Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Curious what you guys are doing with trust moogles. Saving them up for a future unit to 100% instantly? Or just making progress on your current units faster? I have 35% in moogles right now. Could finish off PoC right now, BM soonish, or hoard for who-knows-what.

I use them on important TMs that are in progress and that I am doing 0 to 100% on its own without fusing.

In the past: dual wield
now: genji glove


I'll be using mine when DW, second BM, and both Miuki's are at 90% each. That gets me a good Chizuru a good week to week and a half earlier. Currently each of those is around 50%, so I have a few weeks.

After that, will put toward second DW as soon as I get them.


Muku -

the short and dirty... You can use any emulator with the method I use to script. I prefer Andy, because it works like a charm for me

Automator is the program- variables - get specified text action

Then hit the record button, and go through the clicks for TM farming. I first click on the Andy icon in the task bar, in case the window is not active. I use the Earth Shrine Exit so that my units can work on LB's as well. I leave a few seconds between screens to account for loading. Necessary mainly after selecting the team, and after the fight is over. All other screens no pause is really necessary.

Then stop the action, and a Watch Me Do is created for your script. TEST IT. If you don't like, delete and record again...

Once you are good with it, add a Pause action - so you can keep from expending too much energy. I like to set my pause to two seconds until all my energy drains. Then I will either spend the lapis on my phone and repeat, or I will set the pause for around three minutes so that the script runs every five minutes if I don't want to spend the lapis.

Last, you simply need a loop. I like to set mine for a certain amount of times, as opposed to hours and minutes...

That's all there is to it... really easy to do.

Hmm, thank you. Seems like more work than it's really worth though. Again an extension beyond. It would just be useful if Nox on Mac had the script manager again. Ah well.

I guess at this point I'm worried. With this TM farming becoming more complicated than I need or want (I liked the fact there was a pre-written script already without having to go through it) I'm just going to not really be playing much. No good banners.
Not that tha matters because my luck sucks anyway.
No decent events. Dead end. ;_;

Edit: Thank you for your time. Same with Lyrian. I appreciate it.


Phew, just ranked up with enough time to spend all my energy before the maintenance. It was looking close there. Also, don't forget there's maintenance in less than two hours!


Curious what you guys are doing with trust moogles. Saving them up for a future unit to 100% instantly? Or just making progress on your current units faster? I have 35% in moogles right now. Could finish off PoC right now, BM soonish, or hoard for who-knows-what.

In the long run, it's a wash no matter how you use them. 10% is 10%, whether that's today, tomorrow, or 6 months down the road.

Two trains of logic on this one, based on one's personal preferences and risk tolerances:

1) The save for an uber TM logic (conservative route): 10,000 runs is an awful long time, and the TM in question is too powerful to fuse duplicates to speed up the process. Moogles are applied specifically to this special TM either in a giant batch to max it out quick, or as moogles are obtained to focus on this special TM (like dual wield).

2) The time-value-of-money [TVM] logic (aggressive route): Moogles don't become vintage with time and gain additional value by sitting in inventory for a rainy day. As 10% to a given TM is the same 10% applied to any other TM toward obtaining that TM, logic would dictate that moogles should be applied towards current in-progress TMs to accelerate their completion as the benefits of a completed TM now far outweigh the benefits of completing that TM later (ie: you can clear something with that TM now that you can't clear without it).

I used to be in the first camp, but have migrated into the second camp over time. That said, I will tend to allocate moogles to TMs that I only have one unit for to speed them up in lieu of having a dupe to sacrifice, as 10,000 runs is far, far longer than 4,750 runs fusing two units together for that same TM.


In the long run, it's a wash no matter how you use them. 10% is 10%, whether that's today, tomorrow, or 6 months down the road.

Two trains of logic on this one, based on one's personal preferences and risk tolerances:

1) The save for an uber TM logic (conservative route): 10,000 runs is an awful long time, and the TM in question is too powerful to fuse duplicates to speed up the process. Moogles are applied specifically to this special TM either in a giant batch to max it out quick, or as moogles are obtained to focus on this special TM (like dual wield).

2) The time-value-of-money [TVM] logic (aggressive route): Moogles don't become vintage with time and gain additional value by sitting in inventory for a rainy day. As 10% to a given TM is the same 10% applied to any other TM toward obtaining that TM, logic would dictate that moogles should be applied towards current in-progress TMs to accelerate their completion as the benefits of a completed TM now far outweigh the benefits of completing that TM later (ie: you can clear something with that TM now that you can't clear without it).

