July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.

Also Kushida is on the list twice. lol

He's a part of Taguchi Japan! Why would he leave?!

Dude just did an interview defending 205 Live. Plus it's well known that the whole reason he's making a big stink about Lucha Underground is that they are the barrier between him and WWE right now. He can't sign with them until six months after the third season finale.


Real talk: Pentagon is the star for Mexico that WWE has been fumbling their search for ever since Rey left. But there's no way he ever signs with them.


If they don't let them have Mexican promos, then I doubt many Mexicans would care.

Did ADR or Rey ever move the needle for the WWE in terms of Mexican audience growth?
If they don't let them have Mexican promos, then I doubt many Mexicans would care.

Did ADR or Rey ever move the needle for the WWE in terms of Mexican audience growth?

Rey did. SD was big in the Hispanic demographics.

ADR not so much. But man he just sucks.

And hey they allow foreign language promos in NXT. Asuka yelling in Japanese is one of her best qualities. Triple H just needs to convince Vince that foreign languages aren't bad words.


I wouldn't really call it a defense of 205 Live. It's more that he doesn't care how he would be treated. Fool probably thinks he could overcome it.


If signed wrestlers are working other promotions this opens the door for the possibility of seasons of wrestling. To me it's such an obvious thing to try.
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