Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
You're right it's not close. Trigun is way better than Bebop.



Made in Abyss 2
Strong AOTS contender ATM. This world is great and I'm stoked to see where this goes.

Welcome to the Ballroom 2
The scene of Hyodo dancing alone in the studio gives me hope that this is going to be exactly what I want and unlike Yuri on Ice they're not going to be afraid of making their dance scenes strikingly different stylistically for them to stand out like they should.

Princess Principal 2
Apparently there were some really good twists in there after reading up on what I say through. It was lost on me though, I'm just not cut out for this.


Nice. Riding Bean bluray shipped. I'll be glad to get that but hopefully we'll get to see their next kickstarter project soon.
The amount of complaints about the necks in Ballroom is absolutely... uninteresting.

Also, I think I like Princess Principal better than Made in Abyss at the moment. Let's hope it keeps its momentum and doesn't crash and burn or fizzle out.

I've heard this one too many times. I guess I'll have to go back and rewatch the first episode and see if I missed something.


Fate/Apocrypha 03

Based Astolfo.
Looks like we've met the main main guy? Show continues to build up its cast while having small skirmishes in-between to spice things up, which I really like.
It continues to have some cool action, but never looks as good as the Ufotable Fate stuff, which kind of makes for a weird disconnect if you're used to that.

Also, I think I like Princess Principal better than Made in Abyss at the moment. Let's hope it keeps its momentum and doesn't crash and burn or fizzle out.


Texhnolyze: 17-19
Wow, okay, so the Texhnolyzation by Kano is super creepy. They are kind of like Doctor Who's Cybermen.

The travel to the world above has to be the standout episode for me. It's creepy and super atmospheric. I knew that the show hinted that something was wrong with the outside world, but I didn't expect it to be quiet like that. It really threw my mind for a loop. Not only that, just by showing this illusory world that is the world above, after all this time, the show finally explains Yoshi's motivation. It not only ties so many things together, it is astounding in its sheer nihilism.

This show just keeps getting more depressing. :(
Can we take over Kitsu and kick off most of the current users? I love the design and functionality of the site, but it just serves as a reminder that I can't stand a large portion of people who share a hobby with me.


Can we take over Kitsu and kick off most of the current users? I love the design and functionality of the site, but it just serves as a reminder that I can't stand a large portion of people who share a hobby with me.
don't read reviews or their forums

similar to mal


don't read reviews or their forums

similar to mal

Forums? Those got like killed off prior to the reboot. Or I think they did.

Certainly setting the stream filter to 'following' and not following shit people helps though. Like every other social network.
don't read reviews or their forums

similar to mal

See, I've been doing it wrong. Instead of doing either of those things I've spent 90% of my time telling some dude with a furry avatar about how dumb his opinions on social issues are. I found out just now I can set the home feed to only show people I've followed and that hopefully fixes my issue.

Certainly setting the stream filter to 'following' and not following shit people helps though. Like every other social network.

Just noticed that after about two months of using the site.


See, I've been doing it wrong. Instead of doing either of those things I've spent 90% of my time telling some dude with a furry avatar about how dumb his opinions on social issues are. I found out just now I can set the home feed to only show people I've followed and that hopefully fixes my issue.

Just noticed that after about two months of using the site.

You should join my long neglected NeoGAF group too :)
Kitsu has been rebooted so many times and has still sucked after so many of them that I have long since given up on granting it more chances.


Kitsu has been rebooted so many times and has still sucked after so many of them that I have long since given up on granting it more chances.

You clearly have different tastes than I.

I've thought it has been better right from the start and got much better with the revamp.

Imprint continues to be excellent too. That alone got me to use kitsu more regularly than I ever did MAL or more than I use other media social networks.


Kitsu's previous incarnation didn't even work a majority of the time. Pages wouldn't load, it would go down all the time.

I never had that problem. It did have slow page loads on the web though. I mostly used the Android client Imprint which was always great in my experience. And its still great, especially for a student project.
GAMERS! ep 1
The hottest girl in school asks the MC to join her gaming club
and he declines because reasons
. CS:GO is called COS and they play it with controllers on a spit screen. It was embarrassing to watch.
Kakegurui Ep.3

This would be excellent as a silent film. As it stands, every single episode uses the same recycled plot, the same recycled ugly face schtick, the same hindsight mystery (in this episode we get two hindsight mysteries that don't even begin to make sense!) . The visual direction is really, really good though. Framing Nishinotouin against the Hannya mask - representing feminine greed and obsession - was a nice touch, if a bit obvious in its delivery. A shame that it's dragged down by almost everything else.


GAMERS! ep 1
The hottest girl in school asks the MC to join her gaming club
and he declines because reasons
. CS:GO is called COS and they play it with controllers on a spit screen. It was embarrassing to watch.
Actually they switched games when going to consoles, it was a COD-style HUD.


Kitsu's previous incarnation didn't even work a majority of the time. Pages wouldn't load, it would go down all the time.

I think the site is much more stable these days. Haven't experienced any slowdown in recent months, nor did i catch it being down. Compared to when they'we re-launched last fall, they are in a much better place today.

Plus, now you can link your mal account so it updates both at the same time.


I know I'm late af to the party, but I just finished the School Festival Arc of Hero Academia and boy did this shit get good.

It sucks that we didn't get more screentime for some of the battles, like Iida's. The race was pretty fun, the cavalry battle was great and the tournament part was amazing for some character development (like all tournament arcs usually are).

It sucks we didn't get more of best girl here, though...


would've loved to see her do some actual fighting.


You know, I've been always wondering: can the voice actresses really not sing or are the songs supposed to sound bad on purpose and I'm just not in on the joke? Their battle songs are goddamn terrible.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I think we have hit peak Isekai. There's an isekai about a pest exterminator dying and being reincarnated into a fantasy world ....... using his prowess in exterminating to level up quickly by poisoning rats festering in the sewer (like any good jrpg) and then throwing the poisoned dead rats corpses in a high level forest area. The higher level monsters eat the poisoned rats, die from the poison, and the exterminator gets credit (exp) for the kill lmao.


I think we have hit peak Isekai. There's an isekai about a pest exterminator dying and being reincarnated into a fantasy world ....... using his prowess in exterminating to level up quickly by poisoning rats festering in the sewer (like any good jrpg) and then throwing the poisoned dead rats corpses in a high level forest area. The higher levle monsters eat the poisoned rats, die from the poison, and the exterminator gets credit (exp) for the kill lmao.

Smart dude....
Gundam Seed Destiny finally getting viewers here, it was a memorable and awesome experience both times through. I pray rightstuf brings us the BD early 2018 so I dont have to wait for another rewatch.

Now if people can watch gAGE too.


Symphogear AXZ 03

Dayum, that triple attack was some top Symphogear stuff. Glad to see that they didn't fire all their ammunition in the first episode.
And Tiki is already very entertaining.


Why hasn't Symphogear been licensed? Is it because licensing the music would make it hell for anyone to license the series?
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