I used to be in the first camp, but have migrated into the second camp over time. That said, I will tend to allocate moogles to TMs that I only have one unit for to speed them up in lieu of having a dupe to sacrifice, as 10,000 runs is far, far longer than 4,750 runs fusing two units together for that same TM.

Kind of the same here. What I did was hoard Moogles until I got my first Dual wield TM, as I had no innate DW units and DW is a Game Changer (if you need it). After that I was going to keep hoarding them for a second DW, but instead dumped them into finishing Blade Mastery and Sakurafubuki to rush buffing my main DPS unit. Really the most important thing you can do is build up one single character as much as possible due to how stats and damage stacks up in this game. I'll likely use my next couple Moogles to rush my PoC from Maxwell and then start hoarding again for a second Dual Wield and repeat the process for my second unit.


Should I be using my tickets on this featured summon or rare summon?

This banner is rather iffy, though it does have a strong healer if you manage to get a bit lucky and a top tier mage if you get super lucky. Feel free to use your daily half price pull to build up your collection, but I wouldn't recommend using your tickets on it.


Should I be using my tickets on this featured summon or rare summon?

If you are a new player, Luka (the gold unit on the banner) is a solid healer if you do not have Refia. Otherwise, the featured banner is fairly mediocre (don't ever plan on pulling the rainbow unit and be miraculously surprised if you ever do hit the jackpot)

Otherwise, you can throw your tickets at the rare banner and see what RNG randomly decides to give you.

Also, most are suggesting that the next banner of Friday will be rather mediocre as well. Supposedly, there will be new abilities added to the units to make them more palatable. But, Gumi has a track record at this point of extremely meh Global Exclusive Unit Abilities. Most of that should be datamined though during the downtime in just over an hour from now so that a concrete judgement can be made about the next banner.


TM farming + OCD robbed some serious sleep from me last night. Woke up because I had to use the bathroom and checked on Memu. Saw that I was 22 runs away from getting a rank up but I only had 17 energy. Didn't want to refresh and wast 80 energy so I looked up some areas and checked how much rank exp they give to maximize my rank up... Needless to say by the time I ranked up and resumed the TM script I was wide awake. Went back to bed, couldn't fall asleef for quite a while and once I fell asleep my alarm woke me up...

This fucking game...


TM farming + OCD robbed some serious sleep from me last night. Woke up because I had to use the bathroom and checked on Memu. Saw that I was 22 runs away from getting a rank up but I only had 17 energy. Didn't want to refresh and wast 80 energy so I looked up some areas and checked how much rank exp they give to maximize my rank up... Needless to say by the time I ranked up and resumed the TM script I was wide awake. Went back to bed, couldn't fall asleef for quite a while and once I fell asleep my alarm woke me up...

This fucking game...

why not just let the macro run until rank up?


If they gave him a 6-star form and enough enhancements to be viable, the world will explode.

Oh shit, the 1550 attack was true. Holy fuck


I'm seeing other ones on twitter with 1400+ as well. Crikey!

Someone on Altema said that he can beat the body of Aigaion in one-shot without chain by himself. That thing has 10 million HP.

I don't know if that's true but if it is, oh man.

From what the person said,

Onion Knight's Sword (135 atk)
Prishe's Hair Ornament (45 atk)
Demon's Chestpiece (12 atk)
Desh's Earring (45 atk) x2
Doublehand x4

All abilities should be enhanced and I assume he has max power pot as well.

Against Aigaion, he's probably doing Power Charge which gives Randy a 100% Atk boost then using Gale Triple Slash which is 700% ST with -50% Wind Resist & Gives Wind Element to Randy's attacks. For reference, Orlandu's ST before Light element is 400% (200% with ignore -50% def) So he's getting a ridiculous amount of power out of it.

o_O. I replaced twitterlink with the picture so everyone can see the crazyness o_O.

This is were my First (Ifrit) & Second (Diabolos) Noctis are:
First is almost fully ATK potted. Second is not :p.


I stopped using Lapis for nrg refreshes. I may do it when its weekend / I have more time. Now its just natural nrg + daily quests. 3rd Blademastery (for Lightning) should be done during this week. After that its Snow time and at somepoint toss few Hayates for Black Cowl.

All in all, every major TM is about done (1 Zidane still in the works for reasons, it will be my 2nd Dual Wield). Next to do TM's using multiple copies of units. Slowly collecting Lapis for future 10+1 pull. Tix Ill use when I get them. For me there is no point of hoarding & saving tickets. I just like to use those as soon as I get :D.


