It wasn't that big from what I saw. It is ok to believe.
It wasn't that big from what I saw. It is ok to believe.
You sit at a small table at a cafe enjoying your drink. An ant walks past. Do you notice?If we're not alone can someone please provoke them? I'd like to see the apocalypse, thanks.
There is loads of legit ufo footage! It's just that low iq people need to be told what to believe.I watched the interview with the David Fravor. And sorry, he doesn't say anything about metallic looking saucers. It was tic tac shaped and when the video you mention was brought up, he talks about some ball covered in some kind of force field. Nothing about saucers. Corbell and Rogan immediately try to bring in Lazar and Fravors agreed about the object turning it's belly to possibly steer. He said nothing about "Lazar is right, it totally looks like his skeches and works like he describes". He says he likes Lazar as a person, mentions some of the Lazar's descriptions but he never says that Lazar is the real deal.
This Fravor actually is legit. He has legit background, his story has some visual proof, it's backed by navy and other witnesses. They saw some unindetified objects but they are not hasty to call them aliens. As Fravors tells his story he goes out of his way without the need to ask to explain a lot of details about the protocols they go through, equipment he works with that was used to track these objects and how it works. Also freely talks about altitudes, distances. That's a person who actually knows his shit. Lazar is exact opposite of this. Corbell had to save Lazar's sorry ass non stop to the point he talked more than Lazar. That whole Barry the lab partner thing sounds like someone who has watched "Breaking Bad" way too much.
wait what
i mean i probably would smash some alien pussy for science, but why you do dis 2 me
Yes, there's lots of interesting footage. I don't care whether the pilot believes Bob or not. He clearly isn't familiar with the whole Lazar story. Only the small bits.There is loads of legit ufo footage! It's just that low iq people need to be told what to believe.
Try harder, funny how the pilot believes Lazar and says he is a genuine person. Also explain to us element 115.
I'd also like people explain why people have been documenting ufos for literally thousands of years.
I watched the Rogan podcast with the Tic Tac pilot last night with an open mind. I am still leaning towards sceptisism. The evidence I have seen that explains the video recordings being the result of how the camera and gimble in the FLIR works and how objects can jump to the side when you switch camera modes seems way more likely than the explanation of it being some kind of physics defying craft. What about the eye witness acounts you say? well to me seeing a disturbance under the water with a white object hovering overhead sounds a lot like how you might see a flock of seabirds feasting on a school of fish. We know they were very far away when they saw it and they were looking for "something weird" in the area due to the radar reports. My guess is that these reports start with a weird radar anomaly then pilots go out looking for something weird then if you look for something weird looking you are more likely to see it.
But four pilots(2 in each jet) all saw the same thing. How are the pilots all wrong, the fighter's equipment is wrong, the sonar tracks were wrong, and the radar equipment is wrong on the same objects?
And if you watch the Pentagon report on it, they were tasked with investigating these objects, dozens of military reports with evidence outside of this case. They determined the objects able to defy known physics.
Not only the Aegis radar tracked the objects that were of similar speed and behavior to objects tracked on radar since the 1950s, over 20,000mph and the ability to stop, hover, and take off incredibly suddenly. It's a classic behavior of these things.
It's in the OP. What sort of radar anomalies would span over decades of radar variations but maintain those hypersonic speeds and bizarre consistent behaviors?
Let's be fair here.
The footage in the OP is grainy and unclear.
We are not talking about a close up video where it's obvious that we are looking at something extraordinary.
It's inconclusive.
At best you've got "an unknown something was seen by some people but we don't know what it is".
What sort of radar anomalies would span over decades of radar variations but maintain those hypersonic speeds and bizarre consistent behaviors?
I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows.
The thing is that until one of these things is captured or witnessed up close then we don't actually know anything.
Fair enough if you say "the objects can defy known physics" but if you don't know what the objects themselves are (if they are even objects at all) then it's just a big load of nothing.
For me, the problem seems to be that there is something unexplained (maybe unexplainable) going on but you have all these people trying to move towards a very specific explanation (some kind of vehicle from another planet) and that is where the conversation starts to break down.
