1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ; My favourite game from last gen. The multiplayer was perfect. Yes, I am aware it was "broken" but I dont care. It didn't affect my enjoyment at all, if anything it probably enhanced the experience by making matches hectic as. 24/7 air support was heaps of laughs and destroying entire teams with commando knife was glorious. Setting up 2 claymores in the perfectly crafted multiplayer maps and just waiting for people to rush in dying automatically then replenishing my claymores, rinse and repeat lol. That's just the MP, the single player was fantastic in its own right. Infinity Ward were just God's at cinematic set pieces, even better than Naughty Dog. The campaign is an interactive Michael Bay movie and I just love it. The music is also good.
2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution ; Jesus, where do I begin. I love cyberpunk so I was extremely excited to play this. I never played the first game but I don't think that mattered by the end of the day. This game oozes style as does Jensen. He is probably the coolest video game character ever, his design is so badass! The music is top notch, the hub levels are fun to traverse, the story was extremely interesting and the gameplay had so much variety to it. Easily one of my favourite games of all time. I was so pissed when they got rid of the piss filter from Mankind divided. I loved that!!
3. Dead Space ; I would say this was my favourite new IP from last gen. I was very sad how there was a huge quality drop with #3. The audio design is probably the best designed thing in this game. It was sooo good, the sound alone was enough to stop me pushing through the game. I had to play this in 30 min bursts because it was the scariest game I had ever played. The combat was also freaken awesome as was the plasma cutter. Dismembering & stomping necro's was so satisfying. The necro that could regenerate was so stressful to get through each encounter lol I also so love the fact that it was inspired by Event Horizon. Also I need to give credit to their HUD team, so cleverly included in the game.
4. Yakuza 3 ; It might rank higher than 4 + 5 because it was my first yakuza game so it holds a place in my heart. Or it might be that it just has the best story of the lot, and I like the fact you dont switch characters. I didnt really like that with 4 and the others.
I love the Japanese setting and culture in this game. I love the combat, and I love the characters. There is nothing else like it on the market.
5. Uncharted 2 ; Last gen I had thought U3 was the better title, but having replayed them on the ps4 I believe Uncharted 2 is definitely the better of the 2. Reason for this is because its better acted, better settings, better pacing and feels like more of a cinematic action adventure movie.
6. Super Street Fighter 4 ; Best street fighter game since street fighter alpha 2 (gold).
The controls are tight and I loved the soundtrack. Perfect remix of the original themes. I constantly listen to them on my ipod. Can't really say much else, its just a great fighter. The inclusion of focus was a great addition. I used it so much to bait people into attacking me and then counterattacking their ass!
7. God of War 3 ; I cant have a top 10 without including God of War. My 3rd favourite video game franchise. I LOVE Greek Mythology (I am greek australian myself!). Kratos is such a badass character, haters gonna hate. The combat is great, not as deep as something DMC but its still engaging. The soundtrack is top notch, the graphics are INSAAAANE and the bosses are some of the best in the industry. The level design is also fantastic, looping back to a place you've been to without feeling like backtracking.
8. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ; This and Modern warfare 2 were THE Shooter Multiplayers of last gen. BFBC2 has some of the best multiplayer maps out there, so perfectly crafted for conquest. The destruction was on another level and I don't think it has been matched in the series since. I was one of those players who would be circling enemy bases in my helicopter with my mate destroying everyone. Good times
Single player is garbage though.
9. Wipeout HD Fury ; The best racer on the ps4. Fantastic visuals (Zone mode!), very fun driving/combat with a great soundtrack to boot. Added bonus being able to import your own music.
10. Pokemon Diamond ; How can I clock 555 hours into this game and not list it here. I initially skipped the 3rd gen as I skipped the GBA, so this was my first pokemon game since Gold/Silver. I was extremely hyped for this, I bought a DS lite just to play this. Essentially its just another pokemon game, they all are pretty much the same thing. The main thing I do in the games is just collect them all and battle, so story/characters mean nothing to me. I also thought the designs were better than the Gen 3 pokemon and most pokemon post gen 4.
x. 3d dot game heroes
x. Batman Arkham Asylum
x. Bioshock
x. Binary Domain
x. Dead Space 2
x. Darksiders
x. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
x. Alpha Protocol
x. Gear of war
x. Gears of war 2
x. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
x. Infamous
x. Just Cause 2
x. Resistance 3
x. Resident Evil 5
x. Uncharted 3
x. Metal Gear Rising

