I didn't mean that decisions made by Phil Spencer are infallible. What I meant was that the strategy for the Xbox division isn't complete shit and that it doesn't make any sense, otherwise Phil wouldn't have been able to sell it to the Microsoft Board.
You might feel that they are going in the wrong direction, but that doesn't mean that this is actually the case. And when people are talking in superlatives and certainties, they shouldn't be surprised to be called out. Just like you did to me, because you thought that I meant that big companies' decisions are infallible.
There is no Xbox division, the Other Personal Computing segment includes Windows, MSN, Surface, accessories, Xbox hardware, Xbox software/services, Bing search, etc. They did this to probably try to hide the losses of the Xbox product and service line further as investors were able to figure out before when it was just Surface, Skype, Xbox, and Android royalties that the Xbox stuff was losing billions a year. Now gaming numbers are given but only in revenue or growth terms.
What I meant was that the strategy for the Xbox division isn't complete shit and that it doesn't make any sense, otherwise Phil wouldn't have been able to sell it to the Microsoft Board.
Huh, what does this mean? Phil sold Nadella a pile of shit. Nadella wanted "services" or was probably going to shut it down like he did like virtually everything on the consumer side of the house. The problem with that is there is no or limited places to put these services, let alone most people are not asking for more services... and most of the large publishers have incentive to get Microsoft out of the middleman business if they are not needed. Obviously, Microsoft is needed as a gate keeper to Xbox as a Hardware, but certainly are not needed on PC, Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Nintendo devices, Sony devices, TVs, etc.
The Microsoft approved either directly or indirectly the following consumer products/services, and now they have been shutdown either directly or indirectly. These aren't marketing blunders, they're clearly business strategy blunders, business decision blunders, and failure to compete i.e. execute.
- Windows Mobile
- Games for Windows Live
- Microsoft Band
- Groove Music (formerly Xbox Music)
- Xbox Entertainment Studios
- Countless Xbox games and internal studios were given the axe
- Cortana (now left to die, which was actually pretty good when it launch on winm8, they basically destroyed its functionality)
- Xbox Kinect
- Microsoft Store (currently still operating, but its a shit show just like GFLW, the problem here now there is relance for the shit show with Win 10)
Nadella and the board basically wiped out the consumer side of the Microsoft since 2014. He gave some funds to Phil because Phil is promising "services" everywhere the problem is there is no real demand nor any real business model to put those in most other devices/platforms..... which is why you don't see any of the "services" on other platforms/devices. Phil is just making shit up as he goes along.
What Microsoft did with enterprise/business with mobile i.e. deploying to Android/iOS for example isn't going to work on the gaming side of the house for multiple obvious reasons.
Why in the fuck would anyone pay for Xbox Live Gold other than a closed eco-system?
The guy is delusional if he thought the Xbox 360 was some type of success financially, marketing maybe one of the problems but its silly business decisions with failure to compete and execute - which is why they dumped the Xbox 360 ideas and started chasing Nintendo i.e. casuals and motion controls.
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