June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS


Awww. Bayley said she cried during her first promo at wrassle school or whatever. D:

She also admitted to sucking at promos in general, but Austin told her she doesn't, so I guess you guys have quite a bit of egg on your faces.


Why would I give a shit what Austin thinks in 2017?
It has been 15 years since Austin mattered.
Now he collects paychecks and rides the coat tails of the past (and if you try and tell me that any of those hodge podge reality show gimmicks are new or note worthy or he did not get them because of his WWE career come closer so I can punch you in the throat.
The buzz this LaVar thing is getting is going to bring back guest hosts on a regular basis, isn't it?

If they just leave it to Miz interviewing celebrities I might be down for it.


Awww. Bayley said she cried during her first promo at wrassle school or whatever. D:

She also admitted to sucking at promos in general, but Austin told her she doesn't, so I guess you guys have quite a bit of egg on your faces.


Austin told me you sucked. Guessing this is true...


I still can't get over the fact that Mr Ass is challenging Tana at the G1 special. how the fuck did they thought that people want to see Billy Gunn in 2017?
Awww. Bayley said she cried during her first promo at wrassle school or whatever. D:

She also admitted to sucking at promos in general, but Austin told her she doesn't, so I guess you guys have quite a bit of egg on your faces.


Austin gave us WHAT, fuck him too tbh
I'm amazed that this Samoa Joe booking continues to be consistent within the mess that is Raw, gonna be a shame for Joey when he inevitably loses and returns to the realm of clueless booking that the like of Wyatt/Rollins inhabits.

You basically asked me to do it...

It's not my avatar it's our avatar
*polite pop*

Awww. Bayley said she cried during her first promo at wrassle school or whatever. D:

She also admitted to sucking at promos in general, but Austin told her she doesn't, so I guess you guys have quite a bit of egg on your faces.

When you're right, you're right.


I've watched two episodes of GLOW and it's alright. I'll watch the whole thing before I give my definitive super grade.

It's making me want to watch that GLOW documentary, though. So I'll probably finally get around to doing that.


I still can't get over the fact that Mr Ass is challenging Tana at the G1 special. how the fuck did they thought that people want to see Billy Gunn in 2017?

yea that match is going to blow, I just hope that idiot doesn't end up injuring Tanahashi. He was awful at Wrestle Kingdom 11 battle royal, you could clearly see him in the ring calling all his spots, fucking awful.


Why would I give a shit what Austin thinks in 2017?
It has been 15 years since Austin mattered.
Now he collects paychecks and rides the coat tails of the past (and if you try and tell me that any of those hodge podge reality show gimmicks are new or note worthy or he did not get them because of his WWE career come closer so I can punch you in the throat.

Awww. Bayley said she cried during her first promo at wrassle school or whatever. D:

She also admitted to sucking at promos in general, but Austin told her she doesn't, so I guess you guys have quite a bit of egg on your faces.


Austin just didn't want to make her cry on his podcast.


Why would I give a shit what Austin thinks in 2017?
It has been 15 years since Austin mattered.
Now he collects paychecks and rides the coat tails of the past (and if you try and tell me that any of those hodge podge reality show gimmicks are new or note worthy or he did not get them because of his WWE career come closer so I can punch you in the throat.


Bayley is one of the worst promos in the history of wrestling.

Worse than those Jumpin Jeff Farmer vids.

Now last night you all... I mean earlier tonight you guys hurl-heard that the New Day, talking about winning the WWE Tag Team champions... being the t-becoming the WWE Tag Team champions, last summer, right here, in Brooklyn. Now what you all forget, sometimes, is that going into that match that the Prime Time Players were your tag team champions, w-going in. So every time I get draaaaagged back here to good ol' Brooklyn... I always get someone answering the same question. Whether it be one of them broke brothers from Bushwick, or one of them uppity hipsters from williamsburg. They ask the question: "Was that the worst day of your life?" I look at em. And I say no. That wasn't the worst day of my life, cause when I flash this million dollar smile, I tell ya right now baby, that was the BEST day of my life. It wasn't the worst day of my life cause I dropped the tag team titles, it was the best day of my life, because I dropped the dead weight that was Darren Young. Oh no no no, let's let's let's let's be real. There's no Ride Along - there is a reason there's no episode of Ride Along with the Prime Time Players. Pretty difficult to do when it's only one Prime Time Player. And he would not be relevant - Darren Young would not be relevant if it wasn't for me. Much like Jay-Z wouldn't be relevant if it wudn't for Beyonce. Oh yeah you booin', but it's true, think about it! Bob Backlund. How is Bob Backlund gonna make Darren Young great again, when he wasn't ever great to begin with? I would be all over the main event. You would be wearing my T-shirt. Hell, I would be your Universal champion right now, if it wasn't for Darren Young. Y'all wanna talk about some Bobbbb BACKLIN. Well tonight, I blame YOU Darren Young. I blame YOU for all the failures that I have not ha-no-had since I been here. I blame YOU for not being in the main event. I blame YOU for not being the WWE Champion. And I'll tell ya tonight, tonight. You come out here tonight so I can bury you, and be done with you, all together. Come on out here Darren Young, give these people what they want. They want you, come on out here. Come on, we gon' make Darren Young great again, come on Darren.

I'll tell ya what's going on right now. Ol' crazy, wild-eyed, bobbb BACKLIN is back there tellin' him, don't go out there, don't go out there. Cause... he knows... damn well, that Darren Young is too stupid to come out here. So- ......

I want Darren. I don't know who y'all want, but I want Darren to come on out here. I want Dar-ren. Okay. That old crazy man please let this man come out here. I mean t-AY! Who is Bob Backlin anyway? Bob Backlund runs out Who is Bob Backlin? Who does Bob Backlin- Ay ay, don't you come out here. I will beat yo- drops mic


I posted this in the wrong thread... Oops!

Just finished watching Progress Wrestling's "regression" storyline... I haven't cheered so much and wanted someone to lose so much in years!

I am so excited for everything else Progress has to offer.


"She wouldn't hang out with you?"
"Why not?"
"Well whenever me and my friends would hang out at the mall, she would always be busy watching..............Monday Night Raw.........and Friday Night Smackdown"


"She wouldn't hang out with you?"
"Why not?"
"Well whenever me and my friends would hang out at the mall, she would always be busy watching..............Monday Night Raw.........and Friday Night Smackdown"

If that was a real friend who was disgusted with what she was doing instead of hanging out, she'd say "that stupid wrestling shit".
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