That's loading time. But what happens when you have a big open world and the game needs to stream textures in?You'll go from 12 seconds to 10, at best.
The point of texture streaming is to make that load undetectable. If you can detect it the problem is your streaming tech, not your hardware. What will have an impact is the size of the area you're streaming textures into.That's loading time. But what happens when you have a big open world and the game needs to stream textures in?
That's gonna be interesting.
Yes, it matters. It matters a lot.
If both consoles have one and are barely over a gb/spec and a half difference like reported atm? No, there will be no perceivable difference.
The best thing is both next gen systems have one, and that’s awesome. If you don’t have one in your pc already you’re missing out.
It doesn't matter now because current games are designed with a hdd in mind.
We'll see how it's gonna affect next gen games if both systems have an ssd. But me personally think it won't have a significant effect. It's gonna be used for texture streaming for sure but I doubt it's gonna be a big performance difference between sata ssd and nvme's etc.
That's barely a problem even on HDDs.That's loading time. But what happens when you have a big open world and the game needs to stream textures in?
That's gonna be interesting.
I wasn't aware of that.That's barely a problem even on HDDs.
It does man.Does an 8 core CPU matter for apps that utilizes just 1?
Games will load faster, thats it. Don’t believe Sony’s lies.
Armorian You have two areas that are directly linked, and those are streaming assets on the fly, and loading. But it’s not as simple as just “I can run faster so I will reach the destination quicker”. You have to take into account cpu for decompression and moving of files, controller speed and quality, memory management, type of file, size of file etc etc.
In short, you won’t see loading speed increases in EVERY game. Some games are just never going to see much improvement due to how their data is loaded. All current generation COD games for example won’t see much loading time improvement from an SSD for example. Games made for SSD tech will see an amazing improvement, but the speed difference between the two consoles won’t result in the PS5 loading instantly and the SX being some 30 second monster. You’re looking at 1 second versus 1.3, or 10 seconds versus 13. Hardly game destroying.
But streaming is a different beast again because it relies on all sorts of things to work well. If your cpu isn’t up to scratch you won’t get as far. But even then, people think the PS5 SSD will allow these massive worlds with amazing streaming and blah blah. And that’s true, they will. But so will they on the SX.
The thing is, you will never really push so much data through that it bottlenecks the SSD, and if you do, you’re doing it wrong. So for example, I’ve seen a few people here suggest that the new star citizen SSD vs HDD will be like PS5 vs SX. If you haven’t watchEd that video, watch it. The SSD machine runs fine but the HDD is too slow to load in the data. But that’s a slow mechanical drive versus an SSD, it’s no contest.
The facts are really simple. Is the PS5 SSD better than the SX? Yes, without question. Will it’s improvements be a game changer and provide results the SX simply cant do? No, not at all. Is it amazing BOTH machines have an SSD? AB-SO-FUCKING-LUTELY.
We should all be happy. Shit is about to hit the fan, and unlike previous generations, we will ALL be covered the same amount.
Games will load faster, thats it. Don’t believe Sony’s lies.
Translation:It does man.
It's single core performance is what matters, not the cores themselves.
We will see how games designed for NVME speeds will behave with next gen ports.
That's barely a problem even on HDDs.
Man, games are a lot more simple than you think. Only high end bleeding edge platform-exclusive games will ever optimize in a way that there is going to be any kind of noticeable difference from normal SSDs.Translation:
Does an SSD matter for games that wasnt made for using it?
Uh, of course it does???
Yup, I have said it since the day I got my NvME drive.There's no difference for gaming when comparing SATA vs Nvme.
Clearly not right now. Maybe I should named this thread "Does a faster than SATA3 SSD matter for games?" but I just used LTT title (minus one "?").
I heard Sony is not going to improve the PS4’s controller shitty battery life for the PS5. But because of the SSDs spiderman wil traverse the world faster which means less button pressing which means more battery life.I´ve heard that the the xbox flash implementation has dedicated hardware data decompression and is loading data very fast. That and the new processor are gonna produce a lot of "shity" ports I´m afraid.![]()
It clearly matters when I'm loading games on my SSDs, or playing games that use texture streaming. Used to take me years when loading battlefield games on my old sata, with my SSD load times are pretty much unnoticeable.
I depends on the games you are playing too. Some have such horrible long loads times and SSD's can speed that up a lot.