When nonviolence is meet with force.So when is violence the answer?
When nonviolence is meet with force.So when is violence the answer?
Gandhi wasn't the only reason India changed and MLK wasn't the only reason the civil rights bill was passed and I really wish people would stop saying shit like this.
The face of hate. Right here folks. Thankfully he's been charged with 1st degree murder.
This proves again that my posts aren't being read. There is no point in discussing.
The face of hate. Right here folks. Thankfully he's been charged with 1st degree murder.
dunno if this was from yesterday but i like it
That's what got some guy to start a five page discourse on being mad at seeing a guy who looked like him get punched.
"Dr. Kings policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. Thats very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none."So when is violence the answer?
Pretty sure 4chan and r/the_donald been up all night working hard on the conspiracy spinIt won't take long until we have Sandy Hook like conspiracy theories about this event.
does he do the nazi salute???
The face of hate. Right here folks. Thankfully he's been charged with 1st degree murder.
The face of hate. Right here folks. Thankfully he's been charged with 1st degree murder.
Probably not. Read the last few pages. He was just shook by what I assume were physical similarities between him and the man and created a narrative about how white guys shouldn't ever be punched ever or "gee whiz if we're just up and punching white guys now someone might break into MY house and confuse ME for a Nazi sympathizer whuh-oh"
I'd love for someone to point me in the direction of one instance in history in which a hate group was defeated by anything other than pure violence.
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/martinluth717840.html
Ah, now that the Nazis can't claim that the killer was a leftist Bernie supporter I see they're trying to spread the idea that he is Jewish based on his mother's last name, Bloom.
Even though if you look up the etymology of Bloom as a surname, it could equally be Anglo-Saxon in origin.
So I'll leave it to MLK and Dietrich Bonhoeffer to summarize non-violent protests vs violent retaliation:
How do you change the rules/laws, if the people who make them have a safe zone where they're allowed to speak like this? What's going to change with just talking if it hasn't already?
First there is no such thing as a nonviolent Nazi. Their ideology is genocide
Second stop slandering MLK
We call on the left to build a strong united front against this emboldened right wing. We need to be clear and recognize that white supremacist terrorism will not simply go away if it's ignored. This violent and dangerous movement should never be allowed to have a platform. It should always be fought against by the strength of our united front.
It is important to acknowledge the differing responses of the police to white supremacist marches and terrorism and their reactions to Black Lives Matter protests and marches. Black Lives Matter protests are always met with the worst police brutality and suppression while white supremacist marches are allowed to freely attack counter-protesters on many occasions.
In this way, we plainly see whose side the police are on. From the days of the creation of the modern day police in the 1800s, they were used as a violent force for the physical suppression of a resistant working class, of Black slaves, and indigenous people. Today, their role of social control and oppression remains largely the same.
These photos need to be compiled and delivered as evidence to build the case of hate crime, premeditation and terrorism![]()
Please, guys. Don't hurt him.
The reality is there's probably no way he was sober when he comitted this deplorable crime. Which is another problem America has to deal with. Unless he was. In which case You die. You die and go hell.
"Dr. King's policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That's very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none."
— Kwame Ture
dunno if this was from yesterday but i like it
Why do all these guys look like massive fuccbois?![]()
Please, guys. Don't hurt him.
What? Why would you assume he wasn't sober? Why do white terrorists always get the benefit of the doubt?The reality is there's probably no way he was sober when he comitted this deplorable crime. Which is another problem America has to deal with. Unless he was. In which case You die. You die and go hell.
So, it sounds like you are arguing that MLK was wrong then?
What? Why would you assume he wasn't sober? Why do white terrorists always get the benefit of the doubt?
Like why does it matter if he was high or drunk, he committed a literal terrorist attack. Why does this need a *?
So, it sounds like you are arguing that MLK was wrong then? And FYI, Mr Ture was arguably wrong in the second premise of his logical statement. There is plenty of work out there about how/why MLK believed in non-violence, it wasn't just based on one assumption. Some people are acting as if it was a hasty decision he made, and not based on years (decades?) of thought and introspection.
But, by all means, please elaborate on how/why he was wrong. And also, feel free to answer the other question I posed. I'm curious to know how people feel about this as a free speech issue.
Stop using strawman arguments. The law distinguishes between actions and beliefs. Your logic suggests that if a Nazi is eating lunch in the park, it's okay to attack him/her because they are a Nazi, even if they are not being violent at that moment. If that's the road you want to go down, I will be in full-throated opposition to it. That is ridiculous.
