Winter Anime 2019 |OT| Your waifu is safe, no more Goblins


Man, I admit I have some serious catch-up to do as last year I didn't watch anything except some of Aggretsuko, half of Hanebado!, and the first three episodes of Darling in the Franxx (dropped it as I didn't like any of the cast except ironically Ichigo, which is the opposite of virtually everyone apparently but thankfully I lost interest that early in the show before it become the infamous trainwreck I heard about later). It wasn't that the anime of 2018 didn't look interesting (as boy does it now after watching some recent Youtube "Anime of 2018" videos), I just wasn't paying attention to it last year, I really just wasn't in the mood to watch shows of any kind period so I fell behind on anime, cartoons, and live-action shows, I was just purely focused on video games and movies last year.

Did just start SSSS Gridman yesterday, am about halfway through and am finding it really solid. I just hope if they ultimately try to redeem Akane it's in a reasonable way that doesn't feel wrong as she has done some seriously awful things, whereas I can at least sympathize with Anti as he's likely unable to resist following what he was created to do. But yeah, our main trio are kinda simple but likable enough, and the Neon Genesis squad are just all awesome, those four steal the show any scene they're in. Will probably check out Zombieland Saga and Planet With next as quite a few Youtubers and friends have recommended them.

In terms of this season, will definitely watch The Promised Neverland as I read the first three volumes of the manga and found it quite engaging. Never saw Season 1 of Mob Psycho 100 but I do want to as I did enjoy One Punch Man so I'll likely enjoy MP100 as well. Dororo and Revisions look kinda cool, will check out their trailers later. I don't know if it's necessary, but I'll have to rewatch the original Boogiepop anime as I remember enjoying it but now can barely remember what happened in it as that was like 10 years ago when I saw it and it was one I only watched once. Code Geass, sigh, I really hate the idea of bringing you-know-who back to life as I feel it cheapens the impact of S2's ending but I understand this is technically in the compilation movie's continuity and not the series so I might cautiously check it out sometime, as long as C.C., Kallen, and Jeremiah have good-sized roles in it as I love those three. Haven't committed to the time-sink that is the Fate franchise yet so I can pass on that for now, and I only saw a few episodes of Psycho-Pass Season 1, it was great but stuck in my backlog for now.


So far Mob Psycho season 2 is the only thing I'm following from winter anime and it's as great as ever! Things are finally kicking off too with the latest episode.


I'll watch the recently finished Precure. Had only watched Heartcatch and Doremi, but due to the directors return to Toei, time to catch up.

The rest I leave for the summer.Rewatchs of older series take priority. Had not watched them for 10-14 years
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