Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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This might not really be the right time or place.
But I do wonder what will be the point of releasing KH3 on Xbone.
FF13 series did okay, and at least established the brand on the system so FF15 did good enough.

But with all the HD collections releasing on PS4 only. If a 2.9 collection doesn't come on Xbone.

I really do wonder the point of porting it to Xbone, unless it's a really cheap port.
Actually not only do they have to make for Xbone, but they have to make for the Scropio.


Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)


Saddening news if this is true.

shinobi said the same pages ago

Heard he took time off for his mental health, yea :-/


Gold Member
Damn .
You know things are not going well if you have members taking time off for mental health .

And the original Kotaku piece referred to people in senior management being forced to take a month off recently. Something very bad was going down there. It would be interesting to hear the behind-the-scenes tale. I'm guessing MS execs wanted to steer the game in a way the devs didn't like, found confusing or intrusive, but I'm just speculating (based on what happened with Lionhead).

Scalebound was really the only game in the MS exclusive lineup that seemed interesting to me. They really didn't need something to make their catalog even more narrow.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I wonder why Platinum pressured their staff like that.

When the development of a game is going smoothly hitting milestones should be relatively stress free, but when things aren't working out PG was probably going into crunch mode every time there was another milestone coming up.
So, is Platinum as a company in trouble? I get that vibe from some posts, but this thread is moving so fast I can't really get a handle on news


Or maybe, just maybe they're the common denominator?

Wasn't it Microsoft's push for kinect Fable? Wasn't it Microsoft's push for a Fable as a service game like Legends?

If they cared about legacy, and their franchises they wouldn't let lion head near those idea's for Fable series.

Though I think Platinum bit more than they could chew I think Microsoft wanted a much larger game with multiplayer and platinum was not ready for that kind of project. It might have started as something small with a Dragon Gaurd type of scenario then morphed into this almost open world game with you and a dragon that can join other games for co-op.


Putting this in screencap form so it doesn't go unnoticed (source is a Persona Central writer)


Saddening news if this is true.

Mental health issues is vague and very easy for rumors to twist, so I wouldn't assume the worst. He may just feel cynical about game development at the moment and want a hiatus from it. Or it could be something else, it's just that that's the sort of thing that media loves to go crazy with.
Do you ever see much high budget experimental AAA brand new IP's from Nintendo as much as MS/Sony? No.

Very few and and nothing risky and playing it safe with doing it based on current characters etc and nowhere near as high budget

Neither MS or Sony release experimental new IPs, lol. New IP is just code for open world game/service based multiplayer shooter nowadays. Gotta offset the risk of new IP by being absolutely as safe as possible
Really sad to hear about kamiya if it's true. Wonder what the factor was for this unless Microsoft had a certain demand as publisher that caused this issue. Is this the first big budget platinum game with western support.
Game has never looked good, and it's my belief that it got meddled with from the very start in order to fit the more american demographic of Xbox. Until we have more information, I'm going to guess it's a fail on both Microsoft's and Platinum's part
though I'm more ready to give the benefit of the doubt to Platinum because they aren't Microsoft
Would another publisher be able to pick up the pieces of this? Nintendo did it with Bayonetta 2. Would Microsoft be able to block a direct competitor from using something they were directly involved with?

Microsoft own all the assets and IP of this game so unless other publishers want to spend load of cash to buy them I don't see how Scalebound could be revived.

It's so fucking dead.


I thought patches weren't necessary

I was mostly kidding. As everyone else is speculating, I'm not sure they have anything. I didn't realize things were as ugly as they seem until that MS 1st party thread. This doesn't help. MS seems like they're flailing with no outs right now.


the game looked like absolute garbage any time they showed it off, but I was still holding out hope it would be fixed by release.

it's a shame to hear that it was cancelled, it's one of the games I upgraded my computer to windows 10 for :(


extra source of jiggaflops
Come to think about it, which projects did Spencer initiate that we know of? Sea of Thieves maybe, Ori, Cuphead, Dead Rising 4 and State of Decay 2 come to mind (outside of Forza titles).
Ori and Cuphead was announced at the same time as Scalebound.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Maybe Scorpio revival?

Any chance of that happening ,moving assets to new system?

When it's Microsoft canceling the game, there is no Scorpio revival.


I'd like to think they're just shelving it for Scorpio instead. The rumours about Kamiya's health issues are a concern though. :(


Unconfirmed Member
technically yeah, but of course not everyone owns a PC. they're still titles that are not on sony or Nintendo consoles so they could certainly affect someone's choice to buy an xbone.

sure but the market is shifting from quantity to quality. There's less games but they're supported for much longer and not just with map packs or the odd expansion. If you look at Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo you know roughly what you're going to get in terms of first-party and games like Scalebound were the outlier, announced at a time when Microsoft needed some good PR. I don't know how much they would influence someone when the rest of the console is your standards. From their point of view if the game is burning money and not up to snuff there's no incentive to see it through if the best you can hope for is a lackluster first week and then bargain bin status like ReCore and most of the other new IP they've tried. It sucks for the people who want these games but the market just isn't there now.


Doesn't mean they have cash on hand to continue paying the devs that were working on the project.

They will need to scramble for work to keep capacity, or go through huge layoffs - This comes at a bad time, especially with Nier wrapping development now.

until now platinum never had problems finding new contracts..they have a name in the industry (albeit a bit tarnished after the last couple games weren't critic successes), and they know how to make things fast and cheap and still make it better than anything any other studio can do with the same amount of time and money.

if anything,more than the game being canceled,is kamiya's alleged mental problems that might give them more than one problem...after mikami left,kamiya was their best drawing name....and probably the best director they have.
Killer Instinct is better than everything on the PS4

Judging by your posts history, i'm not surprised you say that.

It's ok, you don't like PlayStation but saying KI, which is a game i love and own, is better than anything on PS4 should get you banned. Stop spreading that fanboy nonsense here.


4 years seems a lot of time for this generation. If we exclude Square-Enix, Blizzard, Kojima and to a certain extent Sony it doesn't seem to be the norm. I wonder how long until a playable build shows up (if there is one).
If the development is as troubled as some have described here, what in the world would Nintendo want with it? According to Kev MS shopped it and nobody wanted it, so why would Nintendo pick it up now? Do they have some kind of magic elixir that will fix the things that caused it to get shit canned in the first place?
Oh well, never expected much from them no matter how much everyone hypes them up.

Also GG MS you proved everyone right. What the hell are they actually bringing to E3 this year.


More information from EuroGamer. Curious to know what happened game looked pretty far into development...

Edit: Get well soon Kamiya!

It was deep into development hell, seemingly. The showings of this game have been odd with the action style combat, RPG style enemies, Drakengard style dragon, and then the whole bizarre online co-op segment at e3. Platinum and Kamiya's involvement earned it a lot of faith but I guess things were as choppy internally as the game appeared outwardly.


Come to think about it, which projects did Spencer initiate that we know of? Sea of Thieves maybe, Ori, Cuphead, Dead Rising 4 and State of Decay 2 come to mind (outside of Forza titles).

Ori was probably mattrick unless it has a reaaaaaaaaaalllllllly short development cycle. Cuphead was also mattrick.

SOD2, DR4, Sea of Thieves, Rare Replay, Tomb Raider(?), Crackdown 3 (big ?), Gears 4, Recore

Everything else IIRC was under mattrick, i'm probably missing some but I think that's he main ones, not sure on Crackdown
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