Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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To me Scalebound was literally a check box for Mattrick when they initially gave the project the greenlight.

I don't know that Microsoft would've really ever believed in the game as much as they really just wanted an exclusive Japanese game at the time.


Sad story, hope Kamiya and Platinum are fine without this project.

Again for those who missed

Man, that statement is so cold.


Pretty shitty for Xbox owners. The games announced for this coming year don't give me much to look forward to honestly. Not a good time for Microsoft but hope they can bring some excitement back with future announcements.

I guess they could use the money they'll save to buy a Switch.

Man, Xbox has gotten shit Japanese support this gen. I saw it coming but I didn't think it would be this bad.
I'm so much happier now that I'm dead. Technically missing. Soon to be presumed dead. Gone.

And this lazy oblivious and incompetent "Microsoft" company will go to prison for my murder. They took my pride and my dignity and my hope and my money. They took and took from me until I no longer existed. That's murder. Let the punishment fit the crime. To fake a convincing release date for Scale-fucking-bound you have to have discipline. You befriend a local foold, Platinum Games. Harvest the details of his hundrum life and cram him with stories about how development will be "doing fine", how the the game will soon be playable from start to finish. Secretly create some money troubles: forced online co-op, micotransactions, western bullshit. With the help of the unwitting, you bump up your life insurance. Purchase the Xbox One. With the Elite Controller. Generic. Overpriced. Pay cash. You need to package yourself so that people will truly mourn your loss. And I don't know how much you know about Japan, but they truly believe in honor, it's an important part of their culture... You know what's hard? Faking your excitement for this game. First, you pretend to follow all the dishearting news about this trainwerk of a game. Watch every damn E3 showing. From the first CGi vaporware trailer. Wake up at fucking 3.a.m, June 2016 just to see how this game has been resorted to a How To Train a Flying Potato simulator. Then you steal a Recore copy. And you pretend to like it. Voila! The game is nothing like you wanted. You wasted 60 dollars. Happy 3th Anniversary of this game's announcement. But then you go on NeoGAF, and post "wow I loved the E3 demo, MS is doing a great job :)" while you dry off the tears running down your face. Wait for the clueless director to announce the release date. Off he goes... and the clock is ticking. 20 weeks away from the release day and they haven't even shown final console footage yet. You feel fisically ill. A lot. A lot. A lot. You start to post about how the game is likely being saved for Scorpio How the game still retains that Hideki Kamiya-sama magic, even though you know deep in yourself that's one hell of a lie. June. E3 starts and they fucking bring a broken demo on stage. "Well, Platinum has never made a bad game, so there's no reason not to trust them". I repeat to myself. But everyone else playing the demo booths agrees that it is just bad. And because you're you, you don't stop there. You go back. To the day this fucking game was announced. Start with the fairy-tale days. The biggest Xbox One exclusive. A system seller title. From the creator of Resident Evil 2 and Bayonetta. Those are true. After that, you invent. "Scalebound was supposed to relive the Xbox brand" "X1 would likely outsell PS4 when this game gets released... at least in the US" The spending, the abuse, the fear, the threat of violence... burn it, just the right amount. Make sure the fans will find it. Finally, honor tradition with a very special treasure hunt. And if I get everything right, the world will hate Microsoft for killing his beautiful, legacy franchise. And after all the outrage, when I'm ready, I'll go out on to GameStop and buy a Playstation 4 + NieR: Automata bundle. And when my mother finds me investing my precious time trying to bond with this hot anime girl, I'll look straight into her eyes and say "but have you looked at her butt? Have your really looked at her butt?" In that very moment, she knows. She fucking knows. As she handles me the nugget pieces she previously cooked for me, she leaves my room with these words: "NierR is the true savior of Platinum Games". And that's when the people will know, Microsoft dumped Scalebound like garbage, and it floated past all the other abused, unwanted, inconvenient titles like Phantom Dust and Fable: Legends. The Scalebound fans will be gone, but then... we never really existed. We loved a game we pretended to like.

"An Xbox One exclusive".

Gamers always use that, don't they? As their defining compliment: "Quantum Break is a true Xbox exclusive". A true Xbox One exclusive is hot. A true Xbox One exclusive is game. A true Xbox One exclusive is fun. A true Xbox One exclusive never makes its fans angry. It only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner. The Platinum Game fans like what they like, so evidently they're vinyl hipsters who loves fetish Manga. If they like girls gone wild, Claire Redfield was a good example of empowering woman design. Bayonetta is sexist trash.. When I met Phil Spencer I knew he wanted "true Xbox Exclusive experience". And for him, I'll admit: Scalebound truly was it. He created an empty development funded by vapor and nothingness. Microsoft rewrote the concept to fit those Sony esclusive games everyone loves. They put headphones into the game because we all love headphones. They showed the game, semi-regularly. I lived in the moment. The same dragon portion for three years. I was fuckinging game. I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it. Microsoft teased out in me things I didn't know existed. A lightness, a humor, an ease. But I made them smarter. Sharper. I inspired them to rise to my level. I forged the company of my dreams. We were happy pretending to be other people. We were the happiest couple we knew. And what's the point of being together if you're not the happiest? But Platinum got lazy and Microsoft stubborn. They delayed the game. Microsoft actually expected me to love support their Xbox console unconditionally. And before finishing with Platinum, they delayed the game another time. From Holiday 2016, to simply "2017". We knew it was coming. We knew that what the press sneaks were telling us, was true.

