Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Shouta, can you share with us what equipments and materias are equipped on Randi to get that 1.5k atk?

Very interesting, more than 10 million damage.

From what the person said,

Onion Knight's Sword (135 atk)
Prishe's Hair Ornament (45 atk)
Demon's Chestpiece (12 atk)
Desh's Earring (45 atk) x2
Doublehand x4

All abilities should be enhanced and I assume he has max power pot as well.

Against Aigaion, he's probably doing Power Charge which gives Randy a 100% Atk boost then using Gale Triple Slash which is 700% ST with -50% Wind Resist & Gives Wind Element to Randy's attacks. For reference, Orlandu's ST before Light element is 400% (200% with ignore -50% def) So he's getting a ridiculous amount of power out of it.


Agrias (aka Poorlandu)

LOL bro you have to stop calling her that! Agrias is a great unit in her own right. Orlandu can't elemental full break can he now? Maybe in the support world Orlandu is viewed as the poor man's Agrias. Didn't think of that did ya?

(FYI this is all sarcasm before someone takes this the wrong way lol).

In fact, I think I'm just going to pull for characters I want, regardless of their rating or star base. Because... really... there is a lot of fun to be had in this game that can get completely lost if you focus entirely on numbers and ratings alone.

That's the way to do it brother.

Oh shit, the 1550 attack was true. Holy fuck

Damn son. I thought it would have to play around doublehanded. Even if we get him we could never get him that high because of that.


LOL bro you have to stop calling her that! Agrias is a great unit in her own right. Orlandu can't elemental full break can he now? Maybe in the support world Orlandu is viewed as the poor man's Agrias. Didn't think of that did ya?

(FYI this is all sarcasm before someone takes this the wrong way lol).

That's the way to do it brother.

Damn son. I thought it would have to play around doublehanded. Even if we get him we could never get him that high because of that.

You probably won't get that high but you still get it up there. There are a lot of 40% attack up TMs later on that help. Doublehand's big thing is that it increases the attack effect of armor too which is kinda nuts...


From what the person said,

Onion Knight's Sword (135 atk)
Prishe's Hair Ornament (45 atk)
Demon's Chestpiece (12 atk)
Desh's Earring (45 atk) x2
Doublehand x4

All abilities should be enhanced and I assume he has max power pot as well.

Against Aigaion, he's probably doing Power Charge which gives Randy a 100% Atk boost then using Gale Triple Slash which is 700% ST with -50% Wind Resist & Gives Wind Element to Randy's attacks. For reference, Orlandu's ST before Light element is 400% (200% with ignore -50% def) So he's getting a ridiculous amount of power out of it.

Although DH in GL can't stack, there should be enough materias that can still get him near that 1.5k atk on GL.

10 million damage though, wtf.


You probably won't get that high but you still get it up there. There are a lot of 40% attack up TMs later on that help. Doublehand's big thing is that it increases the attack effect of armor too which is kinda nuts...
Although DH in GL can't stack, there should be enough materias that can still get him near that 1.5k atk on GL.

10 million damage though, wtf.

In JP you're getting 200% on 282, which is an additional 564.

In GL we would get 50% on 282, and then 120% on 176 if I'm not mistaken, which is 352.

So 212 less. 1.3k is still ridiculous though. I didn't think much would break 1k in GL.


I don't quite feel so bad about deciding to grind out both of my Doublehands now, as they are going to pay off in the future through equipment stat inflation.



I don't quite feel so bad about deciding to grind out both of my Doublehands now, as they are going to pay off in the future through equipment stat inflation.


O nice, I was meant to ask you what you decided on doing in the end.


O nice, I was meant to ask you what you decided on doing in the end.

Kind of wanted them to be ready for the upcoming event on Friday, but it doesn't look like they will be finished before then without throwing tons of lapis at them. That will put a two-week delay on finishing them. Bleh.


Oh man, I'm feeling pretty good now. I ranked up Agrias to 5, 9 sacred crystals away from doing the same with Exdeath.

