
-- It appears that Akira Tozawa's Cruiserweight title win on Monday was a decision that was made by Vince McMahon the day of the event, according to the latest Wrestling Observer Radio. With the title changing hands again at SummerSlam, it was obviously a change just for TV purposes made by Vince as the long term plan is still to push Neville as the champion.

Wouldn't be surprised if this happened multiple times at SummerSlam as well. Vince just deciding last minute that he wants title changes for no particular reason and obviously no one is going to ask him for a reason why.



"From the state penitentiary."



2017: WWE makes contact (with Bayley)
2018: Bayley climbs to the mountaintop
2019: Bayley is solidified as the face of the women's division
2020: Bayley defeats a Monster of the Week, a la Hogan in the '80s
2021: Bayley is over 30, a little mom-ish
2022: Bayley's biggest fans are becoming adults
2023: The Bayley Demographic, now fully grown and six years into Trump's presidency, becomes cold and cynical
2024: WWE continues to milk the increasingly waning Bayleymania
2025: Bayley turns on the WWE Universe and Hollywood Bayley emerges; Stephanie McMahon is elected President of the United States
2026: After a year of watching Hollywood Bayley's reign of terror from the rafters, Aurora Rose defeats the now disgustingly elderly Hollywood Bayley at Starrcade
We're way ahead of schedule, brother!


It's never Ishii's time to shine. It's Ishii's time to have an awesome match, but never his time to shine.
The sad truth. =(

I'd settle for him getting another good run with the NEVER belt since he's never touching the big two.

Anyway, at the very least he'll have a 4+* match with Naito


I really dislike Corbin as a worker and character, so therefore I'm not going to complain about that absolutely insane burial last night.

Meanwhile Shinsuke Nakamura, King of Strong Style, and previously undefeated on the main roster, loses to the 3MB member who found The Secret of the Ooze.
I really dislike Corbin as a worker and character, so therefore I'm not going to complain about that absolutely insane burial last night.

Meanwhile Shinsuke Nakamura, King of Strong Style, and previously undefeated on the main roster, loses to the 3MB member who found The Secret of the Ooze.

God Bless you.
Now that Summerfest is over and I have a few weeks off Im trying to decide what to start reading.

I tried to start Ready Player One but it is kind of.. I dont know. Im struggling to get into it.
I started to try and get back into reading fiction two years back, this was the book my friends recommended to me....
It was NOT a good choice.

Man it's like the pandering moments and buzzwords of WWE commentary in literary geek culture form.

Remember when Bayley had Brooklyn screaming for her 2 years ago? Remember when her and Sasha put on an MOTY and peeps were furious that it wasn't the main event?

I remember. I remember the better days.
My heart hurts.

Her booking has been so bad she's getting that Sonic was never good treatment.

Still laughing at Corbin


"what was I laughing at again? oh yes, that buried Corbin!"
I started to try and get back into reading fiction two years back, this was the book my friends recommended to me....
It was NOT a good choice.

Man it's like the pandering moments and buzzwords of WWE commentary in literary geek culture form.

Thats sort of what I got from the start of the book. "I decided to play some of the classics, Galaga and Pac-Man you know, from the 80s."

It felt patronizing and stupid.

Keep it alive, brother.

Sasha once again shows how just unprofessional and just a big mark for herself she really is

let me start by saying I used to be a big fan of her but since this fued with alexa she just became awful.

First of all during their first match after the big spot in the end and after the bell rang she just kicked alexa for no reason whatsoever , u can clearly see that in the way alexa reacted.

Moving on to last nights match once again sasha shows how unprofessional she is after alexa taps out by giving her a punch in the head , cant really do gifs but for someone who knows please make one...

just get a grip on your own ego sasha

Who's alt is this? Dream? Blackaroni? Professor Beef?


They have to be planning big things for Braun right? I mean he's a big dude, he's over as fuck, they even let him beat the shit out of Lesnar. I feel like Lesnar shouldn't have come back. They've made him too strong, finally they built up a full time guy to look like he can damage Lesnar, and he just comes back and whoops everyone's ass. A Braun title reign leading to Roman winning at Mania would be more meaningful imo.
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