Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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The line between GoT and Anime grows thinner ever year.

GoT has:

- Gratuitous violence
- Gratuitous nudity
- Gratuitous CG
- Incest
- Awkward dialogue
- 'Shocking' twists
- Incoherent storylines
- Problematic depictions of women, while also featuring some very strong female characters
- Extended 'talking head' sequences
- Idol guest appearances featuring idol singing
- Cool music
- Cool opening
- Cool action scenes

HBO shows are pretty much the animes of live action American shows.
yeah endless 8 is grating.
that being said it's why i recommend 1,2 the end of 7 and 8 as it's still grating but you basically get the full experience that way lol.

in a way it's supposed to make you feel like nagato.
in another way I don't want to feel like nagato :p

but yeah the movie is solid and why I recommend just watching the whole thing in chronlogical order as season 2 is even worse if you just watch it on its own and the movie is a fine finish so you don't need to slide the climax of season 1 to the end of season 1 to have a good overall finish.

Oh man. I remember experiencing all of Endless Eight. People here kept telling me to get through it. And I did. And then I watched School Days right after.

Is AnimeGAF a bully...?

I watched Death Note because of a recommendation in here. And while the first two thirds are great and really enjoyable, there was a noticeable decline in quality afterwards. I'm also sorely disappointed by the ending.

Death Note Spoilers:
I didn't like the shift away from certain characters (like Ryuk who barely appears in the later episodes) and the introduction of new ones (Near and Mellow *yawn*)

And the final trap felt super weak, there is no way Kira would've fallen for that at all.

Worst ending ever.

That's the general feeling toward the show. Still a really sold show all and all.


Oh man. I remember experiencing all of Endless Eight. People here kept telling me to get through it. And I did. And then I watched School Days right after.

Is AnimeGAF a bully...?

I think so.

I don't think I have ever told anyone to watch all of endless eight unless they hate themselves lol.


I really hope that In This Corner of the World is showing near me next month. I went to see Your Name in Red Bank, so I hope they show it there.


Everyone told me to watch it all, but I did the smaet thing and just watched the last few mins of each episode..

Good on you. I watched all of endless eight by my own volition, thinking it must all mean something, or there will be some sort of payoff.

Except for one episode in the middle being the best directed version of the event, it was not worth it at all.


Everyone told me to watch it all, but I did the smaet thing and just watched the last few mins of each episode..

I did not. If I said anything I warned you... though I think i might have gotten so confused at what order you were watching i might have just not said anything more lol.


So with Crunchyroll streaming through Twitch, I wonder if Amazon's end game is to eventually buy out Crunchyroll?

They did it with Twitch (Video Game streaming), they've done it with Comixology (Comicbook and Manga digital market place) and I can see it happening here. Bring it all under the Amazon Prime umbrella.

No that won't be Amazon's end game because anime is so far off Amazon's radar it's barely a side quest. That would certainly be Crunchyroll's end game though. Right now they're in a position where in a few years they will be worth so much less than they ever were. So getting bought out by a big company and being able to pocket the cash while you still have value is a pretty good end game.


Touken Ranbu Episode 3

It's amazing how dull this is other than some pretty visuals. There is like no semblance of character or plot progression. The enemy is just a faceless generic unit. It isn't charming or funny enough to get laughs. I should probably stop watching it. Phone game adaptations are a mistake.
Made In Abyss

Yeah, one of the glaring flaws about this is that it gets fetishy about little kids naked bodies. Seems like the anime tones it down a bit (so far). Lord knows I had a heart attack when I came across that "naked punishment" scene when I was reading it at work lol
7O3X Episode 3

Can we get Mikuriya and Koshiyama on the same team before the anime ends, this is too good.

I just wish they didnt ask the obligatory agatha christie, chopin, etc questions. Also I hope it gets an engdub since there does seem to be emphasis in the reading of the questions.


No that won't be Amazon's end game because anime is so far off Amazon's radar it's barely a side quest. That would certainly be Crunchyroll's end game though. Right now they're in a position where in a few years they will be worth so much less than they ever were. So getting bought out by a big company and being able to pocket the cash while you still have value is a pretty good end game.