I wonder what would happen if those so eager to spill Nazi blood, did so. Have they any idea what they're in for? When they're covered in another human's blood, the smell of it filling their nostrils? What will they do if someone they view as sub-human starts begging for their life? Will they have nightmares of their experiences? Have they any clue what they ask when they demand others join them in their violence?
dunno if this was from yesterday but i like it
The reality is there's probably no way he was sober when he comitted this deplorable crime. Which is another problem America has to deal with. Unless he was. In which case You die. You die and go hell.
I wonder what would happen if those so eager to spill Nazi blood, did so. Have they any idea what they're in for? When they're covered in another human's blood, the smell of it filling their nostrils? What will they do if someone they view as sub-human starts begging for their life? Will they have nightmares of their experiences? Have they any clue what they ask when they demand others join them in their violence?
Thanks, dear Antifa!
They are regarded as rioters, troublemakers, chaos. But in doing so, they enable us to live a life in which right-wing extremes play the part they are entitled to: namely, none.
In defense of a much shamed subculture.
If you see these guys on TV or read about them in the newspaper and are half-right in your head, you must have a terrible picture of them. In Berlin they are constantly stressful, annoying every year on 1 May, but basically the four months before and the eight months after, too. It is easy to stamp these people as brainless rioters. But you can see that there is also a completely different side. If we are honest, we owe them a lot.
The poor image of the "Antifas" is not only the fault of the media, but above all their own: traditionally, they hardly waste a thought to explain their actions. If they do, they use incomprehensible phrases and an arrogant tone, which makes them even a corner more unsympathetic. The Antifa is probably the worst public work on this planet.
I am still very glad that they exist. If the Antifa were not there, there would be much more Nazis in my life. The fact that they are not constantly present in the center of Berlin with info-stands, torch relays and marches is essentially the merit of Antifa and its supporters.
If Nazis want to go through streets today, they are screened by a huge police force. The entire route is blocked off by hundreds of cops, there are baricades and police stations - passer-bys are far away, hate slogans are not heard. All this happens only because the state knows that militant left-wingers will cause trouble otherwise.
To organize a Nazi march under these conditions does not only mean a huge logistical act for the policemen but also for the right-wing extremists themselves. They can do so only a few times a year and then they have to run through a ghost town. How frustrating.
If the resistance were not there, right-wing extremists would soon have no inhibition threshold to act out publicly. They could distribute flyers undisturbed: in supermarkets, in front of schools, in pedestrian zones. They could exert pressure and force their values onto others. I am already bothered by the fact that at home in Bergmannstraße I am constantly being approached by environmentalists who want to persuade me to become a member. I am grateful that there are no right-wing extremists who would like to discuss the Holocaust. Whoever says that one must argue with Nazis argumentatively, has no idea of ​​the reality in East German provinces.
"Protests against Nazis are good, but that can also be done differently." This sentence comes mostly from the mouths of people who do nothing at all against Nazis. Or make symbolic politics without reaching anything except your own good feeling. One example of this is the annual Nazi parade in Dresden, which was stopped several times because Antifa groups had called for blockades. Afterwards, however, the ones who are praised are the citizens, who clung to each other on the other side of the river. In the news every year the wrong ones are celebrated.
Not all the left are good people. There are very foolish heads among them, and if they do trash garbage bins or demolish bus stops, this is annoying and wrong. But also not that big of a deal.
One can probably find this cynical, but it is true: the task of the police is to capture the violent left. And the task of the Antifa is to threaten relentlessly with resistance.
It soothes me to live in a city that has a strong, active Antifa. Because then I am sure that in my neighborhood no Nazis take over opinion leadership.
Oh, by the way, these people do it voluntarily.
As for calls for uniting the Left.
Don't forget that it was Hillary who called them racists as deplorables.
Don't forget that it was Berniebros who dismissed it and said "economic anxiety"
Hillary was right
Just don't craft your entire argument around a yes or no answer to this one question, please. Leave room for nuance.
I wonder what would happen if those so eager to spill Nazi blood, did so. Have they any idea what they're in for? When they're covered in another human's blood, the smell of it filling their nostrils? What will they do if someone they view as sub-human starts begging for their life? Will they have nightmares of their experiences? Have they any clue what they ask when they demand others join them in their violence?
His high school history teacher said he was obsessed with Nazism. No way in hell does that mother not know about her son's affinity for that kind of thing.that video interview of his mom being told for the first time what her scumbag of a child did at the rally is eye opening.
i don't think i feel comfortable posting a link though, its kinda sad her shock is being put on front street like that. though its probably not hard to find (or already posted) at this point.
Nazism is literally an ideology that preaches violence towards people they deem subhuman.I wonder what would happen if those so eager to spill Nazi blood, did so. Have they any idea what they're in for? When they're covered in another human's blood, the smell of it filling their nostrils? What will they do if someone they view as sub-human starts begging for their life? Will they have nightmares of their experiences? Have they any clue what they ask when they demand others join them in their violence?