Wii said:LTTP > PH > LA > TLOZ > Z2:AOL > MC > OOS > OOA
Oh WOW. aLTTP is my favourite game ever.
Is that good? I'm glad to hear that!
Wii said:LTTP > PH > LA > TLOZ > Z2:AOL > MC > OOS > OOA
PolyGone said:wow at that first link. I wonder if Amirox still thinks this game is "fugly ds 3d"?looks great to me, like a console production almost. God, I want this game!
Amir0x said:Yes, I think it's quite atrocious. But you don't need me to tell you that - so you shouldn't have brought my name up!
That said, it's Zelda and it has dungeons that are probably well designed so I'll get over the horrific pixelation and super low poly environments and characters I'm sure. I just hope that this game means we get a cel-shaded Wii Zelda, so we can get this sort of thing in its proper graphical glory. From impressions, the game sounds nice but I'll see when I get my hands on it.
nofilter said:Actually, in-game Link looks really impressive - almost like a super detailed, 3D sprite. Yeah, the rest of the game is low-poly, but it's superbly done given the platform.
Amir0x said:Yes, I think it's quite atrocious. But you don't need me to tell you that - so you shouldn't have brought my name up!
That said, it's Zelda and it has dungeons that are probably well designed so I'll get over the horrific pixelation and super low poly environments and characters I'm sure. I just hope that this game means we get a cel-shaded Wii Zelda, so we can get this sort of thing in its proper graphical glory. From impressions, the game sounds nice but I'll see when I get my hands on it.
Neo Child said:Well, your kind of opposite on the ball here.
The graphics are great, add some aliasing on some parts and you have near GC levels.
Amir0x said:They could add 16x AA, and it still wouldn't be near GC levels. You guys are either genuinely nuts, or simply blind. Either way, that's my last word.
A resemblance? Well duh.Neo Child said:You played it then? Seen the intro? I'm playing WW as we speak, and im seeing a resemblance.
Scrow said:A resemblance? Well duh.
Minish Cap and Wind Waker share a resemblance, but there's no way in hell you can reasonably compare their graphics from a technical standpoint. A technical comparison of the graphics in Phantom Hourglass to Wind Waker is just as ridiculous.
agent069 said:Here's a few questions for those who have played the game :
Are the dungeon still very linear? Since Wind Waker, I think that Zelda dungeon are more and more linear, like you enter a room, there's two doors, one that's locked, and one which will lead you to the key. You have open dungeon, but in the end the progression is as linear as if it was just a corridor, does PH still feels this way?
Pretty much, they seem a little more linear at points.
How are the puzzles? Are most of them still the same like we've seen since ALLTP? If there's some more complex puzzles, are they also linear ?
By linear I mean the same thing that the dungeon structure above, in WW and TP it was very frustrating to see big puzzle being handled in such a linear way, the best exemple of that would be the big piece filled with mirrors in one of the last WW dungeon, it should have been a complex puzzle, but you can only push the mirror in some rails, with their final location being very apparent, in the end you just have to follow the "rails" and you solve the puzzle without ever thinking about the whole puzzle.
More or less, some different puzzles from the usual Zelda norm, although some using the DS in gimmicky ways, it never feels too gimmicky. It seems similar to ALTTP in the way of puzzles. I best give you an example early on:
One of the earlier puzzles but very fun to do, though not mind boggling.A rat is running from two holes back and forth, carrying a key, the rat scurries back in the nearest hole if it sees you. There is a block (not on rails) near.
What about the items? Is there tons of new items? Does the touch screen make them feel originals?
Alright, will have to go into spoilers here. There are a total ofitems. Which is a huge7for me.dissapointment
Spoilers ahead contain names of all items.
Some items are pretty standard, e.g The arrows, the hammer, the shovel. However, some items make use of the touch screen nicely, like the boomerang, where you drag a path for it to go, this is really cool seeing it in action and you can make quite a long path. The Bombchus you draw a path on a map and they can go through small holes and hit things. The bombs are standard. Seems pretty similar so far. The rope is used for making a tightrope between two poles. The shield is a cheat item I think, it auto deflects, and you can run into any enemy at random and not get hit thanks to the shield.
How hard is the game? I don't expect a Zelda game to be as hard as Megaman or Ninja Gaiden, but TP and WW where far too easy for my tastes, is PH harder than those two games? Is that even a problem?
Erm, i guess easier than both WW + TP, though the master dungeon is particularly hard, which eclipses both TP + WW in difficulty. The enemies are also quite feirce at times, though the shield is gay.
