Twitch launches Power Rangers Marathon starting Tuesday

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Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Divatox has a real dominatrix thing going on

she's roughly based on her sentai equivalent, however she does give me Doronjo vibes



Are there any couples in this series that kiss on camera or the like? So far, Tommy x Kim and Tommy x Kat was very tame.

Actually, didn't Tommy and Kim kiss just once early on? Or was that off-camera?
Jen and Wes in the time force finale

Otherwise, nah. Again, if yall want to see power rangers do a proper relationship, watch Ninja Steel. It's amazing how good the couple in there is.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I remember Mystic Force having a few romance arcs but it's almost entirely about it's horrible red ranger so it's blanked out in my head what they were.

there was tori and blake in ninja storm, as well as the one sided thing in jungle fury and dillion and live in rpm(ziggy and the doc too, but the doc wasnt a ranger)


JYB dud get the 15th anniversary. But yeah he should be a role. The Kyuranger adaptation would be great since it's stars and space...

To be sure!

I guess watching the way he had to leave, it just made me salty again haha ... I wish there was a way where a series with T.J. as leader and Adam gets to be the Red Ranger happened. But alas.

100% positive that if Saban asked JYB would absolutely do a series again.

Is Neo Saban better than old Saban in terms of actor treatment? I would love to have JYB back in a more prominent role (or any of the older actors, from any season really) but if they are getting screwed again ...


Okay them having their fucking helmets off so much in the trailers for the new movie is REALLY bugging me.

Like why even have helmets?

I would understand if these were famous actors playing the rangers or old fan faves, but it's not. Why do I care about some nobodies face?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Understand, this is where Turbo finally begins to work.

New writer, new cast, and an understanding of how to use the Carranger footage.

Yeah, this half of turbo is where the season finally picks up

You can't the same shit for say, Megaforce. Hell I think even Operation Overdrive has that moment of clarity on its 3/4th run.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Pretty sure only a select few of us here watched RPM.

Ziggy and Dr. K actually got married in real life

They also got divorced :(

noo. they were so cute together. and young. but definetely cute
Is Neo Saban better than old Saban in terms of actor treatment? I would love to have JYB back in a more prominent role (or any of the older actors, from any season really) but if they are getting screwed again ...

Maybe slightly better, but then you look at the shenanigans they pulled for
the Legendary War cameos in the Super MegaForce finale.


This dude caught up to a speeding alien car omg lol. That's so ridiculous seeing as an adult but as a kid you think "well he's a Power Ranger."


lol that car sequence. So goofy.

I can't remember but was there anything at all between Trip and Katie in Time Force? Or was it just Wes and Jen?
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