Someone on Altema said that he can beat the body of Aigaion in one-shot without chain by himself. That thing has 10 million HP.

I don't know if that's true but if it is, oh man.

Can we expect Doublehand to stack in GL - a day - like it does in JP or it'll never happen? Because I never understood why even consider DH when you have DW before (didnt knew bout the GL nerf).

Also, thanks for answering, if we get his banner if think a lot of enthousiast players are going to pull hard on this one.
Curious what you guys are doing with trust moogles. Saving them up for a future unit to 100% instantly? Or just making progress on your current units faster? I have 35% in moogles right now. Could finish off PoC right now, BM soonish, or hoard for who-knows-what.

I use em to expedite TM that I'm farming. Trust moogles aren't super rare. Every event will have one 10% moogle and five 1% moogles, and we have a new event every 2 weeks. So there's no need to horde them. Use em as you see fit is my suggestion.


In the long run, it's a wash no matter how you use them. 10% is 10%, whether that's today, tomorrow, or 6 months down the road.

Two trains of logic on this one, based on one's personal preferences and risk tolerances:

1) The save for an uber TM logic (conservative route): 10,000 runs is an awful long time, and the TM in question is too powerful to fuse duplicates to speed up the process. Moogles are applied specifically to this special TM either in a giant batch to max it out quick, or as moogles are obtained to focus on this special TM (like dual wield).

2) The time-value-of-money [TVM] logic (aggressive route): Moogles don't become vintage with time and gain additional value by sitting in inventory for a rainy day. As 10% to a given TM is the same 10% applied to any other TM toward obtaining that TM, logic would dictate that moogles should be applied towards current in-progress TMs to accelerate their completion as the benefits of a completed TM now far outweigh the benefits of completing that TM later (ie: you can clear something with that TM now that you can't clear without it).

I used to be in the first camp, but have migrated into the second camp over time. That said, I will tend to allocate moogles to TMs that I only have one unit for to speed them up in lieu of having a dupe to sacrifice, as 10,000 runs is far, far longer than 4,750 runs fusing two units together for that same TM.

Kind of the same here. What I did was hoard Moogles until I got my first Dual wield TM, as I had no innate DW units and DW is a Game Changer (if you need it). After that I was going to keep hoarding them for a second DW, but instead dumped them into finishing Blade Mastery and Sakurafubuki to rush buffing my main DPS unit. Really the most important thing you can do is build up one single character as much as possible due to how stats and damage stacks up in this game. I'll likely use my next couple Moogles to rush my PoC from Maxwell and then start hoarding again for a second Dual Wield and repeat the process for my second unit.

I used 10 x 10% Moogles to Gilgamesh, since it was my first and only way to get 2 weapons to be wielded. After that its been, use Moogles to finish TM. Yesterday, got 1 Chorizo to 90% and used moogle to finish it. So in the same train here. First to get crucial TM fast (instant) then to speed up things.

I did remember we have maintenance incoming, then I forgot it then I noticed it 5mins before MT started. Managed to do 2 story runs (6 nrg each :D) and got my nrg to 60/100. So losing some energy during maintenance if it wont end early. But its ok :).

Iam in "I don't care arena" mood. Doing only 5 battles per day, hovering somewhere in 60k rank.


Obviously her role will be singer ;)
"Boost xx while singing".

Good that she is free, now I don't need to fear to pull her accidentally. She can collect dust in my inventory :p.

Nazta datamined global exclusives
Reddit Nazta said:

Deliverance | Deliverance

Req: Jack Only
+20% ATK/DEF + Auto-Regen [Materia]
Moogle King: Max 2 / Cost 3,000
Firewall power | Firewall: Power↑

Req: Trey Only
+30% ATK +20% All Elemental Resists [Materia]
Moogle King: Max 2 / Cost 3,000

On paper those exclusives seem to be really nice. Too bad, units are max 5*, I don't get the idea to make such a "powerful" exclusive materials for units that top 5*. Maybe in the future they get 6* but still waste of time to get those exclus.


why not just let the macro run until rank up?

I would have let it run if I hadn't gotten up to use the bathroom and checked on it while I was up anyways in case Memu crashed or my inventory was full.
If I hadn't interfered I would have gotten the rank up with 80/87 energy so I would have only gotten 7 energy from the rank up. I stopped the script and did a different stage to put me over the rank threshold while my energy was close to 0 so I would get the maximum effect of a rank up energy refresh.
Basically in my head I was justifying that as saving 100 Lapis for a refresh that I could have gotten through a rank up for free anyways .