I think this is a pretty fair stance.
My take on it is that if there is the amount of radar, camera and military personnel detections of this stuff as the NYT article and the pilot would indicate, it's very likely that something that we do not understand is happening.
What this should spark is an open research program to try to detect and analyse the phenomena. The phenomena does not seem influenced by detection, but it occurs in places where detection is less likely. A proper set of experiments and hypothesis should be conducted. That's how we would get to understand it.
Personally, the most plausible explanation for me would seem to be drones or probes of some sort, I very much doubt anyone is driving the vehicles, it would seem unnecessarily wasteful.
Let's be fair here.
The footage in the OP is grainy and unclear.
We are not talking about a close up video where it's obvious that we are looking at something extraordinary.
It's inconclusive.
At best you've got "an unknown something was seen by some people but we don't know what it is".
What sort of radar anomalies would span over decades of radar variations but maintain those hypersonic speeds and bizarre consistent behaviors?
I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows.
The thing is that until one of these things is captured or witnessed up close then we don't actually know anything.
Fair enough if you say "the objects can defy known physics" but if you don't know what the objects themselves are (if they are even objects at all) then it's just a big load of nothing.
For me, the problem seems to be that there is something unexplained (maybe unexplainable) going on but you have all these people trying to move towards a very specific explanation (some kind of vehicle from another planet) and that is where the conversation starts to break down.
Yup, this video. He doesn't mention saucers at any point during the interview. There's another video from some History channel show where an aerospace engineer who was involved in some of these sightings and knew the pilots described it as gyroscope looking. Again nothing about Lazar and his classic sci-fi saucers.
And he also said that element 115 can't be synthesized on earth, said he had masters degrees fron Harvard and Caltech. Besides stories that can be easily made up, he has no backgroud that checks out, no witnesses, no tangible proof, nothing. Just a story inspired by interest in science, movies and great imagination. You guys are relly easy to fool if you don't need a single evidence to even confirm small part of the story. And Lazar doesn't even have proof for his most basic claims. Most People really are as gullible as they say. But I shouldn't feel surprised when there are flat earth and shapeshifting lizard overlord believers. Lazar's story is pretty tame in comparison.Lazar did say during his interview, the only time he saw more than one craft, they were all different shapes and sizes.
Scientist Behind The Navy's "UFO Patents" Has Now Filed One For A Compact Fusion Reactor
The latest in a series of bizarre Navy patents isn't just for a revolutionary reactor that could power cities, but also potentially a
It's pure arrogance and folly to believe we're the only intelligent beings in the universe. The odds alone favor life elsewhere.
The Paradox argument has always been a bit weak, IMO. You could easily brainstorm and come up with a dozen more reasons why we haven't seen anything.
Fair enough if you say "the objects can defy known physics" but if you don't know what the objects themselves are (if they are even objects at all) then it's just a big load of nothing.
Depends how drunk it is.You sit at a small table at a cafe enjoying your drink. An ant walks past. Do you notice?
The ant isn't us... it's earth.Depends how drunk it is.
And what if that one ant was 1000 ants. Would you notice then?
I'm puzzled
2004 Mexican military
There's lots of videos with these same "flying in formation" lights. They look like drones, but there are videos from the 1950s that shows very similar behavior
The one from the 1950s is well documented with lots of military witnessing it. It gets stranger later in the vid when they start moving in formations.
Compare the above behavior to this as well:
We've had drone technology since the sixties, providing sputnik was the first satellite in space
Flying at high speeds has never been hindered by the material or ability to fly at those speeds. The stumbling block has always been to keep the human pilot alive.The 2nd video was from 1952, and was a military investigation. And I'd love to see evidence of 1950s drone tech flying 700mph.
The 2nd video was from 1952, and was a military investigation. And I'd love to see evidence of 1950s drone tech flying 700mph.
Flying at high speeds has never been hindered by the material or ability to fly at those speeds. The stumbling block has always been to keep the human pilot alive.
