Evolution 2017 The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year (Read OP, No Game Whining)


So Art will continue to call him desert dick.

The suite was good until the whole donate to do this, that. It was just stupid at that point. I miss the old suites where it was entertaining and informative.

Zhi's stream was pretty funny. But it didn't last long.

Yep, like I said Friday night the salty suites were shitty this year. Even Hawaii was boring last night as they mostly stopped commentary or when they DID start it up again the video was running like a slideshow. If nobody is going to care about and watch over the stream why should we care? Disappointing EVO on that front, but amazing top 8 and announcement wise.


Are there any abigail reveal reaction videos? I've only seen people post arcsys & namco ones.

it was pretty lukewarm, i think?

the only thing that people really cheered for was the super, the rest didn't seem to garner any great reaction
same w/ the marvel reveal, folks only really cheered for a split second when jedah was selected then went pretty dead again


Tokido thanking all his friends who helped him train reminds me how much I hate not having friends irl who are into fighting games. Playing them all day would be the best.

Yep, playing SFIV from like 8PM to like 4AM in the morning was one of the memorable things back when I was going to UCLA.


Just caught up. Really happy for Tokido. It's impossible not to root for the guy.

I haven't followed SFV all that closely, but I've never seen an Akuma played so well. Looked like a totally different character from a couple of months ago.

Edit: Also nice of Bonchan to cheer Punk up considering he's one of very few people that have been in his shoes.
Just watched Tokido's interview on the Capcom Fighters channel. I really don't mean any offense to Tokido when I say this, but I wish he would have had a translator to help him with some or even most of the interview. His English is good, but not quite at a level where he can fully express and explain himself as best as possible. Maybe it was his decision to do the interview in English without any assistance. If that's the case than big props to Tokido and I'd totally respect that. It's just that after such a huge accomplishment I really wanted to hear his thoughts without any barriers and I don't feel that was the case.

And I say this as someone who has a lot of trouble speaking my own native tongue. My parents immigrated to this country and only speak their language. Their command of English is extremely limited. Since I'm terrible at my language, my conversations with my parents is very basic and simple. I can never fully express my feelings or thoughts to my parents unless the words are fed to me as I say them. My wife on the other hand speaks our language fluently and actually has great conversations with my parents. My mom may love me more, but I'm sure she likes my wife more if you get what I mean.

Anyways I remember Infiltration switching to Korean when he won EVO last year and people were questioning why when his English is so good. His English is good, just not at a level where he can fully express himself and I love that he wanted to do that. I hope to still see that from Tokido where he can fully express himself to the best of his ability. But I know if he had a translator we may not have gotten the "fighting games are great" moment from his own mouth


Yeah, I also would have liked to see Tokido speak in Japanese there because I was interested in seeing his thoughts as fully fleshed out and explained as possible. And that evidently isn't the case when he's speaking in English.


I disagree.
A think a proper sit down with him in Japanese that is translated after he has had some time to take everything in he can go into more detail.

However, another point is this is only mid season so I don't expect in-depth break down of shit that could help his opponents for future tournaments. Like you won't see him go into details on how he adjusted for Punk after being sent into losers the day before, I bet him and Mago went back to their hotel rewatched the match and broke it down and started grinding again that Saturday / early Sunday morning.

I remember when the Japanese players came to our room after the first day of past tournament they were grinding the fuck out of SFV and taking mental notes. These guys came to our room we had 3 setups and we all played till like 4am the next morning.

So much on the line these days.
These clips people made of Anime suite were funny as fuck. FGC + Drinks = ☠️

Jiyuna on why Seth Killian cries

Sajam runs

Richard Lewis

RIP NoPants

Char saving NoPants

Welcome to Sp00ky's FriendZone
What in the hell is going on here.



These clips people made of Anime suite were funny as fuck. FGC + Drinks = ☠️

Jiyuna on why Seth Killian cries

Sajam runs

Richard Lewis

RIP NoPants

Char saving NoPants

Welcome to Sp00ky's FriendZone

Jiyuna's stream was sooo fuckin good this year


These clips people made of Anime suite were funny as fuck. FGC + Drinks = ☠️

Jiyuna on why Seth Killian cries

Sajam runs

Richard Lewis

RIP NoPants

Char saving NoPants

Welcome to Sp00ky's FriendZone

You missed this kicker too, though it's not so much funny as it's more putting Obama on blast:


I didn't see the take then but when I eventually tuned in Jiyuna later brought it up on stream and said Obama was saying some outright nasty, slanderous shit about that cosplayer he shows on his phone, who is either transexual or a crossdresser (I don't know who that person is unfortunately). From the start of the clip and Jiyuna's facial expressions it's pretty clear where that tangent was going.

Jiyuna had the sense to mute the mic unbeknownst to Obama. Probably saved his eSports career too yikes.


I disagree.
So it was because that person came up to Obama after he had just lost his game and asked for a picture or something like that. They themselves tweeted this 9 hours ago:

"all right I feel like this should be obvious by now but a tip: don't ask your favourite player for a pic just after they lose"

There was another clip of Obama going even more fucking ham in regards to that person but Jiyuna muted that too.

Obama (that his real name rofl?) is super fucking lucky Jiyuna muted him...


Just watched the BLazblue top 8. What an incredible Grand Final. These players are otherworldly.

Yup, what an amazing set. At first I was rooting for Carl because I love watching complex characters used to their full potential, and Carl is awesome, but by the end... I was rooting for Jin. Holy shit at these blocks, I've never seen anyone resist so much against Carl's pressure. Some of these blockstrings were just unreal.


Were there like character overviews for folks who watched on TV?