Why bother, just starve CR of new licenses.
No that won't be Amazon's end game because anime is so far off Amazon's radar it's barely a side quest. That would certainly be Crunchyroll's end game though. Right now they're in a position where in a few years they will be worth so much less than they ever were. So getting bought out by a big company and being able to pocket the cash while you still have value is a pretty good end game.

The thing is Crunchyroll is already owned by a big company (AT&T) as a subsidiary of Otter Media. So I doubt they're looking to be bought up by a different big company at this point in time.
I need something new to watch.

The last few anime I've watched and loved have been:

Ping Pong the Animation
Yuri on Ice
My Hero Academia (which I can barely tolerate... growing very tired of this sort of shounen)
Mob Psycho 100
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou


Tales of Zestiria the X S2 ep.11-END

I can't believe I completely forgot to watch the last few episodes of this. I had stopped to prevent spoilers when I was playing Berseria, and never went back. The ending really threw me for a loop since it is soo different from the game, but the presentation and themes were still there.. Overall, this was excellent, I love the changes like I had for the rest of the show and the cast really shines at the end. Very interesting how the game alludes to the yuri and Ai ships at the end of the show as well. I guess gay cannon was the correct cannon in every way possible!

Does this spoil a whole lot of Berseria or is it safe to watch to the end without having finished that game?
I need something new to watch.

The last few anime I've watched and loved have been:

Ping Pong the Animation
Yuri on Ice
My Hero Academia (which I can barely tolerate... growing very tired of this sort of shounen)
Mob Psycho 100
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou

Sounds like you need to watch Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju


I need something new to watch.

The last few anime I've watched and loved have been:

Ping Pong the Animation
Yuri on Ice
My Hero Academia (which I can barely tolerate... growing very tired of this sort of shounen)
Mob Psycho 100
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou

From recent stuff, you might want to check out Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju and Konosuba. Also, The Eccentric Family got a second season, another good show.
I think so.

I don't think I have ever told anyone to watch all of endless eight unless they hate themselves lol.

I mean...if they have literally nothing better to do...

Everyone told me to watch it all, but I did the smart thing and just watched the last few mins of each episode..

I listened to AnimeGAF... to my own peril on both counts.

Pfft. You can enjoy spotting the small differences!

The only enjoyable part of it all. And being able to "brag" that you watched all of Endless Eight.

Well then you didn't get the emotional impact they were going for.

Oh trust me... I know exactly what they were going for.


I need something new to watch.

The last few anime I've watched and loved have been:

Ping Pong the Animation
Yuri on Ice
My Hero Academia (which I can barely tolerate... growing very tired of this sort of shounen)
Mob Psycho 100
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou

Blast of Tempest
Death Parade
Heavy Object
Alderamin on the Sky


Joe Molotov

G-Guys, I... I think Cornbread might have me on ignore. :(

The Tale of Zesty Anime does spoil a lot of Berseria, don't watch it before you play Berseria. Also, Tales of Berseria is pretty awesome, way better than Zesty and one of the best Tales games IMO.
The Tale of Zesty Anime does spoil a lot of Berseria, don't watch it before you play Berseria. Also, Tales of Berseria is pretty awesome, way better than Zesty and one of the best Tales games IMO.

Hmmm I'll wait to finish that series up then, the Berseria intro/ad episode tempted me into buying the game and I'm really enjoying it so I'll wait until that's done


Does this spoil a whole lot of Berseria or is it safe to watch to the end without having finished that game?

G-Guys, I... I think Cornbread might have me on ignore. :(

Sorry man, I'm in a soccer board meeting, lol.

There are various spoilers throughout and I did spoil myself on some major plot points along the way, but not enough to ruin the Berseria experience. I just stopped at ep.11, because they started getting very specific and I was nearing the end of Berseria at the time..

Tl;dr: yeah, play Berseria first...


I still don't get why the Kai OP shadows out Gotenks.
Mystic Gohan, Super Saiyan 3 Goku, and Kid Buu are ok, but not Gotenks?