As you see, I'm starving for innovation in Zelda, especially for this "touch only" game, it's marketted as being very original and all, but did they succeed?
The touch screen enhances weapons certainly, and each treasure finding quest is represented in a fun mini-game. Much more innovative than any recent Zelda, but it doesnt re-invent the series.
I didn't get any special feel til I played itBrandNew said:As much as I want to play this, I'm not getting any sort of special feel from it. I don't see how I could like this better than Twilight Princess or even Wind Waker for that matter.
agent069 said:Here's a few questions for those who have played the game :
Are the dungeon still very linear? Since Wind Waker, I think that Zelda dungeon are more and more linear, like you enter a room, there's two doors, one that's locked, and one which will lead you to the key. You have open dungeon, but in the end the progression is as linear as if it was just a corridor, does PH still feels this way?
How are the puzzles? Are most of them still the same like we've seen since ALLTP? If there's some more complex puzzles, are they also linear ?
By linear I mean the same thing that the dungeon structure above, in WW and TP it was very frustrating to see big puzzle being handled in such a linear way, the best exemple of that would be the big piece filled with mirrors in one of the last WW dungeon, it should have been a complex puzzle, but you can only push the mirror in some rails, with their final location being very apparent, in the end you just have to follow the "rails" and you solve the puzzle without ever thinking about the whole puzzle.
What about the items? Is there tons of new items? Does the touch screen make them feel originals?
How hard is the game? I don't expect a Zelda game to be as hard as Megaman or Ninja Gaiden, but TP and WW where far too easy for my tastes, is PH harder than those two games? Is that even a problem?
As you see, I'm starving for innovation in Zelda, especially for this "touch only" game, it's marketted as being very original and all, but did they succeed?
I guess you're addressing merhino4evr said:If the dungeons are lame, how can anyone put this above TP? Which had some of the best level design in a game. Id rather have amazing dungeons then innovative gameplay. Of course, both would be nice too. Can't wait to play this.
I agree, the dungeon music is ass, there's only like 3 original tracks in the game I liked.BrandNew said:The dungeon music sounds awful.
Yes, especially when Nintendo says it's better than OOT.rhino4evr said:don;t understand why everyone was so disappointed in TP. Expectations TOO (OOT) high? Most likely.
Wii said:I can go on for hours about how TP did not deliver.
Wii said:Yes, especially when Nintendo says it's better than OOT.
It wasn't dark (The Shadow Temple alone is scarier than all of TP's darkness) or even 60 hours like they said >:O
I can go on for hours about how TP did not deliver.
I'm sure it has been said a thousand times already, but how long did it take you?Operations said:The game was sweet, but waaay to short. I guess its length is decent for handheld standards. I don't agree with those who say this is better that TP or even TWW.
Operations said:The game was sweet, but waaay to short. I guess its length is decent for handheld standards. I don't agree with those who say this is better that TP or even TWW.
sp0rsk said:The dungeons are great, you people are crazy.
p.s. I wouldn't really rely on the opinions of people who didn't know what the **** was said in the game most of the time.
A Link to the Snitch said:That implies that TP > TWW.
So some Q's...
1. What score is it to you?
2. How's the plot?
3. Any touch complaints?
4. What's the name of that pirate on the box art? It's been driving me crazy.
sp0rsk said:1. 10
2. So far the pacing of the story is pretty much the same as all zelda games, but to be honest with you it's more about the characters than the story, and I find all of the characters very likable.
3. None
4. Lineback
I'll laugh if your impressions line up with mine, so far they seem to besp0rsk said:p.s. I wouldn't really rely on the opinions of people who didn't know what the **** was said in the game most of the time.
DuuuuuuuuuuuuhWii said:Huuuuu
Is it really the english name? I read it as Reinbach.sp0rsk said:1. 10
2. So far the pacing of the story is pretty much the same as all zelda games, but to be honest with you it's more about the characters than the story, and I find all of the characters very likable.
3. None
4. Lineback
Cruceh said:Is it really the english name? I read it as Reinbach.
items. Which is a huge7fordissapointment
Cruceh said:Is it really the english name? I read it as Reinbach.
Interesting. I thought bach sounded like back in english. Oh well, nevermind then. Was hoping he would secretly be German. xDtnw said:Sounds like it would Reinbeck. bach would be バハ
But what do I know, I've only played the demo.
sp0rsk said:The dungeons are great, you people are crazy.
p.s. I wouldn't really rely on the opinions of people who didn't know what the **** was said in the game most of the time.