Also what was twitter like for the finals aired on tv n stuff
I checked Twitter at one point. Most people thought it was pretty cool, as they recognized Street Fighter. If you wanna see the people who were haters just go find ESPNs tweet about EVO and check out that chain.


how did folks feel about smash?

Felt it was pretty similar to past Smash majors so was kinda bored early on outside of the Disney/ESPN hype. However did get really excited for VoiD vs Nairo and of course the whole Grand Finals. Good stuff to Salem.
Just watched Tokido's interview on the Capcom Fighters channel. I really don't mean any offense to Tokido when I say this, but I wish he would have had a translator to help him with some or even most of the interview. His English is good, but not quite at a level where he can fully express and explain himself as best as possible. Maybe it was his decision to do the interview in English without any assistance. If that's the case than big props to Tokido and I'd totally respect that. It's just that after such a huge accomplishment I really wanted to hear his thoughts without any barriers and I don't feel that was the case.

And I say this as someone who has a lot of trouble speaking my own native tongue. My parents immigrated to this country and only speak their language. Their command of English is extremely limited. Since I'm terrible at my language, my conversations with my parents is very basic and simple. I can never fully express my feelings or thoughts to my parents unless the words are fed to me as I say them. My wife on the other hand speaks our language fluently and actually has great conversations with my parents. My mom may love me more, but I'm sure she likes my wife more if you get what I mean.

Anyways I remember Infiltration switching to Korean when he won EVO last year and people were questioning why when his English is so good. His English is good, just not at a level where he can fully express himself and I love that he wanted to do that. I hope to still see that from Tokido where he can fully express himself to the best of his ability. But I know if he had a translator we may not have gotten the "fighting games are great" moment from his own mouth
cool posts, you should learn your parent native tongue just for your parents sake. Make it a hobby, they'll love you for it.

Awesome Evo...still high off it...feeling good about the direction of the game going forward.
how did folks feel about smash?

Checked out of Smash 4 emotionally early on after esam, ranai, and kameme all bit the dust, but enjoyed grand finals a ton.

Axe did just well enough on the melee side to trick me into hoping he can win a major for another 6 months. Wanted m2k to get the runback, but it wasn't meant to be.


Yup, what an amazing set. At first I was rooting for Carl because I love watching complex characters used to their full potential, and Carl is awesome, but by the end... I was rooting for Jin. Holy shit at these blocks, I've never seen anyone resist so much against Carl's pressure. Some of these blockstrings were just unreal.
Yeah, that top 8 made me a fan. The defense on display was seriously otherworldly stuff, well beyond anything you saw from any other game being played on the big stage.

I feel like too many folks are sleeping on Blazblue. The game is remarkably spectator-friendly and when shit gets going, it gets going!
People drinking a lot of alcohol way beyond their limits when their tolerance is probably already low.


That + a lot of FGC "celebrities" being there + the usually isolated nature of a lot of fighting game players = some awkward exchanges. Lots of people of both sexes trying to make passes and stuff which is always hilarious. People seem to have trouble realizing that if someone isn't interested, asking isn't going to improve your odds.

I have probably a half dozen awkward exchange stories over the weekend, versus like two dozen great exchanges with people.

My favorite was saying hi to Sherry while I came across her when looking for the hotel elevator and then running into her like four more times since she was just as lost as I was lol. She didn't talk to me once despite me saying "hi, what's up?" the first time I saw she was lost too.

Yeah, that top 8 made me a fan. The defense on display was seriously otherworldly stuff, well beyond anything you saw from any other game being played on the big stage.

I feel like too many folks are sleeping on Blazblue. The game is remarkably spectator-friendly and when shit gets going, it gets going!

I was definitely hype watching a shirtless man punch a Victorian era vampire loli.



That + a lot of FGC "celebrities" being there + the usually isolated nature of a lot of fighting game players = some awkward exchanges. Lots of people of both sexes trying to make passes and stuff which is always hilarious. People seem to have trouble realizing that if someone isn't interested, asking isn't going to improve your odds.

I have probably a half dozen awkward exchange stories over the weekend, versus like two dozen great exchanges with people.

My favorite was saying hi to Sherry while I came across her when looking for the hotel elevator and then running into her like four more times since she was just as lost as I was lol. She didn't talk to me once despite me saying "hi, what's up?" the first time I saw she was lost too.

I was definitely hype watching a shirtless man punch a Victorian era vampire loli.
She probably thought you would be like Unknown lol


Yeah, that top 8 made me a fan. The defense on display was seriously otherworldly stuff, well beyond anything you saw from any other game being played on the big stage.

I feel like too many folks are sleeping on Blazblue. The game is remarkably spectator-friendly and when shit gets going, it gets going!

THe problem with BB is that it's difficult to play, more so than any other 2D fighter I feel. Plus pot bonuses for it still aren't at the level to attract competitive players away from SF.
She probably thought you would be like Unknown lol

Funny, that was right as I got in Thursday night, so it was before Unknown. I didn't really even approach her, just saw her on the way to the lobby and said "Yo Sherry! What's up?" in passing and she looked like she saw a ghost lol.

I just chalked it up to the travel time, since I'm from Cali too and it was close to a 5 hour drive that day.


tagged by Blackace
Was that the same Unknown as the Marvel player or are you guys just calling him that? 'cause he doesn't look like the Marvel player to me.

Definitely the best match all weekend TBH (or worst, depending on how you look at it).


I disagree.
Was that the same Unknown as the Marvel player or are you guys just calling him that? 'cause he doesn't look like the Marvel player to me.

Definitely the best match all weekend TBH (or worst, depending on how you look at it).

Yes it was the Marvel Unknown... 😂


Mrs. Harvey
Yeah big titties Unknown. He went 0 - 2 in a span of like 30 minutes. I like how Zhi just appears out of nowhere to capture the moment.
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