For Noctis, I caved a few days ago and bought the Dark Fina bundle for the awakening materials (I know, I know... I had 15k saved up tho and am not planning on pulling again any time soon! I was anxious to get a rank 6 guy and didn't realize the new event would let me get the mats I needed :p). It left me 5 prismatic horn short, but I just found out I can find the last 5 I need in the ADV version of the current event!

Plus, I still have 31 Metal Gigantuars left over from the bundle to level him.

Making progress!


I'm hopeful to finish TM'ing DH by the time Garland gets his 6*. Until then, I am all about maxing Chizuru to pair with my Light.


Dont worry of that. Just the best you can build with whatever you have to equip

Ok kl I've just set her to my friend unit with 2 hp + 10%, 2 ATK + 10%, thorned mace, tiger mask, black belt to, and 2 hero rings.

Edit: let me know if you want me to change anything. About to set up TM farming before I go to bed.


Ok kl I've just set her to my friend unit with 2 hp + 10%, 2 ATK + 10%, thorned mace, tiger mask, black belt to, and 2 hero rings.

Edit: let me know if you want me to change anything. About to set up TM farming before I go to bed.

Thats just great, thanks!


Friend Units with worth it TM's

Rizer - HP +10%
Paul - Escape
King Giott - Stone Killer
Ollie - Aquan Killer
Carrie - Sunbeam
Skaha - Dragon Killer
Montana - Camo
Kenyu - Raging Fist

The Killer ones I would for sure get the others are niche but useful.

Thanks again for this post Hippo. I've been referencing each time I pull. I have all of these guys now except King Giott. Anyone else I should be looking for, or can I just auto sell anyone not on this list.


I've been referencing each time I pull. I have all of these guys now except King Giott. Anyone else I should be looking for, or can I just auto sell anyone not on this list.

You can sell them without fear of penalty.

Do note that some of these units on the list, such as Skaha and Montana, are significantly rarer to pull than others.


Need a cod with diábolos and thorned maze friend. No TM equip and hp and atk materias.

Can someone give me a hand please?

I can set up a dual wield CoD with Thorned Mace and Pestle if you want but that might be too much for whatever your trying to test. I feed her a lot of str pots too, would be prolly around 570atk, lemme know if you need something like that.


My shared unit IS a CoD with DW, Thorned Mace, and Rising Sun. I assume Valentus wants one with NO TMs equipped. If I saw the msg earlier I wouldve accommodated.

@Valentus If you still need that CoD with no TMs I can change my equip, but Im assuming you went with Alkez's CoD.





Thanks all - pretty sure what did it for me was complaining on GAF. Had great 3 and 4* dailies all banner and then boom - rainbow. I think the key is to be as whiny as possible about it.


Val, just in case... I set my CoD up with Regen Ring and Gold Armlet, and the rest how you asked. Let me know if/when you're done... or need something changed.


Woah what?! Someone just posted this on reddit and I've never seen it before. There is a way to remove stop with dispel.

If you have Rosa and Dualcast, you can AoE remove stop and stat debuffs. This is exactly the same as the "casting dispel on party members" trick, except you use Dispelga. However, this will also remove buffs as well, so use this trick before casting buffs on your party. You also need an esper with at least one magic attack learned.

Select Dualcast.
Select Dispelga.
Select the magic attack available from the esper.
Press and hold on any of your units.
Select Target.

Sounds like it works with dispel on single targets too, so Refia can do it if you have dualcast and a black magic spell on her.


My power went out today for a long while so I was a bit slow on confirming on friend requests.

Have one from a "Mikumo" but their friend list is full now. Still have 2 more slots available on my list.


its done! Another perfect run in ELT with no TM and no base 5 star

Thank you alkez for your cod!

The team i used this time

Santa roselia
Alkez cod

All units are useful as long you know how to do it

Thank you for all of your cods and wanted to help me, you guys are amazing
Watching you do this for every event is always a treat. Cheers for all your help to the community, even as I stand more on my own than I once did I still greatly appreciate everything you do.


its done! Another perfect run in ELT with no TM and no base 5 star

Thank you alkez for your cod!