You think I'd let Microsoft destroy me and end up happier than ever?

No fucking way.

They don't get to win. I don't know how much the rest of you know about social culture (I'm an expert), but grown-ups work for things. Grown-ups pay.

Grown-ups suffer consequences.
I liked Gone Girl but ehh diminishing returns


That was one of the most heartless and corporate statement I have ever seen.

Fuck MS

Are people kidding with this? What do you expect? They're not going to go into detail about business decisions or burst into tears about a fucking 3rd party collaboration. Have some perspective on this stuff.


Shocking but also not shocking. It's a shame to see this die on the vine but it sounds like Platinum has huge internal issues currently.

Agreed..something just didn't seem right with this. They showed a really "small" preview during E3, if the game was further along they would've shown a full blown gameplay.

Wouldn't be shocked if Crackdown is cancelled too.
I wonder how this is going to affect Microsoft's reputation as a partner? This is yet another game that they announced and made promises about only to be cancelled. Surely any dev group now will hesitate going into business with MS now.


When they first announced this it was one of my most anticipated games. Disappointed it turned out to be a total shit show.

I can't help but think if this was a Sony exclusive it would of turned out different
Microsoft's Statement:

That was the most blunt and unappreciative statement to a cancelation of a game I've ever heard. In stead of expressing sympathy to those who might lose their jobs, they quickly follow the announcement sentence with a bunch of PR bs. This is sad.


If it released like shit they would still get flak and be out the $.

But seeing as it sounds like PG couldn't meet the deadlines set they decided to cut it.

Exactly. Failing to deliver is on Platinum. I mean, I love them, but it is what it is. It was a big, ambitious project that they simply did not deliver on and Microsoft had to pull the plug.


Before my wife got me an xbox for christmas she couldnt understand why i wanted one. I said i NEED to play Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Gears 4 and Scalebound.

Such a shame its now no more. I guess when im done with my current games it will collect dust and back to PS4 as there is really nothing on the horizon except for Sea Of Thieves that has me interested.
It's a big blow to the Xbox line up. Honestly there's a serious lack of single player story driven games. Well, exclusive ones at least. Everything is literally MP focused. Forza 7, State of Decay, Sea of Thieves, Crackdown...(and I've heard Crackdown isn't going too hot either, though nothing as bad as this).

Unless they have a bunch of first party studios secretly tucked away somewhere (which they don't that I know of), I genuinely struggle to think of what surprises they could have at E3 *as of right now*. Halo 6 is to be expected, and I don't see publishers playing ball much anymore with 3rd party exclusives unless Microsoft gives the Xbox division a huge budget to throw cash around, which I highly doubt. Their major first party IP are on a decline with Halo doing less than before and Gears 4 not selling that well at all relatively speaking (not good enough to sustain a huge studio with that many workers and budget).

What's happening now is the exact opposite of what Xbox fans seemed to want out of a Phil spencer leadership.

I remember when he became head of Xbox and everyone was saying how there'll be tons of new games, but they're still coasting on announcements from 2013-2014 and in that time, games have been cancelled, multiple studios closed including Lionhead...

As a big Xbox fan since day one, I'm not very hopeful for the future. Scorpio won't do anything without software to push it heavily.

I'd imagine the Xbox division as a whole is probably in a struggle to continue to justify their own existence to the higher-ups right now. The UWP initiative seems to be going nowhere, their exclusives have generally been "meh" critically and/or commercially at best and cancelled at worst, and third parties and rapidly preferring PS4 over them. If they can't make something happen with either Scorpio or UWP they may well be done as a division.
To be fair, you never should, although Scalebound is a bit more aggrevating than other cases since it featured heavily until Gamescom 2016 still.

Oh, trust me, I know it was dumb. But this is the type of project I never saw getting the ax.

But still, I learned and it won't happen again.


I just hope Platinum's legendary developers survive. I don't care what platform they release on, I just want to play more games from them. I loved Bayo 1+2 and W101, games like that are sorely needed in our medium.

For Xbox owners all I can say is that there's always Forza, Halo and Gears though, right?


I don't know what else MS was supposed to say?

Maybe at least throw in "We wish Platinum Games well in whatever future products they work on."

But out of that list of games. I don't see CD3 making it this year. I can see Sea of Thieves getting pushed back.


Junior Member
Man, this is making Xbox's first party lineup pretty disappointing this year. They may need to pull some tricks from their sleeves in order to steal some thunder from Sony.
Game probably was just too expensive and kinda lacked the clear focus you are used from Platinum Games and their titles like Bayonetta.

It wanted to be single player, multiplayer, monster hunter, zelda, dmc etc. all at once and ended up not showing off too well.

Sometimes less is more...just wondering if Kamiya wanted that all or MS kept pushing him to add in more shit.

That's the way I felt as well. Although I haven't watched much about the game, I always had this weird impression that I never really grasped what the game was about.

This is a direct contrast with other Kamiya games, that always seem to have a laser focus and be very clear in what they intend to be, even among all the craziness.


Un Rama

"So I cancelled Scalebound...*laughs* and I released an empty PR response *laughs harder* and then I told them to look forward to our 2017 releases *cries with laughter*

Halo Wars 2 is the only game I can confidently see coming this year.
Bad times. I feel for the people who have put a lot of hard work into this project. Seeing years of blood, sweat and tears go up in smoke is a depressing thing to experience.
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