a lot of seasonings and spices there

Like you coudln't imagine it, ese.

And dark skinned women. One of us enjoys these things..guess who, hoe?

Oh my we do. From all shades and ethnicities, brown girls are the best.


Trying to watch super girl

Doing a whole arc about not killing, and maxwell lord All I can think of is this

and this

and trying not laugh

And not to mention deathcrazy DCCU batman.

Same thing with gotham " bruce you can't have a kill count"

" alfred, everyone my life has murdered someone infront of me, how did you ever on gods earth exspect me not to kill people. Everyone in this show has literally solved every problem via murder. You saved me by murdering a room full of cultists. "

Cut 20 years



Was talking to my girlfriend about this azealia banks shit and she knew a little to much about hoodoo. She made spaghetti for me the other night too 👀


Was talking to my girlfriend about this azealia banks shit and she knew a little to much about hoodoo. She made spaghetti for me the other night too 👀

Nigga you trapped now.

What you need to do is get 6 yams, a coin made of pure silver, and the wand of watoomb

Eat the yams raw to get the toxins out your body, send me the silver coin, and then pray to the west 6 times to Steve Harvey's former flat top


Oh shit, Dai is back. I wanted to ask you how can go about learning Spanish fully? I've been wanting to lately since I've been watching this show on Netflix.


Well. I learned english watching american tv with captions on and having the chance with subtitles in spanish. Luckilly i grew up when all imported media, aside from cartoons and educational programs and tv serials weren't dubbed but just subbed on local TV and thanks to my dad's legally dubious connections i had since i was 7 or 8 cable or satellite TV.

I also learned a lot with one of my aunts english/spanish dictionaries and schoolbooks. By the time i had actual english in junior high i was waaaaaaaaaay advanced from my schoolmates, i was blessed that my english teacher in that grade was a cutie and i was her teacher pet ;-)

Your best chance is to hang around with fluent spanish speakers that talk spanish most of the time, also telemundo and Univision can help you to learn how the actual language is spoken in various latinamerican countries since the accent, pronunciation and meaning of words change from just a little misunderstanding to "did that pendejo just insulted me?"


Nigga you trapped now.

What you need to do is get 6 yams, a coin made of pure silver, and the wand of watoomb

Eat the yams raw to get the toxins out your body, send me the silver coin, and then pray to the west 6 times to Steve Harvey's former flat top

you in the infinite now

You gon die

Infinite going to accidentally say "Hey Girl" to someone not his girl, he will go blind and not know why

Bruh, she is now in you.

Steve Harvey's flat top I can't.

Wait should I even be laughing 👀


YO. I thought you fuckers were joking about Azealia.

I was posted right here, but my mind didn't put two and two together until now.

Well. I learned english watching american tv with captions on and having the chance with subtitles in spanish. Luckilly i grew up when all imported media, aside from cartoons and educational programs and tv serials weren't dubbed but just subbed on local TV and thanks to my dad's legally dubious connections i had since i was 7 or 8 cable or satellite TV.

I also learned a lot with one of my aunts english/spanish dictionaries and schoolbooks. By the time i had actual english in junior high i was waaaaaaaaaay advanced from my schoolmates, i was blessed that my english teacher in that grade was a cutie and i was her teacher pet ;-)

Your best chance is to hang around with fluent spanish speakers that talk spanish most of the time, also telemundo and Univision can help you to learn how the actual language is spoken in various latinamerican countries since the accent, pronunciation and meaning of words change from just a little misunderstanding to "did that pendejo just insulted me?"

Thank you for the help. I might not be able to hang with the Spanish speakers since I really have no wheels at the moment, but I can look up more shows.

I did watch this movie called Kids after seeing a brief clip with Rosario Dawson. It's entertaining and I liked the parts with Rosario and the other girls more, but there was a lot of dumb shit. It's mostly centered around these two wiggers who too scared to say nigga around black folk, but say it around each other. The stuff with those two is really dumb, I wish half of it was with the girls and then there's a really uncomfortable rape scene at the end. I was getting into it, but they had to ruin that shit.

So I'm walking one of my pups for her business, and some BMW almost smacks us flying down the street. I throw my hands up and shout "what the fuck"..dude slams his brakes and opens the car door holding his hip, asking if I'm alright with some fucking attitude. Said "nigga people live here. Slow the fuck down"..he takes another step towards me from his car asking if everything is ok. I repeat "Nah..slow the fuck down and I'll be fine."

I take steps towards this dwarf and his shit shrunk like Costanza. "What if people had a bad day though?" the pussy asked. "I'm having one right'll get over it." I said. "Ok then, nigga. Ok then." this tiny hoe said as he got back in his white car that he should paint yellow. LOL..niggas acting hard and won't jump at a dude with a small dog that don't weigh 8 lbs..streets done changed..

Brazil has the biggest population of japanese outside of japan

And since Mexico and Brazil are the same place..



So I'm walking one of my pups for her business, and some BMW almost smacks us flying down the street. I throw my hands up and shout "what the fuck"..dude slams his brakes and opens the car door holding his hip, asking if I'm alright with some fucking attitude. Said "nigga people live here. Slow the fuck down"..he takes another step towards me from his car asking if everything is ok. I repeat "Nah..slow the fuck down and I'll be fine."

I take steps towards this dwarf and his shit shrunk like Costanza. "What if people had a bad day though?" the pussy asked. "I'm having one right'll get over it." I said. "Ok then, nigga. Ok then." this tiny hoe said as he got back in his white car that he should paint yellow. LOL..niggas acting hard and won't jump at a dude with a small dog that don't weigh 8 lbs..streets done changed..

And since Mexico and Brazil are the same place..

Polly Pocket BCT always want to pop off
Polly Pocket BCT always want to pop off

Ha!!! Nigga saw the dog and must if imagined me some other nigga. Dude jumped out and curled up almost simultaneously. Gonna have fun walking around the hood tomorrow..need to know where little guy lives so my pupper can shit by his ride. Bitch ass. I can't sleep I'm so fucking PUMPED. Thought I was gonna have a good old fashioned..oh well.


Post that in the Comics OT.


Ladies and Gentlemen:
Rumiko Takahashi

I'm not fond of her art

Also not fond of inu yasha , but that mediocrity is a thread on its own. Ranma half isn't that cool either. Heard she was a really cool person though
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