July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.


And yes, Bo talks about Sandy Hook being a false flag to push for gun control
I think stuff like 24 is safe because it's similarly cheap for the most part considering they are always filming everything backstage anyways.

It's the reality shows that are on the chopping block.

And as for the women, who says they would be relegated to their own show? CWs appear on both Raw and 205 Live. There's nothing to insinuate any of these women would only be used on this show. If anything it just gives more opportunities for some of these women to stand out and get an opportunity that they can then parlay into more opportunities on NXT or the main roster.

Just like it did for the 205 roster....


So WWE is making more money than ever before even with less network content and mass network cancellations #50moreyears


Just a bunch of band aids trying to cover up the bigger problem.

There's a reason why it's #5years and not #1year. I expect this all to blow up in their face at some point and then they're really fucked. None of this network shit is going to help come tv deal negotiation time.


The Bo thing really makes me wonder how many others feel the same way but are 'smart' enough not to broadcast it out for everyone to see.


Kinda love how McCain said when asked before the vote that he had decided how to vote, then votes no with that showmanship. Could have been a wrassler 30 years ago
and it probably helps that he still isn't a good person until this event.
"That's an interesting thought there Bo and I want to hear more, but first I want talk about an amazing opportunity with MeUndies.."

I always feel the need to bring up his transition from the Charlotte episode. "Haha that's great Charlotte, and I want to get into that and the loss of your brother, but first I wanna talk about...."

So gross


Good for McCain. He's still part of the problem though.


I always feel the need to bring up his transition from the Charlotte episode. "Haha that's great Charlotte, and I want to get into that and the loss of your brother, but first I wanna talk about...."

So gross

Holy shit that actually happened?


Kinda love how McCain said when asked before the vote that he had decided how to vote, then votes no with that showmanship. Could have been a wrassler 30 years ago
and it probably helps that he still isn't a good person until this event.


edit: So is today when wrestlers get fired?
Just like it did for the 205 roster....

The comparisons between the women and CWs start and immediately stop with both having their own show. They treat the women as a hundred times more legitimate than the CWs and the women actually draw money and get over. So comparing them to the CWs on a micro level like that is idiotic.

So yes, they would get pushed and be given chances to get over. Unlike the CWs.
Honorable mention goes to the part where Jericho says he doesn't believe we've ever been to the moon, and Bo's just like "of course we have, Armstrong didn't tho, that was fake"


Yeaaaaa I've only listened Jerichos' podcast with KO and I think the one with The Club. Wrestlers being conspiracy theorists is not that shocking to me.
I liked when he interviewed Danzig

Danzig talked about wrestling like "I like the bad guys....I don't use the internet terms or anything"

Jericho: "Oh, me neither! 'Heels.' Hahaha"

Yeah ok Jericho
I don't get moon landing deniers

We send shit to space all the time

We understand and can demonstrate orbital physics.

I wonder what it is in people that wants them to deny things like this. It can't just be religion. I mean, Lord British, the creator of the Ultima series has been to fucking space. He isn't in cahoots with the 'tyrants' who want to force people to believe the earth is a sphere. What the fuck. He is just an ultra nerd who used his Ultima money to go to space.

I don't know how or why.
Kinda love how McCain said when asked before the vote that he had decided how to vote, then votes no with that showmanship. Could have been a wrassler 30 years ago
and it probably helps that he still isn't a good person until this event.

McCain is still a giant piece of shit and this should absolve him of anything. His grand standing with this bill was disgusting


> People complain that McCain is spineless and never does anything
> McCain finally grows a spine and does something, now he's grandstanding



> People complain that McCain is spineless and never does anything
> McCain finally grows a spine and does something, now he's grandstanding


You give credit where credit is due.

Is it a work brother? I don't know, but for the moment we ain't fucked. Keep fighting.

> People complain that McCain is spineless and never does anything
> McCain finally grows a spine and does something, now he's grandstanding

Guy could have just voted NO two days ago and saved the stress and anxiety of the American Public, but he had to vote yes just to say No later.

Sure, ok, thanks for saying no but if you were going to vote no than do it from the get go.
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