2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution ; Jesus, where do I begin. I love cyberpunk so I was extremely excited to play this. I never played the first game but I don't think that mattered by the end of the day. This game oozes style as does Jensen. He is probably the coolest video game character ever, his design is so badass! The music is top notch, the hub levels are fun to traverse, the story was extremely interesting and the gameplay had so much variety to it. Easily one of my favourite games of all time. I was so pissed when they got rid of the piss filter from Mankind divided. I loved that!!

3. Dead Space ; I would say this was my favourite new IP from last gen. I was very sad how there was a huge quality drop with #3. The audio design is probably the best designed thing in this game. It was sooo good, the sound alone was enough to stop me pushing through the game. I had to play this in 30 min bursts because it was the scariest game I had ever played. The combat was also freaken awesome as was the plasma cutter. Dismembering & stomping necro's was so satisfying. The necro that could regenerate was so stressful to get through each encounter lol I also so love the fact that it was inspired by Event Horizon. Also I need to give credit to their HUD team, so cleverly included in the game.

4. Yakuza 3 ; It might rank higher than 4 + 5 because it was my first yakuza game so it holds a place in my heart. Or it might be that it just has the best story of the lot, and I like the fact you dont switch characters. I didnt really like that with 4 and the others.
I love the Japanese setting and culture in this game. I love the combat, and I love the characters. There is nothing else like it on the market.

5. Uncharted 2 ; Last gen I had thought U3 was the better title, but having replayed them on the ps4 I believe Uncharted 2 is definitely the better of the 2. Reason for this is because its better acted, better settings, better pacing and feels like more of a cinematic action adventure movie.

6. Super Street Fighter 4 ; Best street fighter game since street fighter alpha 2 (gold).
The controls are tight and I loved the soundtrack. Perfect remix of the original themes. I constantly listen to them on my ipod. Can't really say much else, its just a great fighter. The inclusion of focus was a great addition. I used it so much to bait people into attacking me and then counterattacking their ass!

7. God of War 3 ; I cant have a top 10 without including God of War. My 3rd favourite video game franchise. I LOVE Greek Mythology (I am greek australian myself!). Kratos is such a badass character, haters gonna hate. The combat is great, not as deep as something DMC but its still engaging. The soundtrack is top notch, the graphics are INSAAAANE and the bosses are some of the best in the industry. The level design is also fantastic, looping back to a place you've been to without feeling like backtracking.

8. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ; This and Modern warfare 2 were THE Shooter Multiplayers of last gen. BFBC2 has some of the best multiplayer maps out there, so perfectly crafted for conquest. The destruction was on another level and I don't think it has been matched in the series since. I was one of those players who would be circling enemy bases in my helicopter with my mate destroying everyone. Good times
Single player is garbage though.

9. Wipeout HD Fury ; The best racer on the ps4. Fantastic visuals (Zone mode!), very fun driving/combat with a great soundtrack to boot. Added bonus being able to import your own music.

10. Pokemon Diamond ; How can I clock 555 hours into this game and not list it here. I initially skipped the 3rd gen as I skipped the GBA, so this was my first pokemon game since Gold/Silver. I was extremely hyped for this, I bought a DS lite just to play this. Essentially its just another pokemon game, they all are pretty much the same thing. The main thing I do in the games is just collect them all and battle, so story/characters mean nothing to me. I also thought the designs were better than the Gen 3 pokemon and most pokemon post gen 4.

x. 3d dot game heroes
x. Batman Arkham Asylum
x. Bioshock
x. Binary Domain
x. Dead Space 2
x. Darksiders
x. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
x. Alpha Protocol
x. Gear of war
x. Gears of war 2
x. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
x. Infamous
x. Just Cause 2
x. Resistance 3
x. Resident Evil 5
x. Uncharted 3
x. Metal Gear Rising