The team i used this time

Santa roselia
Alkez cod

All units are useful as long you know how to do it

Thank you for all of your cods and wanted to help me, you guys are amazing

Awesome! These are always a great help when my wife asks me to do the ELT modes of stuff like this because she doesn't want to herself lol. Her team is pretty comparable to one like this, so it's nice to see how it can be done. I'd be happy to share someone in the future if you ever need something that would help!


I think I have enough materials to Ability Enhance Randy but I don't have enough gil to do it. Only got 300k right now. >=(

Gotta wait for the weekend.


I think I have enough materials to Ability Enhance Randy but I don't have enough gil to do it. Only got 300k right now. >=(

Gotta wait for the weekend.

What's the best way to make gil in JP? Best we seem to have so far is macroing TMs or selling mounds of event items. I'm up to 5 million right now but that's probably not gonna last long.


What's the best way to make gil in JP? Best we seem to have so far is macroing TMs or selling mounds of event items. I'm up to 5 million right now but that's probably not gonna last long.

Weekend Gil Turtle Cave. 30 EN gets you a chance at the most recent turtles that sell for 100,000 gil a piece.

I had enough gil to +1 Triple Slash and also +2 Power Charge for the new moves. Now I just gotta wait until the weekend to farm up the gil turtles to enhance Hero of the Mana Sword.


So you have to nuke your own unit to remove stop?

Looks like an exploited bug to me.

It would appear that the game can't differentiate casting rules on spells when dualcast (if this is true). Because a generic nuke can be targetable on anyone, the game would seem to assume that the second offensive spell (dispel is considered an offensive magic attack) follows the same rules even if it doesn't normally.

I wonder if that will get patched.


Just started this. I'm not a big FF guy but I really love XV and this seems like it could be cool.

Even though the Simpsons is the greatest piece of TV ever made, does anyone have any starting tips for me so I don't fuck up? Is rerolling a thing?


Oh man. On such a high. Had a friend back in Japan send us some Christmas gifts, which we were not expecting. My gifts compromised of Pokemon stuff from the PC in Sapporo. I am so easy to buy for. XD

Muku - I use a MacBook Pro for my macro... and Andy. Andy is the only emulator I have found yet that runs decently on a mac without being in a VM (which all run like garbage). I used Automator to set up a click macro that works flawlessly

Only problem is that I cannot use my computer when it is running. I use switch controls on my iPhone when working to TM farm. Andy at night when spending time with the Hubby.

If you want some help, let me know and I will go into more detail.

Hmmmmmmm. Nox didn't run too bad last night, but I guess I'm not also on a laptop. Which run high whenever you do anything like that. My concern is not being able to use computer if it's running. Normally would be overnight or while at work, but I wonder if being on desktop would prove to be okay for it?

Either way, I'd be curious to hear about it. It it doesn't sound too bad I might go that route.


Sonic handles my blue balls


Muku -

the short and dirty... You can use any emulator with the method I use to script. I prefer Andy, because it works like a charm for me

Automator is the program- variables - get specified text action

Then hit the record button, and go through the clicks for TM farming. I first click on the Andy icon in the task bar, in case the window is not active. I use the Earth Shrine Exit so that my units can work on LB's as well. I leave a few seconds between screens to account for loading. Necessary mainly after selecting the team, and after the fight is over. All other screens no pause is really necessary.

Then stop the action, and a Watch Me Do is created for your script. TEST IT. If you don't like, delete and record again...

Once you are good with it, add a Pause action - so you can keep from expending too much energy. I like to set my pause to two seconds until all my energy drains. Then I will either spend the lapis on my phone and repeat, or I will set the pause for around three minutes so that the script runs every five minutes if I don't want to spend the lapis.

Last, you simply need a loop. I like to set mine for a certain amount of times, as opposed to hours and minutes...

That's all there is to it... really easy to do.


Curious what you guys are doing with trust moogles. Saving them up for a future unit to 100% instantly? Or just making progress on your current units faster? I have 35% in moogles right now. Could finish off PoC right now, BM soonish, or hoard for who-knows-what.
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