I would have let it run if I hadn't gotten up to use the bathroom and checked on it while I was up anyways in case Memu crashed or my inventory was full.
If I hadn't interfered I would have gotten the rank up with 80/87 energy so I would have only gotten 7 energy from the rank up. I stopped the script and did a different stage to put me over the rank threshold while my energy was close to 0 so I would get the maximum effect of a rank up energy refresh.
Basically in my head I was justifying that as saving 100 Lapis for a refresh that I could have gotten through a rank up for free anyways .

Oh are you using lapis refresh macro?

I was thinking you'd just 0 out the last 5 NRG before 22 but that would only apply with no auto lapis refresh.


Oh are you using lapis refresh macro?

I was thinking you'd just 0 out the last 5 NRG before 22 but that would only apply with no auto lapis refresh.

Yeah, I've been refreshing for a while to blast through my most important TMs.


i'm pretty frustrated running my TM macro on nox because the game crashes within the emulator pretty often and the macro doesn't dismiss the crash error so it can never relaunch the game. I don't want to mess with the macro cause it's very carefully designed to do certain things and it would surely have unintended consequences if i added any other taps without extremely careful planning.

Just wondering if others have the same crashing problems? Everything I'm using is up-to-date, too.

Also, really glad Grande is free. KHUX has given out free promo medals and some are actually among the best in the game (at the time of their release.) So, I have a fair bit of hope that she'll be relatively useful. It would be a big fail to spend the $$$ licensing and designing a big promo like this only for her unit to be trash, so I can't see it happening.


Okay, back in the game, time to use up my Arena orbs and see what my daily pull is :). Can actually play during the day today as I'm not TM farming due to the maintenance.


Muku -

the short and dirty... You can use any emulator with the method I use to script. I prefer Andy, because it works like a charm for me

Automator is the program- variables - get specified text action

Then hit the record button, and go through the clicks for TM farming. I first click on the Andy icon in the task bar, in case the window is not active. I use the Earth Shrine Exit so that my units can work on LB's as well. I leave a few seconds between screens to account for loading. Necessary mainly after selecting the team, and after the fight is over. All other screens no pause is really necessary.

Then stop the action, and a Watch Me Do is created for your script. TEST IT. If you don't like, delete and record again...

Once you are good with it, add a Pause action - so you can keep from expending too much energy. I like to set my pause to two seconds until all my energy drains. Then I will either spend the lapis on my phone and repeat, or I will set the pause for around three minutes so that the script runs every five minutes if I don't want to spend the lapis.

Last, you simply need a loop. I like to set mine for a certain amount of times, as opposed to hours and minutes...

That's all there is to it... really easy to do.

Thanks for the information, CCIE. I'll help her get it sorted out and I'll probably set it up for myself as well. Been meaning to do this for a while now, but got lazy at some point. I'm at the point where there's not much to do, so perhaps a macro for TM farming is good. I'll see about getting on Muku's computer and see if I can set it up for her.


That's one heck of a daily pull, lol.

I'm just glad I have someone to feed Cactuars again to :p

Congrats, man. Another character to work on.

I wonder how good Ariana will be as a free unit. I don't think she'll be all that great, but one more for the team, I guess.


So they will rerun Memories from Aqupolis event in near future. Also we will get some compensation due to those chrashes.
Ability now has text that says if its not stackalble (Killer abilities, BM, DH).
Well damn, been saving and not pulling. Did a daily and got my second miyuki! First sakurufubuki is sitting at 30% and now i have to do another. Not mad at all. Putting these 3 blade masteries to use!


Well damn, been saving and not pulling. Did a daily and got my second miyuki! First sakurufubuki is sitting at 30% and now i have to do another. Not mad at all. Putting these 3 blade masteries to use!

Damn, I got her yesterday. I did a daily pull and it was gold (prayed for Agrias) got Miyuki. My 3rd one...but I merged the first two. Saved this one so I have two now. Gonna see if I can get this macro thing working so that I can get a few TMRs for my guys.


Well damn, been saving and not pulling. Did a daily and got my second miyuki! First sakurufubuki is sitting at 30% and now i have to do another. Not mad at all. Putting these 3 blade masteries to use!

Eh, I'll try one too just for fun. Haven't done a summon since Noctis banner.

Let's see... Elle. Yep.
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