Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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GoT is like 1 hour an episode and god knows how many in 5 seasons or whatever - NOBODY HAS THE TIME FOR THAT

As far as the punishment scene goes from MiA, even if it's a harmless joke, it's in poor taste.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2 and movie
I finished both the other day. The new episodes of the second season were a bit disappointing. Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody was a strong episode but the endless eight were a pain to go through and I definitively shouldn't have watched them all twice
I kid. I only watched 3,5 episodes (still too many).
The movie arc had its moments
the big confrontation between kyon and haruhi over mikuru
but was easily 2 episodes too long. The disappearance on the other hand was incredible and the best part of TMoHS with the first arc.
So I just bought Barakamon and Hero Academia on Blu-ray even though i am on a budget.

I still need to buy Kekkai Sensen all because of Rie's amazing direction on the I need to cut down on buying.


So I just bought Barakamon and Hero Academia on Blu-ray even though i am on a budget.

I still need to buy Kekkai Sensen all because of Rie's amazing direction on the I need to cut down on buying.
Just wait for the trsi winter sale if on a. budget


Kekkai Sensen [END]

That was cool. I kind of expected most of my questions concerning the series wouldn't get an answer, but the Black-White substory got a decent conclusion. The finale was nice, full of energy as usual. My biggest disappointment is probably that characters like Chain or Aligura didn't get to appear a lot, though thankfully a season 2 is coming soon.

Anyway, good anime which was tons of fun. The episodic style it followed for its majority was a bit weird, considering there was an overarching plot that was constantly being built up, but I also liked the SoL tones that appeared because of this specific structure. The show's standout is its OST, of course. Fantastic music pieces, really elevated the whole thing.


Princess Principal 02

Some wonky CGI aside, still pretty good.

The thing at the end threw me for a loop and took me quite a while to get what just transpired. Pretty much flipped the show around in terms of context.

Symphogear AXZ 03

Holy budget episode. Was hoping I was wrong when they did the school song with no singing animation or whatsoever. Early part of the ep felt more like a slideshow and some of the character faces were off.

Was this episode outsourced or something? Let's hope this only mean they are saving the budget for later episodes..

Got a pretty dope Tsubasa transformation and that combination attack was hype.

Hibiki in her feral form, Tsubasa doing a Kiruyin Satsuki pose and...


Trinity Resonance definitely rescued the episode...a bit.

Still waiting for Crunchy's final summer show announcement so that people don't have to suffer the wait for subs


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Season 2 and movie
I finished both the other day. The new episodes of the second season were a bit disappointing. Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody was a strong episode but the endless eight were a pain to go through and I definitively shouldn't have watched them all twice
I kid. I only watched 3,5 episodes (still too many).
The movie arc had its moments
the big confrontation between kyon and haruhi over mikuru
but was easily 2 episodes too long. The disappearance on the other hand was incredible and the best part of TMoHS with the first arc.

yeah endless 8 is grating.
that being said it's why i recommend 1,2 the end of 7 and 8 as it's still grating but you basically get the full experience that way lol.

in a way it's supposed to make you feel like nagato.
in another way I don't want to feel like nagato :p

but yeah the movie is solid and why I recommend just watching the whole thing in chronlogical order as season 2 is even worse if you just watch it on its own and the movie is a fine finish so you don't need to slide the climax of season 1 to the end of season 1 to have a good overall finish.


CR streaming their shows on a competitor (Amazon) owned platform.

As far as I know all the titles being streamed on the Twitch feature are not Anime Stike titles.

Twitch is partnering with Crunchyroll to do 15 days of anime marathons starting on July 27th.

Mob Pyscho 100, Yuri on Ice, and Kobayashi's Dragon Maid have already been confirmed.


CR streaming their shows on a competitor owned platform.

As far as I know all the titles being streamed on the Twitch feature are not Anime Stike titles.

to be fair it's a smart move by crunchy as it will get more eyes on the series and they will have to go to crunchy to watch them.

I am guessing amazon figures drawing more anime fans to twitch might let them push strike more so sort of a win win.
I edited my post btw. Put 15 days when it's really 5 days of 15 anime. I'm interested if they end up streaming a series I haven't already viewed, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


Anime is sin. Go watch GoT.