Cruceh said:Interesting. I thought bach sounded like back in english. Oh well, nevermind then. Was hoping he would secretly be German. xD
Ah, thanks. My Japanese is lacking.tnw said:Bach sounds like Bahchhhh in English. there is no flemmy 'ch' sound in Japanese, so they usually katakana-ize as a 'h' kana. Munich (Munchen in german) is written ムンヘン for example.
But Tina equals Terra in the world of localization, so you can have Reinbach if you want to.
At least until the English version comes out.
TSA said:Yes, since the dungeons are so story-intensive and require a deep knowledge of the Japanese language to fully appreciate...
No offense, except for lame "list" puzzles, no Japanese understanding has ever been needed to beat a single Zelda game that was in Japanese first for a non-Japanese speaking player. And if you can't pick up on the basic story from the visuals, which is how "good" storytelling is done, then the game's story is going to suck anyway (not saying PH's story sucks, I'm saying I got it enough without knowing what was being said).
I wanted to add that I like this style of Zelda game because it is more 2D in mechanics, as I said before, but I think this is the last time I want to go sailing/traveling via the ocean. I really got bored of the boat segments after the third dungeon.
sp0rsk said:As for lineback/reinback. For some reason I just liken his name to the American Football position "Linebacker". Reinback sounds more like an actual name I guess.
TSA said:Are the dungeon still very linear?
Yes, this has the most linear dungeons I have ever seen. And you'll hate the Hourglass Dungeon because you get to go through EVERY ROOM (almost) every damn time you have to go back into it.
How are the puzzles?
I found myself more challenged by puzzles in Phantom Hourglass than in Twilight Princess. But I mean, it's either carrying an object around, pushing blocks, bombing walls, activating switches with items or in certain orders, or killing enemies to reveal keys. There are a FEW "unique" puzzles, but I wouldn't say they're all in the dungeons. There's a few things that will trip you up because you forget this is a DS game using all-stylus...so there were a few good puzzles here and there, but overall besides Japanese language barrier, it wasn't that challenging.
What about the items? Is there tons of new items? Does the touch screen make them feel originals?
This gets into spoilers, but for the first half of the game, don't expect to be wowed at all. Shovel. Bombs. Bow and arrows. Boomerang. It's more a focus on "how you can control these items with the stylus" rather than "new, unique items". Though...
How hard is the game?
Well, here we go again with it not being hard in terms of battles. Actually, on the sea, if you don't pay attention, you can get a game over real fast. Other than that, there are a PLETHORA of hearts around in pots or drops from enemies. I forsee many deaths due to stylus input mistakes, though, rather than difficulty from enemies. Bosses were a joke. Well, there was one that suffered from the same damn thing as Twilight Princess with its final boss - volleying "energy balls". In Phantom Hourglass, one boss has this, and you can't "tap" the energy ball to hit it like other enemies, you have to "swipe". Registering swipes isn't as "accurate" as touted, and I got rather annoyed quickly. Same with Wii version of TP during the final boss fight with the same enemy strategy. Final boss put up a bit of a fight, but sadly, the game's difficulty came from not knowing Japanese. In English, this game would be a joke. It's obviously watered down for a broader audience.
Bottom line really, it's 2D Zelda with "touch" controls, and a "new" way to play Zelda - moreso than Wii Twilight Princess, but it did very little in terms of addressing the issues of the Zelda franchise in terms of "innovating" the concept. Nintendo keeps thinking of "innovating" the gameplay experience. But Phantom Hourglass hits very high notes in some places. I just wish I could understand the story. As such, I'm gonna abstain from a review until I can play it in English...it'd be way too unfair to judge this game without the full experience. So I guess in the end I'm just going to write up final thoughts. Maybe Nintendo will listen and adjust some of the things I will complain about...
Mithos Yggdrasill said:TSA, the problem is that Nintendo EAD, even if they are one of the best team of development in the world, are conditionnned by all past Zeldas titles they developed.
In other words, they cannot see the Zelda's series from another point of view: that's why I INSIST that someone else should develop the next Zelda.
Another studio could surprises us, exactly like Rareware with Donkey Kong or Retro with Metroid. Change is good and I don't think EAD can do this change.
But remember: this doesn't mean that the quality is bad: the exact opposite ! What I mean is that the Zelda series need fresh ideas from different people !