Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Not surprised if it turns out to be true. They have been awfully silent about it after Gamescom 2015 (I guess?) and the game looked rough. Platinum was too ambitious (and had too many projects on their hands all at once) and MS probably meddled in the development way too much. Also Kamiya seemed to have some beef with MS (in Gamescom 2015 they didn't want him to show the game on stage or something, can't remember correctly but he was pretty pissed).

Anyway, its sad to see more than 3 years have gone to waste :/ Hope the damage isn't heavy on PG and Kamiya starts a new project soon.


Neo Member
Seriously, who is signing off on these games at Microsoft?

This would be the third time in under a year that a Microsoft game has been canceled: Fable Legends, Phantom Dust Remake (on indefinite hold) this.
Don't console makers usually want MORE exclusives...? Like even if the game wasn't going to set the sales charts on fire it still gives incentive to buy an Xbone as an exclusive


You can't really blame me on this . This could be another true fantasy live or whatever it was called where level 5 were getting funded by Microsoft to finish the game and they were barely making any progress in it and they were developing their own games.

I remember reading something like that long time ago when it was canceled and ever since I don't like level 5 for that shady tactic .

But I do agree that this is a shitty year for Xbox only gamers. They have maybe like 2 games or so that are high profile .

The good thing is project Scorpio is coming and MS will sure as hell brag about how awesome the game runs on Scorpio native 4k etc . But yeah exclusive gaming ? It's almost dead for them and that is just bad business


A friend of mine told me this a few days ago, but I had hoped he would have been wrong.
I am sorry for Kamiya, but honestly the game never looked too hot.


Damn, it looked so promising at Gamescom 2015. But after E3, I didn't like the direction it was headed in. Should have just kept it single-player like Horizon.


That E3 2014 conference may as well have just not even happened for Microsoft.

Fable Legends, Phantom Dust, Scalebound, and Crackdown 3 all shown off that year and haven't come out yet or got cancelled.


"Work on the game took a serious knock last autumn, Eurogamer sources say, when several senior members of the development team were forced to take a month away from the pressure of the project's heavy workload.

These project members then returned, but Scalebound was now behind schedule. With continuing issues surrounding the game's engine and overdue deadlines, the decision was made that the project could no longer continue.

It's unclear whether Scalebound could still be revived by Platinum, but as we understand it, work on the project as we know it has now concluded."
As an Xbox fanboy it upsets me that whenever I see/hear 1st party announcements from MS that I have to worry that they are bad - or even release at all.

While on the other side Sony announces game -- game is developed --game comes out -game is fun and sells

Just jealous :(

Then don't be a fanboy and enjoy what every company offers if possible.


This thread needs to calm the fuck down. Xbox brand is not going anywhere, in fact they are releasing Scropio this year. Scalebound looked bad and definitely needed work. If it is completely gone then that does not mean that Xbox is dead. Although Japanese support might as well be.


from Eurogamer

Work on the game took a serious knock last autumn, Eurogamer sources say, when several senior members of the development team were forced to take a month away from the pressure of the project's heavy workload.

These project members then returned, but Scalebound was now behind schedule. With continuing issues surrounding the game's engine and overdue deadlines, the decision was made that the project could no longer continue.


Damn, that's rough :(

Can someone explain to me the implications for Platinum Games? How bad a situation would they be in if this report turns out to be accurate?

Nriolak's post:

I imagine this will be an issue for Platinum.

1.) They have over 200 staff, presumably at least half of which were making Scalebound.
2.) Nier Automata is about to go gold, and Yoko Taro makes it sound like it's not going into sequel mode right away.
3.) Activision killed off their licensed game division, so that's not an option anymore.
4.) They have the Gran Blue Fantasy project and Lost Order, but I'm assuming that was going to take on Nier's staff given Kamiya wasn't attached to it.

Now they need to get a project from someone on a short turnaround for a ton of staff in an era where that kind of thing is pretty hard to do, and they were struggling to get contracts even when that was less true.
Man Microsoft are cancelling or delaying everything this gen it sees like. Phantom Dust cancelled. Crackdown 3 delayed. Fable Legends cancelled. Scalebound possibly cancelled. WTF is going on?

They really to step up their first party efforts, it's so mediocre for me when stacked against Sony's. But yeah this game looked like a mess so I can't really blame them here.

Kind of funny that Spencer the saviour managed to have a worse track record regarding Games compared to the much hated Mattrick.


Maybe the one jumping to conclusions is you.


nope still there

Edit: God damn Eurogamer >.<

Uncle Phil please


Microsoft just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Kamiya fans (I'm an expert), but expecting tons of funding for poor selling games is a huge part of it. It's not like it is with other devs where you can become successful by having a marketable concept. If you cancel a Kamiya game you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Kamiya's dozen fans, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase an Xbox One, nor will they purchase any of Microsoft's games on PC. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Microsoft has alienated like 12 or or so people with this move.

Microsoft, publicly apologize and uncancel Scalebound for Xbox One or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Not all men are alike. What if those 12 count as 12m? Imagine what 12 Console-warz Che Guevaras may accomplish!
Without rationale? Microsoft has a giant graveyard of amazing studios they've completely and utterly fucked over throughout the years. There are few companies I trust less and I fully expect that they've shit the bed again.

Remember this is a publisher so toxic that Bungie took all their royalty money from the immensely successful Halo series and *bought themselves* to get the fuck away from Microsoft. When has that ever happened? This is just 1 example of many.

Yes. We don't know if all the blame is on Platinum.

Stuff like the MP, which basically no Platinum game had bar Anarchy Reigns, always struck me as sonething the publisher wanted.
While I never would have seen this coming, it always looked rough. Almost like a bigger, louder version of Platinum's worst titles.

Who knows what exactly led to this but hopefully the Scalebound team gets put onto a bigger, better project.
I can't stop laughing.

my fiancée bought me the xbox one for my birthday because of 3 games that I wanted.

Halo MCC
Halo 5

and now this lol. Halo MCC a mess, Halo 5 mediocre, Scalebound cancelled
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