Thats … interestingARC Raiders
Forgot about Okami 2, that’s one of mine too.Man, so many games will come out when I'm old as hell and for many developers they will probably be among their last projects... feels bad man. Still, here goes:
- Okami 2 - pretty unreal that this will be a thing.
- Project Robo by Ueda - I didn't play The Last Guardian, but the setup here looks great
- Metroid Prime 4 - Retro Studios might be one of the most mishandled studios, but after the Prime 1 remake I'm still confident in them
- Final JRPG by Sakaguchi - I hope the legend goes out with grace
- Shinobi reboot - No doubts this will be great after Streets of Rage 4
- Control 2 - I heard they'll make this an RPG? Not what I want, but I'll remain optimistic
- Project Century - Yakuza team usually means quality
- Kojima stealth game - not a huge Kojima fan, but this has me curious
- Resident Evil 9 - please, just don't do open world!
- 3D Mario game - 8 year development time better shows