The Tale of Zesty Anime does spoil a lot of Berseria, don't watch it before you play Berseria. Also, Tales of Berseria is pretty awesome, way better than Zesty and one of the best Tales games IMO.

Hmmm I'll wait to finish that series up then, the Berseria intro/ad episode tempted me into buying the game and I'm really enjoying it so I'll wait until that's done

See, these two know what's up!

Here is the OT:

Make sure you check out BGBW's OP banner...


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i don't like the new ending, and i'm not quite sure why
New Game just uses a group of all four of the "main" voice actors on all of its opening and ending sequences. So on top of them being pretty plain (if not bad) they are also just repetitive. The VA talent on this show is not there to begin with so I mean....when they ask them to do four opening and endings this is the obvious result. It's not like they even try to make them fun or interesting, and the visual theming on the newest ED is just lazy chibi junk.
See, these two know what's up!

Here is the OT:

Make sure you check out BGBW's OP banner...

That is indeed some amazing work on that banner BGBW! Top job on the OT Cornbread78!It was great to get some decent links on the combat system as to be frank it's tutorial screens commit that old JRPG sin of both being too dense to get and too short to explain. So bummed I'm at a conf. in Las Vegas right now, not really a fan of the town and I'm missing both Berseria and the damn Destiny 2 beta D:
So, uh, anything good this season? Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu seems alright (great art, great action scenes), aside from that I'm not sure what to watch.


So, uh, anything good this season? Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu seems alright (great art, great action scenes), aside from that I'm not sure what to watch.

Nothing new that is exceptional. Some okish stuff if you are into that kind of thing. Am liking the Ballroom and Diving sports shows so far (a surprise given I normally avoid sports and dropped the skating one early last year). The Yokai show is OKish, though a poor mans Natsume. Am also OK with Love & Lies, Princess Principal and Tzurezure Children. I think I'm worn out of Restaurant to Another World already.

Then there's sequels and leftrovers (New Game++, Recreators and Virgin Soul, with *mongatari to come).


The line between GoT and Anime grows thinner ever year.

GoT has:

- Gratuitous violence
- Gratuitous nudity
- Gratuitous CG
- Incest
- Awkward dialogue
- 'Shocking' twists
- Incoherent storylines
- Problematic depictions of women, while also featuring some very strong female characters
- Extended 'talking head' sequences
- Idol guest appearances featuring idol singing
- Cool music
- Cool opening
- Cool action scenes
You forgot one more thing. Butchering of source material.
Something that won't go noticed - rightfully since good editing rarely is - is how good the j and l cuts are in Ballroom. The dialogue flows excellently throughout and the end of each episode ends up sneaking up on me rather quickly due to how invested in the whole thing I am. Honestly, most of what Production I.G. does has really fantastic editing. I wonder if they have only a couple of editors who they monopolize to work on each series.


You forgot one more thing. Butchering of source material.

In terms of story, depictions of certain scenes or possessing a style different from the source, this is actually what one would want out of anime in some cases but doesn't happen as much.

Case in point, the recent discussion surrounding Made in Abyss. Some time ago, /XX/ pointed out about Kare Kano and Anno's choices conflicting with the author to a point that he had to leave production midway.

Shirobako's episode 23 nails this as well.


In terms of story, depictions of certain scenes or possessing a style different from the source, this is actually what one would want out of anime in some cases but doesn't happen as much.

Some might I guess. Treatment of the source material was one reason I bailed, though I was more concerned about reading future books unsullied. Though I guess worse would have been the shonen approach making unending seasons of filler whilst the books are being written.
The line between GoT and Anime grows thinner ever year.

GoT has:

- Gratuitous violence
- Gratuitous nudity
- Gratuitous CG
- Incest
- Awkward dialogue
- 'Shocking' twists
- Incoherent storylines
- Problematic depictions of women, while also featuring some very strong female characters
- Extended 'talking head' sequences
- Idol guest appearances featuring idol singing
- Cool music
- Cool opening
- Cool action scenes

Its very rare to find anime with very strong female characters and good writing though
Seinfeld Season 3 Episode 11

Things are heating up, the first two seasons were lukewarm but I'm starting to really enjoy this show. These pretzels are making me thirsty.

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