So... guys...
Is Dr. Strangelove actually funny because I remember falling asleep to it numerous times as a kid and never laughing once. All I ever read online though is how brilliant it is.
I.e. Freddy Got Fingered is my idea of funny
Is Crash really woke? It seems unlikely such an old movie would fit that definition. It could be tho, I haven’t watched it since I was a teenager and rented it from Blockbuster thinking it would be something I could wank to because it was rated R.In college one day some communications class or something they showed the 15 or so minutes of “Crash”. Never before or since have I seen a more obliviously crap woke piece of trash.
Same. I saw that at the movies. lol.I loathe that whenever people mention Crash, that they're not talking about the Cronenberg film about chicks getting finger blasted at the scenes of accidents
But Argo and Ben Affleck in general is just hollywood pushing their own agenda's and awarding themselves.
It’s about shit movies that fart-sniffing pseudo-intellectual liberal midwits flick themselves off over because they think it makes them cultured. Stuff like Juno and Manchester by the Sea.
Wes Anderson movies are for people who enjoy prefer tea over coffee, and enjoy getting flogged with paddles
aha soThis thread is not about films with liberal agendas. We have plenty of threads for that already.
It’s about shit movies that fart-sniffing pseudo-intellectual liberal midwits flick themselves off over because they think it makes them cultured. Stuff like Juno and Manchester by the Sea.
Wes Anderson the thread eh?
yeah i think i agree. Anderson def has his own personal style but it's never seemed too self indulgent to me. like, he might spend an insane amount of time over designing a shot, but it just ends up making his movies look gorgeous.I don't see it. I absolutely love Wes Anderson movies, I can see them not being everyone's cup of tea, but Royal Tenenbaums is in my top 5 and Rushmore, Fantastic Mr Fox, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Grand Budapest Hotel were all great. Definitely not liberal wank fests.
otm. that shot in Garden State was a straight rip off of Anderson, minus all the pathos. usually Anderson's stories are about heartbreak or families falling apart or some kind of real drama. he might be overly fussy on details but it's all in the name of storytelling.LoL iTs FuNnY bEcAuSe HiS sHiRt MaTcHeS tHe WaLlPaPeR!!!
yeah that movie was terrible. i would call it a liberal wank movie because it was all about capital-A Art and How Important The Theater Is and all this self serving Media Industry bullshit. file it alongside La La Land and other movies that are giant blowjobs to the entertainment industry.
yeah i think it's 5 minutes in and Ludacris is giving some speech about "People see two black men walking down the street and think they gangstas gonna rob someone" or whatever to get you ashamed of your white guilt then a second later they pull out guns and are like "Guess what, we ARE robbing people!" HUH? DIDNT SEE THAT COMING DID YOU? the whole movie is like some gatcha thread on racism, constantly setting up weak ass stereotypes and then doing a trick reveal to show "the audience is actually the racist one!" or something. that movie is badly made white guilt porn.
In all honesty what's to understand Matt? You're an Art illiterate who doesn't really 'get' Creative endeavours: The Umpteenth Thread.
Objectively wrong
A book that I feel captures the gritty ultra violence and tense atmosphere better is the North Water by Ian McGuire. It’s like Moby Dick meets Blood Meridian but with more coherent writing than the latter. One of the best books I’ve read.
yeah i think i agree. Anderson def has his own personal style but it's never seemed too self indulgent to me. like, he might spend an insane amount of time over designing a shot, but it just ends up making his movies look gorgeous.
otm. that shot in Garden State was a straight rip off of Anderson, minus all the pathos. usually Anderson's stories are about heartbreak or families falling apart or some kind of real drama. he might be overly fussy on details but it's all in the name of storytelling.
Garden State on the other hand was just empty enui. "look how deep i am". doesn't help that the lead character is an unemployed actor/writer, nor that he is played by Zach Braff, who also wrote and directed the movie starring himself. ultimate naval gazing.
Harmony Korine lol what a crazy dude. i saw Trash Humpers in the theater when that came out. dude was brilliant.We need a new John Waters, Harmony Korine, or Giuseppe Andrews type to really shake shit up again.
yes just thinking back on this. kind of amazing piece of Woke Orientalism. the whole movie is some bored rich people unimpressed with Japan.Lost in Translation. What a piece of shite.
Tiger King. Everybody suffers mass delusion every time one of these documentary series releases.
Dr Strangelove is hilarious.So... guys...
Is Dr. Strangelove actually funny because I remember falling asleep to it numerous times as a kid and never laughing once. All I ever read online though is how brilliant it is.
I.e. Freddy Got Fingered is my idea of funny
if gladiator is liberal wank, i'm gonna jump off a cliff and explode into fine giblet mist
Gladiator would never be nominated these days, much less win.if gladiator is liberal wank, i'm gonna jump off a cliff and explode into fine giblet mist
Gladiator would never be nominated these days, much less win.
edit: It's kind of like No Country for Old Men, don't get me wrong it's a good film. But it had no business beating There Will be Blood for best picture. There Will be Blood is a timeless classic.
No Country for Old Men was fantastic, and a well deserved win for the Coen Brothers. I like Paul Thomas Anderson's work well enough and Daniel Day Lewis certainly earned that Oscar with that performance. But what the Coen's did with No Country was nothing short of miraculous and I don't think there's been a scarier villain than Anton Chigurh as played by Javier Bardem.
The most recent that comes to mind is Joker. That definitely fits under the "The artsy emotional wank movie." Can't believe they ruined the Joker and people ate it up. It's a film about a loser made for losers. Not a fucking Joker film.