The TSR-2 developed by the british in the late 50's early 60's was so advanced for an aircraft that it wasn't financially viable to build, yet a lot of its' technologies ended up in later aircraft, all the way up to and including the 80's. It even had it's own version of a 'sat' nav and could fly missions automatically, including take-off and landing (something all planes have been able to do for decades).
The materials we use in modern day craft, and even ones of yesteryear, can easily pull 30G and travel above Mach 3. We don't see aircraft whizzing about at that speed though because it would liquify the insides of the pilot.
Having drones in the 50's may sound far fetched, but 10 years later, we put a rocket, a dog, a monkey and a man in space, carried out a space walk, launched a satellite and put a man on the moon.
Maybe that video is evidence of that.
I'd buy putting things into orbit over those objects any day of the week, some of them are literally flying underwater and tracked on radar over Mach 15 going back to the 1950s.
TL;DR imagine a graph where X is time and Y is the rate of increase in technology. Imagine starting the line in the 50's and ending it today. Can you visualise the curvature and gradient of the line? Draw another graph, start in the 50's with technology we have today and guess where that line would be in 2019. That's the tech that is available, today.
You sit at a small table at a cafe enjoying your drink. An ant walks past. Do you notice?
I believe in Aliens, or at least, a race or genus of advanced technology and intelligence to match or rival our own, be they terrestrial or extra-terrestrial in origin and location.
However, I've seen advanced technology, specifically aircraft, with my own two eyes, flying in the air, years before they were even mentioned in journals or theorised upon.
Look at the arms race of WW2. We entered the war with single prop-planes and left with jet engines, radar and nuclear weapons. The rates of progression of technology never slowed down, the milestones were just stopped from becoming public.
Another example; AI and computational power. In 2005, only the most advanced PC at the time could play Crysis in full balls-to-the-wall bells and whistles. Now, 14 years later, there are still consoles and PC's that struggle to run crisis. Why? Because the advancement of processing power and computers was artificially slowed down to the public, so that the major tech companies could load marketing and spy data on to all of our CPU's and GPU's. Yet, to the public, we are told that this is just the rate of progress.
TL;DR imagine a graph where X is time and Y is the rate of increase in technology. Imagine starting the line in the 50's and ending it today. Can you visualise the curvature and gradient of the line? Draw another graph, start in the 50's with technology we have today and guess where that line would be in 2019. That's the tech that is available, today.
I get what you're saying, I just feel like people put to much stock in black projects, giving them near magical abilities. The SR71 had the greatest minds on the planet working on it, and it was ahead of it's for a secret black project, yet somehow I'm supposed to believe we hat drones 10-15 years before it that wete flying at over 10x its speed.
So when you see weird technology flying around this planet, it's not a proof of people being able to build them here, but that it's much more likely that they have come from another galaxy?
I mean, I would think it would make more sense to first go through the options of all kinds of conspiracies and theories that revolve around this planet than to make the conclusion that it must be aliens. Like, I would find it much more likely that there is some super hyper secret group of people who build really advanced stuff and maybe have been able to do that for centuries, or even thousands of years. I would go through some Atlantis stuff with people being technologically super advanced and then mankind losing all of that in some freak accident or whatever, and a group of people would keep this secret knowledge alive, before I would make the conclusion that there is absolutely no way for humans to create anything like that alone without a contact to aliens from other galaxies.
I mean seriously, advanced technology seen in this planet requires evidence of it being possible to be built in the past. But at the same time we don't have any evidence that in any planet anywhere other than this planet even this technology that we currently have has been done, but we are ready to believe that this "super advanced" technology is from those planets instead of this.
Another galaxy? Doesn't have to be. Scientists estimate there are 10 billion earth like planets in our galaxy alone, and there are billions of galaxies. It's not far fetch at all to imagine that drones from other planets are being sent here. We do the same and we're basically monkeys with cell phones.
Additionally, and more importantly, the Pentagon's own investigation deemed the technology seen by our military as "beyond our understanding of physics."
That's one hell of a statement.
