[Preliminary] Blizzard Entertainment forgoes press conference at gamescom 2017



Unconfirmed Member
Disclaimer: Preliminary due to inclusion of "Änderungen vorbehalten! • subject to change!" in the document, and at time of writing no direct word from Blizzard.


Today, August 15, 2017, Koelnmesse published a document titled Veranstaltungen für Journalisten / Events for journalists. It is a basic document featuring a schedule of press conferences, awards and ceremonies.

The 2015 version of this document, which can be access through the Wayback Machine of Archive.org here, it is clearly stated a press conference by Blizzard Entertainment was scheduled August 5, 12:00 a.m. in Konrad-Adenauer Saal (Congress-Centre North). The 2017 version features no mention of a press conference by Blizzard Entertainment.

I bring this up as it has been heavily speculated a new expansion set for World of Warcraft could be revealed at gamescom 2017. The most recent expansion set for World of Warcraft, Legion, was revealed in the 2015 press conference. While this does not mean a new World of Warcraft expansion set won't premiere at gamescom 2017, I find this revelation a bit disheartening.

Blizzard's own schedule is not out yet though, so hopefully that will clear things up once it has been published. And even if Blizzard won't have a press conference, stage events are promised among other things.

gamescom 2017 takes place August 22-26.


Yeah, I don't think they have any new games ready yet. They do have a larger setup than ever for the actual event, and the regular livestream, but it will just be content updates.


now that sc remastered is out i hope they will announce the next title they're remastering, whether it's diablo 2, warcraft 3, or even warcraft 2...


I know Destiny 2 is going to be a big part of Gamescom for them (at least in terms of making their area bigger, but I anticipate updates on hearthstone and Overwatch for sure.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Gamescom blizzard bomb-drop dream is dead. Boo urns.


Yeah, I don't think they have any new games ready yet. They do have a larger setup than ever for the actual event, and the regular livestream, but it will just be content updates.
For HOTS they're sending out a ton of streamer so something is clearly going down.

Rumor is Kel'Thuzad and Firebat on deck as the announcements there.


Would they return the series to the RTS genre? I thought the MMO would be the future the series is going to follow suit with?

Their next game seems to be a new Warcraft mobile title.

I think they would be fine with it if they were actually interested in making more RTS games in general, which is the bigger issue.
I'm fairly sure they announced they weren't having a press conference at some point recently, but it was a tweet reply so barely anyone saw it. Will try to find it.

EDIT: Nope ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It was always unlikely we'd see the new expac at gamescom, I've been saying that for months. Bank on 7.3 info & release date here, and expac reveal at blizzcon. Legion was announced at gamescom to generate some excitement because that was a huge content drought in WoD and the game was bleeding subs because of it. Legion is doing great with WoW's biggest content patch ever about to release. They'd be stupid to draw attention away from it.
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