Disclaimer: TAKE YOUR TIME, there's no rush :]
I'm finally done going through 10 years of game releases, all the years starting with 2010 to 2019. All to find out my own top10 games of the decade. Because let's be real, none of these construed lists from other websites are gonna satisfy anyone - and more importantly: It's fun to reflect on one's own past 10 years in gaming and find out what the best games were/are.
To make this thread a little more interesting, pls say a few (or more) lines about your own list. Discussion is also welcome, ofc, just keep it reasonable.
(If anyone wants to organize an actual voting for 'NeoGAF's Games of the Decade', pls do so, but as an extra thread
Anywhere, I'll make the start:
My Top 10 Games of the past Decade:
1.) Xenoblade Chronicles X
2.) The Last Guardian
3.) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
4.) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
5.) Here They Lie PSVR
6.) Mass Effect 2
7.) Alpha Protocol
8.) Nier Automata
9.) Xenoblade Chronicles
10.) Portal 2
This was *tough*. I first listed all good games from each year. Then in round 2 I chose everything I would like to see in the top10. Then in round 3 I picked what I *really* wanted in the top10 ... and hat 20 games still.
Made some tough calls. Last victim to get cut was Assassin's Creed 4 
Anyway, yes, all three Xenoblade-games are there, but I couldn't imagine it sny other way. X1 was such a breakthrough on the Wii and had this more serious story. Xenoblade X did BotW before BotW existed. And X2 was less ambitious, but had the best, most likeable cast of characters ever, plus a fantastic villain, all with masterful voice acting and cutscene direction. Also the most fun comat I've ever had in a jrpg.
The Last Guardian is a game that's so great and unique that it feels like it fell through some dimensional rift where game development took an entirely different turn and actual creative freedom reigns supreme and gets high budgets - what a game. Some of the most genius environmental puzzles and a narrative presentation that denies all the Hollywood-aping cinematic games we're used to. This is a true video game experience as it ought to be.
Here They Lie is what made me fall in love with VR forever. The level of immersion was mindblowing, and unlike RE7, which is way too scary due to combat, the fact that HTL 'only' fucks with your mind made it bearable enough that I could enjoy this Lovecraftian horror journey. So many memorable scenes. And it's not just a walking sim. How fucking grear/scary is it when you're told the only way to not be noticed by monsters is to look at the ground - while you can hear them walk past you like 10cm between you and 'it'?!
Alpha Protocol is the most ambitious 'make your choice'-game. Mass Effect 2, while not as good as ME1, was still.such an engaging experience, and the finale was pure narrative hype. Nier Automata took me by surprise like most, and went from 'dat ass' to 'dat game' quickly. Lastly, Portal 2 was one of the best sequels ever and I even played the online-coop, something I usually hate. But it was fun! Oh yeah, BotW is there, too. It deserves the spot, really. Nothing that needs to be said about it anymore. Gonna be exciting if BotW2 can match that experience.
So that's my top10 of the decade. What's yours?
I'm finally done going through 10 years of game releases, all the years starting with 2010 to 2019. All to find out my own top10 games of the decade. Because let's be real, none of these construed lists from other websites are gonna satisfy anyone - and more importantly: It's fun to reflect on one's own past 10 years in gaming and find out what the best games were/are.
To make this thread a little more interesting, pls say a few (or more) lines about your own list. Discussion is also welcome, ofc, just keep it reasonable.
(If anyone wants to organize an actual voting for 'NeoGAF's Games of the Decade', pls do so, but as an extra thread

Anywhere, I'll make the start:
My Top 10 Games of the past Decade:
1.) Xenoblade Chronicles X
2.) The Last Guardian
3.) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
4.) Xenoblade Chronicles 2
5.) Here They Lie PSVR
6.) Mass Effect 2
7.) Alpha Protocol
8.) Nier Automata
9.) Xenoblade Chronicles
10.) Portal 2
This was *tough*. I first listed all good games from each year. Then in round 2 I chose everything I would like to see in the top10. Then in round 3 I picked what I *really* wanted in the top10 ... and hat 20 games still.

Anyway, yes, all three Xenoblade-games are there, but I couldn't imagine it sny other way. X1 was such a breakthrough on the Wii and had this more serious story. Xenoblade X did BotW before BotW existed. And X2 was less ambitious, but had the best, most likeable cast of characters ever, plus a fantastic villain, all with masterful voice acting and cutscene direction. Also the most fun comat I've ever had in a jrpg.
The Last Guardian is a game that's so great and unique that it feels like it fell through some dimensional rift where game development took an entirely different turn and actual creative freedom reigns supreme and gets high budgets - what a game. Some of the most genius environmental puzzles and a narrative presentation that denies all the Hollywood-aping cinematic games we're used to. This is a true video game experience as it ought to be.
Here They Lie is what made me fall in love with VR forever. The level of immersion was mindblowing, and unlike RE7, which is way too scary due to combat, the fact that HTL 'only' fucks with your mind made it bearable enough that I could enjoy this Lovecraftian horror journey. So many memorable scenes. And it's not just a walking sim. How fucking grear/scary is it when you're told the only way to not be noticed by monsters is to look at the ground - while you can hear them walk past you like 10cm between you and 'it'?!
Alpha Protocol is the most ambitious 'make your choice'-game. Mass Effect 2, while not as good as ME1, was still.such an engaging experience, and the finale was pure narrative hype. Nier Automata took me by surprise like most, and went from 'dat ass' to 'dat game' quickly. Lastly, Portal 2 was one of the best sequels ever and I even played the online-coop, something I usually hate. But it was fun! Oh yeah, BotW is there, too. It deserves the spot, really. Nothing that needs to be said about it anymore. Gonna be exciting if BotW2 can match that experience.
So that's my top10 of the decade. What's yours?