For my brain, nothing adds up that its ours. With my understanding of technology I have to imagine the next possibility, human technology does not work for me at this point. Not even close. If there was something human to draw a parallel, I would. Again, the SR-71 is a great example of incredibly secret tech that the worlds best developed, yet somehow there was technology ten years before that was 10-15x faster? Fleets of them? How when we could barely get a single sr-71 off the runway at first? And why are militaries are all over the world reporting these objects? Why isn't it used in wars? We're sending our pilots to die in ultra outdated tech, why, when we could be using this incredible tech we've had since the 1940s? Are we're saving it for WW3? None of it adds up. To be clear, I never said any of this was proof of anything. It's just interesting.
I don't care if someone thinks they are from another galaxy or from this galaxy or from Mars or the other side of the Moon. The point is that for things that are going in this planet, evidence is required for the origins of those things coming from this planet, but not a single evidence is required for the idea that they are from somewhere else than this planet.
So it's easy to believe the people at Pentagon would deliberately lie and hide facts about real things coming from outer space, but they wouldn't deliberately lie about either the objects being that advanced or about them not understanding those physics?
There are lots of more plausible possibilities for both those objects and Pentagon's statements. Maybe it's technology they just haven't dared to use in war yet because of the possibility of them getting caught by the enemy and them learning about that technology. Or maybe the technology would reveal something very secret to the general public that they don't want us to know. Maybe that technology would help us get rid of certain problems but it would at the same time hurt some rich people and those rich people are in control. Or maybe it would be dangerous to reveal this possibility to general public because it would cause some general citizens with enough scientific knowledge to use and abuse either the technology or the new knowledge of physics.
I mean, the objects are here somewhere. Or at least they have been seen here somewhere. So why demand more evidence of them having originated from this planet than of them having originated from the outer space? At the very least we have evidence of them being here, but we don't have evidence of them being in the outer space.
I understand the will to speculate on things and I know it's really exciting and I love to hear about all kinds of wild hypotheses about them, but I don't understand how people would think there's more evidence of them being from outer space than from this planet because we certainly have even less evidence and knowledge of what technology can be built in some other planets than what we have of what can be built in this planet.
How do you know SR-71 was the "world's best"?
Maybe that was the best they have been able and or willing to reveal. Doesn't mean there aren't any other even more secret projects out there.
Maybe those better machines weren't or even aren't yet capable of bringing an actual human being along.
The evidence of it being from another world is if there isn't technology from this planet that is remotely comparable. That doesnt mean there isn't other options like ancient civilizations, spiritual, interdimensional, or whatever. I just find those less likely. Even the secret tech is an option but it just goes against all logic too.
The point with the Pentagon is they've been stating for years that they knew nothing etc, very silent. And to suddenly come out for the first time absolutely threw everyone for a loop. But they were forced to because of the leaks. Thats why its huge. Other governments have already been saying these things, so why is everyone lying about the same thing?
The SR71 in itself was incredibly advanced. Look at it up, it was shrouded in secrecy and far ahead of it's time. The other thing, it was stupid expensive to design and test. Why would we spend budget breaking funds on ultra secret tech when theres supposedly other secret tech decades already more advanced? Makes no sense. Even today those same 1950s ufos could run circles around our best fighter jets in 2019 and theres not a jet on the horizon that comes close. But for some reason we can't use any if that ufo tech for fear of it being captured, yet they still fly it around constantly all over the world. Apparently they're not worried at all about it falling into the wrong hands.
Well, you have the right on whatever you think is the most logical way to think.
On the other hand, you were ready to believe they were bullshitting before but you aren't ready to believe they are bullshitting now?
If it's their own tech that they absolutely wouldn't want people to find about, of course they would tell whatever story would make people think it's not their tech.
Flying constantly all over the world?
There aren't that many sightings of them.
And again, they could have other long term projects they just can't use yet in the form they are intended to be used in future. They might have to test the mobility of them in various circumstances and then they'll get them back to gather the data from those flights and they'll make them more fit to whatever they are wanting them to be.
And who knows, maybe they are using them already the way they are intending to use them. Who knows if they are some super hyper secret data collectors or spies or if they spread some whatever poison around or whatever else.