The line between GoT and Anime grows thinner ever year.

GoT has:

- Gratuitous violence
- Gratuitous nudity
- Gratuitous CG
- Incest
- Awkward dialogue
- 'Shocking' twists
- Incoherent storylines
- Problematic depictions of women, while also featuring some very strong female characters
- Extended 'talking head' sequences
- Idol guest appearances featuring idol singing
- Cool music
- Cool opening
- Cool action scenes


Tales of Zestiria the X S2 ep.11-END

I can't believe I completely forgot to watch the last few episodes of this. I had stopped to prevent spoilers when I was playing Berseria, and never went back. The ending really threw me for a loop since it is soo different from the game, but the presentation and themes were still there.. Overall, this was excellent, I love the changes like I had for the rest of the show and the cast really shines at the end. Very interesting how the game alludes to the yuri and Ai ships at the end of the show as well. I guess gay cannon was the correct cannon in every way possible!

Joe Molotov

The line between GoT and Anime grows thinner ever year.

GoT has:

- Gratuitous violence
- Gratuitous nudity
- Gratuitous CG
- Incest
- Awkward dialogue
- 'Shocking' twists
- Incoherent storylines
- Problematic depictions of women, while also featuring some very strong female characters
- Extended 'talking head' sequences
- Idol guest appearances featuring idol singing
- Cool music
- Cool opening
- Cool action scenes

- Isekai

Joe Molotov

Seinfeld is BL SOL, yeah. It's got the one self-insert female character surrounded by a bunch of dudes that are "really close friends".


Fafner Exodus 17

Just going to play my heartstrings like a fiddle, are you, Fafner?

Itai !

Texhnolyze: 20-22, end
This is literally the most depressing story I have ever experienced in my life.

Hilariously, my brother compared it to The Story of the Ugly Barnacle from Spongebob ("And everyone dies, THE END!"), which I guess is the only sense of levity I am feeling right now.

Man, what a bummer.

Kurai !

(Time for Shigurui)

Record of Lodoss War 6

Wut ? Like ... I'd be certain that I missed at least 3 episodes in between were it not for the fact that the preview matches the content of this ep. At the end of #5 Parn is chosen to seek Wort, at the beginning of #6 he's already back at his startpoint and brought info about the witch from Wort. Am I missing something ? Watching this wrong ? I know ep 1 was part of that journey but they spend the entire time in dungeon and nowhere near their destination. Even if this meeting will be handled by some kind of flashback in the future this is some incomprehensible storytelling still.
Tales of Zestiria the X S2 ep.11-END

I can't believe I completely forgot to watch the last few episodes of this. I had stopped to prevent spoilers when I was playing Berseria, and never went back. The ending really threw me for a loop since it is soo different from the game, but the presentation and themes were still there.. Overall, this was excellent, I love the changes like I had for the rest of the show and the cast really shines at the end. Very interesting how the game alludes to the yuri and Ai ships at the end of the show as well. I guess gay cannon was the correct cannon in every way possible!

Is berseria worth playing? Ive not like the previous sequels of tales games before, so I avoided berseria for the same reason, also i cant imagine it being as good as zestiria because sorey and meebo arent there anymore(?)
Even crunchyroll is bowing to our lord and savior Jeff Bezos empire, first books, then food delivery and grocery, and now even anime.

I was at Amazon as a programmer and then 2nd project lead (over the course of two years, if that tells you the pace that Amazon moves at..) a few years back. At the point where the public gets to use an Amazon product, there is already a plan to be a leader in whatever industry that product has deployed in. Sometimes that doesn't work out, of course, but that is always the plan. Maybe even more so with any venture into streaming services where they have somehow managed to scrap out about 35% household reach in such a tight market.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have the reach to slightly distort the anime industry to a more Western focused view if their platform works in any manner. Maybe even if it doesn't. They have been trying to get into content creation for a long time now so that is an option as well.


