Fucking worthless article. Can’t believe someone took the time to write that
It would be more relevant if we were British colonialists from the 1800's. Yea, it is bad to entertain these virtue signalers egos.But he is not wrong, you know...
Instead of joying the mob here I went to watch the video and it's a good video. He isn't denouncing the game for using the world, he talked with the developer last year and they're clear. But the event made he think and he took the opportunity to talk about this subject. And liking you to recognize this or not, "Extermination and Re-Education" of "savages" is not only something very, very recent, it's something that is still happening today in parts of the world.
Good to know, never bad to learn something, right?
But he is not wrong, you know...
Instead of joying the mob here I went to watch the video and it's a good video. He isn't denouncing the game for using the world, he talked with the developer last year and they're clear. But the event made he think and he took the opportunity to talk about this subject. And liking you to recognize this or not, "Extermination and Re-Education" of "savages" is not only something very, very recent, it's something that is still happening today in parts of the world.
Good to know, never bad to learn something, right?
It's more relevant than you think.It would be more relevant if we were British colonialists from the 1800's. Yea, it is bad to entertain these virtue signalers egos.
That word is still being used in the same context on occasion.What mob?
Also, why should a word's usage in one context determine how it's interpreted in another? Why cherry pick certain words that are above context?
That word is still being used in the same context on occasion.
This scent got cancelled too, as did JohnnyWhat word?
Edit: Lol Savage?
And toss your perfume while you're at it !!!1!!1!
That word is still being used in the same context on occasion.
What word?
Edit: Lol Savage?
And toss your perfume while you're at it !!!1!!1!
Journey To The Savage Planet Is Fun, But Please Stop Using That Word
Journey to the Savage Planet is the first-ever game from Typhoon Studios, out now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It ain’t perfect, but it’s got heart. It’s a succinct and loving throwback to the Metroid Prime series that fills a pretty specific niche in a sea full of service games
Another word Kotaku has deemed bad for us to use, savage, cos it's got a racist history.../rolls eyes
Turn this up to 11:
What a dumbass. Yeah, "savage" can be used to describe uncivilized, barbaric people.
Welcome to current_year...
Stop Using These Phrases In 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)
Use the start of the new year as a chance to refresh your language by dropping problematic terms. Don't worry, we've got a great list of synonyms for you
Welcome to current_year...
Stop Using These Phrases In 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)
Use the start of the new year as a chance to refresh your language by dropping problematic terms. Don't worry, we've got a great list of synonyms for you
Welcome to current_year...
Stop Using These Phrases In 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)
Use the start of the new year as a chance to refresh your language by dropping problematic terms. Don't worry, we've got a great list of synonyms for you
While that article is proper bullshit, I did chuckle at the fact that it goes on about cultural insensitivity and then uses the phrase North American Indians rather than Native Americans.Welcome to current_year...
Stop Using These Phrases In 2020 (Use These Synonyms Instead)
Use the start of the new year as a chance to refresh your language by dropping problematic terms. Don't worry, we've got a great list of synonyms for you