Evolution 2017 The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year (Read OP, No Game Whining)


Yeah big titties Unknown. He went 0 - 2 in a span of like 30 minutes. I like how Zhi just appears out of nowhere to capture the moment.

That one with Sherry...Unknown's facial expressions and body language we're so exaggerated it's like he was in a sitcom.

But you know, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Checked out of Smash 4 emotionally early on after esam, ranai, and kameme all bit the dust, but enjoyed grand finals a ton.

Axe did just well enough on the melee side to trick me into hoping he can win a major for another 6 months. Wanted m2k to get the runback, but it wasn't meant to be.

That reminds me, I need to watch Smash GF for that delicious Zero schadenfreude


tagged by Blackace
Yeah big titties Unknown. He went 0 - 2 in a span of like 30 minutes. I like how Zhi just appears out of nowhere to capture the moment.
Damn on first watch I thought he had lost a ton of weight, maybe he has but he looked different with the hair cut and that shirt on.

Must suck to go 0-2 that publicly and in that short span of time but it's hysterical to watch.


You missed this kicker too, though it's not so much funny as it's more putting Obama on blast:


I didn't see the take then but when I eventually tuned in Jiyuna later brought it up on stream and said Obama was saying some outright nasty, slanderous shit about that cosplayer he shows on his phone, who is either transexual or a crossdresser (I don't know who that person is unfortunately). From the start of the clip and Jiyuna's facial expressions it's pretty clear where that tangent was going.

Jiyuna had the sense to mute the mic unbeknownst to Obama. Probably saved his eSports career too yikes.

Jeez. -_-


The announcer said "Torimichi Mori".

The production staff wrote it down that way. We were running behind schedule (as you can see by the times) so I didn't have time to double check (like I normally try to). I typically check with people directly involved for proper pronunciation (even talked to Jiyuna before Top 8 awards).


Next time, gadget!


Yeah, as funny and nonsense a lot of the off hours streams are... some of this stuff needs to not be on camera and recorded for the whole world to see. Incoming Kotaku articles and what not lol. It definitely happens at other events in the gaming world, E3 this year makes these things look like nothing, but still we know what people will say.

Gotta agree with this. A lot of this shit just shouldn't be recorded. I mean from the clips nothing bad was shown, but you don't want your twitch Channel being shut down because someone might say or do something stupid.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
You missed this kicker too, though it's not so much funny as it's more putting Obama on blast:


I didn't see the take then but when I eventually tuned in Jiyuna later brought it up on stream and said Obama was saying some outright nasty, slanderous shit about that cosplayer he shows on his phone, who is either transexual or a crossdresser (I don't know who that person is unfortunately). From the start of the clip and Jiyuna's facial expressions it's pretty clear where that tangent was going.

Jiyuna had the sense to mute the mic unbeknownst to Obama. Probably saved his eSports career too yikes.

Hey I remember that guy from neogaf dot com


Was the anime suit true or not?

A friend says that people missed the joke and that everyone knows each other, so everything was a joke.

Jiyuna face didn't looked like a joke


He won the vast majority of his matches based on the strength of his Chun and Morrigan alone.

I hate playing MvC3. But I LOVE spectating it. Especially top tier play. That Chun play was quite possibly the single best thing I've ever seen, in that game - even surpassing KBR's Big Man team victory... Vicant's O.G. victory might tie it.


Neo Member
There are actually people that like watching the runaway strat? Mind blown.

Ryanlv was playing Point Chun li against Hidden missles and Morrigan....

Cmon man you cannot be expect him to run at them and hit them, especially with phoenix assist? Just the few times he managed to get a hit on Morrigan in the neutral. Not to mention he beat Chris G a bunch of times previously submitting his dominance.


I had a class with that girl once and she is CRAZY! Would yell at people at the top of her lungs in class if they were sitting in her seat, even though seats werent assigned.

Lmao shinobee is wild

she could probably get them out by spamming hai like she did there tho


Lmao shinobee is wild

she could probably get them out by spamming hai like she did there tho

She would shout at the professor periodically too. I feel kinda bad because I started talking to her and would patronize her, unbeknownst to her. The entire class would be snickering, and she would literally say "why is everyone laughing".
I didn't see these numbers posted yet so here they are.


ESPN2 numbers are down from last year. An average of 180k this year compared to 201k last year. No numbers released from the Disney XD broadcast. Those numbers are probably much lower, but combined with ESPN2 numbers and there is probably a good chance that it's higher this year than last year.

I think it's also fair to say that lack of advertisement and a very late announcement hurt the numbers somewhat. Eleague's final two episodes were much higher in than EVO. It was advertised much better and people knew about it far ahead of time. In the end although I'm trying to look on the bright side I'm still disappointed. This years top 8 was far better than last years so it's disappointing to not see growth.


Wasnt he the one that eliminated tanukana?

Nah, that was Julian/BeautifulDude. I don't really know what happened with him over at the suite.

So it was because that person came up to Obama after he had just lost his game and asked for a picture or something like that. They themselves tweeted this 9 hours ago:

"all right I feel like this should be obvious by now but a tip: don't ask your favourite player for a pic just after they lose"

There was another clip of Obama going even more fucking ham in regards to that person but Jiyuna muted that too.

Obama (that his real name rofl?) is super fucking lucky Jiyuna muted him...

He went in on that guy twice?? Yeeeesh. I completely missed the first part so cheers for fleshing that out (still seems way petty to slander someone over taking a picture when you were still salty from a loss).

Jiyuna looking out for his boys!!


Just watched Tokido's interview on the Capcom Fighters channel. I really don't mean any offense to Tokido when I say this, but I wish he would have had a translator to help him with some or even most of the interview. His English is good, but not quite at a level where he can fully express and explain himself as best as possible. Maybe it was his decision to do the interview in English without any assistance. If that's the case than big props to Tokido and I'd totally respect that. It's just that after such a huge accomplishment I really wanted to hear his thoughts without any barriers and I don't feel that was the case.

And I say this as someone who has a lot of trouble speaking my own native tongue. My parents immigrated to this country and only speak their language. Their command of English is extremely limited. Since I'm terrible at my language, my conversations with my parents is very basic and simple. I can never fully express my feelings or thoughts to my parents unless the words are fed to me as I say them. My wife on the other hand speaks our language fluently and actually has great conversations with my parents. My mom may love me more, but I'm sure she likes my wife more if you get what I mean.

Anyways I remember Infiltration switching to Korean when he won EVO last year and people were questioning why when his English is so good. His English is good, just not at a level where he can fully express himself and I love that he wanted to do that. I hope to still see that from Tokido where he can fully express himself to the best of his ability. But I know if he had a translator we may not have gotten the "fighting games are great" moment from his own mouth

Agreed completely.

The best example i can think of, of someone who is being interviewed, being aware of this, was when Itabashi Zangief was interviewed by Yahoo Espoorts like a month ago.

It seems appropiate to post that interview, as people may be interested in waching it considering Itabashi's performace at EVO.

Turns out, Itabashi's knows english (you're in for a surprise), yet, if he does not fully understand a question, he will ask the traslator, if he's having too much trouble finding a way to say what he actually wants to say, he will change to japanese.

Even better, the translator, is the best tanslator you've ever seen.

Be aware, if you click, you'll have to watch it:

(it's 47 minutes long)

"Conversations and Fireball - So why are you called Itabashi Zangief?"

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