Is berseria worth playing? Ive not like the previous sequels of tales games before, so I avoided berseria for the same reason, also i cant imagine it being as good as zestiria because sorey and meebo arent there anymore(?)

If Sorey and Meebo is your main reason for playing a Tales of game sure, but there's Eizen (ToZ Edna's brother) and the other sword guy as well.

The general reaction is that Berseria's one of the better recent Tales of title around.

Aho Girl 03

Still great in short bursts. Yoshiko's mom..I can definitely see where she got her genes from...her poor friend though, always getting mixed up in Yoshiko's troubles unwittingly

New Game!! 02

I was expecting more SOL cute and fluffy stuff, but no, show went all serious, suddenly getting hit by feels and actual plot progression in...what's only the 2nd episode?

What transpired in this episode gave me heavy Shirobako vibes. I enjoyed it a lot. Top notch episode.


Is berseria worth playing? Ive not like the previous sequels of tales games before, so I avoided berseria for the same reason, also i cant imagine it being as good as zestiria because sorey and meebo arent there anymore(?)

I actually liked Berseria more than Zesteria, but the character dynamics are not the same as they were in Zesteria... The MC is female and her relationship dynamics with the other cast members really shines, but it is on a different level than Zestiria.

If Sorey and Meebo is your main reason for playing a Tales of game sure, but there's Eizen and the other sword guy as well.
The general reaction is that Berseria's one of the better recent Tales of title around.

True, he may really like the Eizen x Rokuro dynamic. That was good stuff.


Isekai Smartphone ep.2

Yeah, so far this show is a whole lot of nothing outside of a OP MC that can pretty much do anything he wants and is slowly building his harem. Thankfully, he is a good dude and is using his powers in good ways, but the show itself is pretty boring...


I watched Death Note because of a recommendation in here. And while the first two thirds are great and really enjoyable, there was a noticeable decline in quality afterwards. I'm also sorely disappointed by the ending.

Death Note Spoilers:
I didn't like the shift away from certain characters (like Ryuk who barely appears in the later episodes) and the introduction of new ones (Near and Mellow *yawn*)

And the final trap felt super weak, there is no way Kira would've fallen for that at all.

Worst ending ever.


I watched Death Note because of a recommendation in here. And while the first two thirds are great and really enjoyable, there was a noticeable decline in quality afterwards. I'm also sorely disappointed by the ending.

Death Note Spoilers:
I didn't like the shift away from certain characters (like Ryuk who barely appears in the later episodes) and the introduction of new ones (Near and Mellow *yawn*)

And the final trap felt super weak, there is no way Kira would've fallen for that at all.

Worst ending ever.

this is pretty much the general opinion regarding death note.
So with Crunchyroll streaming through Twitch, I wonder if Amazon's end game is to eventually buy out Crunchyroll?

They did it with Twitch (Video Game streaming), they've done it with Comixology (Comicbook and Manga digital market place) and I can see it happening here. Bring it all under the Amazon Prime umbrella.


So with Crunchyroll streaming through Twitch, I wonder if Amazon's end game is to eventually buy out Crunchyroll?

They did it with Twitch (Video Game streaming), they've done it with Comixology (Comicbook and Manga digital market place) and I can see it happening here. Bring it all under the Amazon Prime umbrella.



this is pretty much the general opinion regarding death note.


though on a second watch the last third isn't terrible.

it's a case of the first 2/3rds is 10/10 stuff and the last 1/3rd is more 7/10 stuff which after 10/10 stuff feels more like 4/10 stuff.
So with Crunchyroll streaming through Twitch, I wonder if Amazon's end game is to eventually buy out Crunchyroll?

They did it with Twitch (Video Game streaming), they've done it with Comixology (Comicbook and Manga digital market place) and I can see it happening here. Bring it all under the Amazon Prime umbrella.

At least I can see them buying more and more series in the following seasons. Otherwise their Anime Strike project will never be successful.


So not worth it
Aho Girl ep.3

There are so many things wrong with this show that I don't even know where to start, but at the same time, it is friggen hilarious. That ending scene! Oniiiii chan!!!!!!!!!

I laugh out loud and cringe so much at the same time. It is a amazing.
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