Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


Found the Iron Man/X two pack at my EB. X looked derpy as hell.

Still gonna buy them if they make a Stider or Jedah figure though.
Although I hope Capcom reverses the half circle decision for lightning legs on Chun I’m actually finding her fun to play still. Sure they’ll adjust it eventually like SFV where you can now do half circle and mashing buttons.


Shoryuken forums have nothing for Infinite. Where's all the details?

No one has anything, no frame data, no mechanics, no information on scaling. Basically no math whatsoever as we don't have some strategy guide.

We have to figure out everything ourselves lol!


Are there any good beginner guides and/or character overviews out yet? Not really sure where/who to start with when I get home tonight.


get some go again
damn they took away hawkeyes h arrow into slide. although you can cancel slide into ice arrow. although it has much more recovery than i would like. the worst is that they took haggars L hoodlum launcher from umvc3. you only get M hoodlum launcher and air hoodlum launcher which is now a hit. trying to just forget the umvc3 muscle memory. plus the changes to movesets is really messing with me.
For super general stuff, like character moves and the like, hit the mission mode. They make you do them so you can get a feel of stuff.
7 hours more then I can go home and play some more.

How does everyone have sticks set up? I had Tag and Stone set to Fierce/Roundhouse but I keep on messing up buttons.


damn they took away hawkeyes h arrow into slide. although you can cancel slide into ice arrow. although it has much more recovery than i would like. the worst is that they took haggars L hoodlum launcher from umvc3. you only get M hoodlum launcher and air hoodlum launcher which is now a hit. trying to just forget the umvc3 muscle memory. plus the changes to movesets is really messing with me.
General rule of thumb in this game, if it's extremely negative or has massive recovery, you should be tagging to make it safe.


No idea who to play lol fuckin ryu I guess to learn shit.
In these games it's usually a bad idea to pick Ryu to learn the game. You are going to instinctively try to play SF with Ryu and just not learn much.

Good beginner characters to learn are Gamora, Nova, Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel and probably MMX. They aren't as easy to Ryu especially the air dash characters but you are going to have more fun learning stuff and they have easy effective tools starting out.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.


so this is what it feels like doing a crazy (not even that crazy) Marvel combo huh? Neat

Now to mission 10 ;_;

edit: fuck THIS :(


God I blow at this. Trying all missions and stuck on one of X's. It's the one where you have to do a weak kick, heavy punch, launch, 2 weak kicks, heavy punch, into a lvl 1 buster, and finally a Full Charge Buster. Watched the demonstration and I've done it a bunch.


get some go again
General rule of thumb in this game, if it's extremely negative or has massive recovery, you should be tagging to make it safe.
think i'll just switch to new characters and get used to the game this way. no muscle memory to mess me up. trying gamora right now and damn she looks like she'll be fun to use. forgot ghost rider seems to be good so ill team her up with him and see if they have good synergy.

edit: oh my god gamora has a diagonal shot with a press of a button in the air. that plus her big ass sword makes her a definite candidate for my new team.


Gamora was that character I thought would be bland but turned out to be fun af

How do you tell if a move is negative?
Have to go in training mode, some how set the dummy to block and then do their fastest attack when they are out of block. Then both of you mash the same button after the attack finishes and whoever wins should tell you (trade means its 0, + means you win, - means the opponent wins).


could never
In these games it's usually a bad idea to pick Ryu to learn the game. You are going to instinctively try to play SF with Ryu and just not learn much.

Good beginner characters to learn are Gamora, Nova, Iron Man, Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel and probably MMX. They aren't as easy to Ryu especially the air dash characters but you are going to have more fun learning stuff and they have easy effective tools starting out.
Gamora seems great for me. Trying cpt marvel now

Coming from SFV/NRS is gonna be rough lol
Gamora was that character I thought would be bland but turned out to be fun af

How do you tell if a move is negative?

I haven't had the chance to play the game yet, but check if there's an option in training mode to have the opponent block an attack then immediately hold up to jump as soon as they recover. If you hold up after your attack as well, then the first person to jump is the one who recovered first.


I haven't had the chance to play the game yet, but check if there's an option in training mode to have the opponent block and attack then immediately hold up to jump as soon as they recover. If you hold up after your attack as well, then the first person to jump is the one who recovered first.
This method is better.


Do we have a PC settings thread for this game? The Tekken one was a godsend helping me getting rid of the Vaseline effect and chromatic aberration.

Yea a thread for this would be very much appreciated. Or an edit in the OP at the bottom for PC users if anything. Hopefully we find the fix regarding CA soon too.
I haven't had the chance to play the game yet, but check if there's an option in training mode to have the opponent block an attack then immediately hold up to jump as soon as they recover. If you hold up after your attack as well, then the first person to jump is the one who recovered first.

I remember someone making a video of with KOFXIII with this exact method. It's very useful


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
All Hulk missions complete, much easier than Hawkeye, jesus christ :(

Maybe I should stick to these big lumbering guys :(

I suck :(

I tried adding it to Scalability.ini and nada, but adding it to Engine.ini seems to have worked:

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