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Is free sex desirable?

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Is it desirable to have a totally free sexuality in a society (here I mean sex between consenting adults that is not injuring or even killing each other)? Is all kind of sexual relations sound and desirable? One can as example of controversial such relations mention poly-amorous and homosexual relations. To pay money for sex is also highly controversial in many places, also to have sex with someone even if you are married or live together with someone else.

Is it time for the world to dismantle all old sexual taboos and let people decide themselves what to do or not to do in their bedchambers?

Mr Hyde

I'm not the one to judge, everyone is free to live their lives as they see fit, but I think polyamorous relationships are unhealthy and destructive, and goes against the concept of love and sex, which I see as a mutually exclusive thing by two adults. I just cannot comprehend such a lifestyle.
Certainly all the evidence points towards such hedonistic and shallow relationships being detrimental to peoples health, happiness and success.

Also, ironically, people with multiple short term or one off sexual relationships overwhelmingly report less satisfying and enjoyable sex overall compared to those in long term monogamous relationships

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Certainly all the evidence points towards such hedonistic and shallow relationships being detrimental to peoples health, happiness and success.

Also, ironically, people with multiple short term or one off sexual relationships overwhelmingly report less satisfying and enjoyable sex overall compared to those in long term monogamous relationships

At what point does a person have their sexual circuits fried from having too many short term sexual partners?


Should people be allowed? Yes.

Should people do it? No.

I'm all for ignoring what people do in their private life, as long as it doesn't hurt other people., but short term pleasure is not something we should be striving for. We should be looking for meaning and life long fulfillment. Having a family is part of that.


For men, yes.

For women, no.

Funnily enough, it’s the women pushing for sexually free societies. Even more funny is that it’s the non-breeders pushing the hardest. Even funnier again is that they’re trying to implement all kinds of new social rules and punishments for engaging in it.


dogs will have sex in thr middle of the street but you never see like squirrels have sex theyre more discreet

sometimes at night ill hear a cat screaming in agony but you know whats going down


Aside from the mental health angle (which is more than enough for me, personally, to bin the idea), Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections are a pretty good reason to not do that

You know, in case mental health isn't enough; you don't want your bits and pieces to crust, swell, necrotize, ooze, burn, sting, fall off, develope tumors, cause body wide sepsis, your brain to turn to Swiss cheese, immune disorders, etc.

Free sex would mean those things would run rampant, largely unchecked, and make it nearly impossible to tell where it originated and who else contracted it to stop the spread
Certainly all the evidence points towards such hedonistic and shallow relationships being detrimental to peoples health, happiness and success.

Also, ironically, people with multiple short term or one off sexual relationships overwhelmingly report less satisfying and enjoyable sex overall compared to those in long term monogamous relationships

Not everybody is being able to maintain a steady family life.
I certainly tried two times, and it didn't work out.

And also, I just came back home after meeting a friend who has a wife and three kids, and he told me he had sex two times this year so far with his wife. It drives him crazy...

Marriage is certainly not that magic thing that will heal your life as some of you guys make it out to be here sometimes...

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I kind of feel like the people who look down on this kind of stuff just aren't getting any themselves and want to rationalize why that's ackshewally ideal. That's how I felt ok about myself before I started getting pussy, anyway.
Divorcing sex and love/a healthy relationship, is tough. When I was younger it seemed like no issue, but as I got older I started to see how maybe it wasn’t so good. If sex is something you share with many people, it loses most of its meaning. And maybe that’s fine. It’s a choice you're making not to share something special with a person you want to spend your life with presumably. There are other things to share obviously, but sex can be a important one of those things. Just not if you’ve cheapened it by giving it away to anyone with a nice ass.
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Free sex saves you money but outside of a relationship paid sex is of a better quality. But you can't swap out your running mate in a relationship.



The problem is that people will get jealous and people will get the desire to go for bigger sexual sensations.
People wouldn't have safe sex, people wouldn't respect the will of others. People would grow emotionally attached to others and it would be emotionally destructive for many to know that people they love the most are having sex with others.

Those human facts just wouldn't go away.

It would be much better if people could just accept that and see the good in monogamy and marriage. Not that I'm able to see that either really. But what I've seen over and over again is that unbounded promiscuity ultimately brings more disease and heartbreak than anything good, as much as I'd love it to be the other way around.


Is it desirable to have a totally free sexuality in a society (here I mean sex between consenting adults that is not injuring or even killing each other)? Is all kind of sexual relations sound and desirable? One can as example of controversial such relations mention poly-amorous and homosexual relations. To pay money for sex is also highly controversial in many places, also to have sex with someone even if you are married or live together with someone else.

Is it time for the world to dismantle all old sexual taboos and let people decide themselves what to do or not to do in their bedchambers?

Uhh.. yes. As long as the sex is consensual and both parties are adults.
Not everybody is being able to maintain a steady family life.
I certainly tried two times, and it didn't work out.

And also, I just came back home after meeting a friend who has a wife and three kids, and he told me he had sex two times this year so far with his wife. It drives him crazy...

Marriage is certainly not that magic thing that will heal your life as some of you guys make it out to be here sometimes...

I never said it was, and monogamy isn't some magic spell that creates perfect relationships.

By the same token, I'm sure there are some polyamorous relationships that are healthy and everyone involved is happy with the set up.

But statistically one os far more likely to work out than the other. Nothings perfect, but that doesn't mean you should ignore the evidence that one way of doing things has a far higher failure rate than the other.

Also bummer about your friend. The fact that he's sticking with it and putting kids and stability first instead of running off after some fleeting self indulgence is definitely something he should be proud of.

Life isn't about always getting absolutely everything you want, especially once you have kids, and he cleary knows that and is sticking throigh it.

It still sucks though. Maybe you could offer to watch his kids for a weekend so he and his wife can go away for a couple of days somewhere romantic?
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Every polyamorous relationship I’ve ever seen looks profoundly broken from the outside. Completely unbalanced power dynamics, simmering jealousy, emotional callousness, resentments. Granted I’ve seen plenty of monogamous couples have similar problems, but at least history says many of those can work. Most people cannot easily accept that someone would pursue a physical and/or emotional relationship with someone else. Nor should they accept it. And if you love somebody, you don’t ask them to tolerate that shit just because you aren’t satisfied with them. You either make it work or you end the relationship. If you respect them, anyway.


Life isn't about always getting absolutely everything you want, especially once you have kids, and he cleary knows that and is sticking throigh it.

This is really important.

We're constantly told that life should be about being happy. Nah, it doesn't work like that. Humans aren't wired to be in a constant state of happiness, we go from sad to neutral to happy when things change, but the majority of life is neutral, no matter what you have. You're should feel just fine most of the time. Being scared of sadness is also horrendous. Anyone who's gotten married or had kids knows that they have times of feeling sad. It comes with the territory of feeling so strongly about another person, but you also get elation that's really not possible from hedonism.

I think that we've degraded the institution of marriage so much that it's meaningless now. It used to be difficult, or even impossible to break a marital contract, so the partners were forced to work out their differences and stay together. Now, it's too easy to dissolve, and even beneficial financially for one half.

The problem is very complex though, you want long term relationships to have a barrier to breaking, but you don't want to inhibit people who are genuinely in danger, or psychological distress from their spouse from ending the relationship. It used to be too difficult, now it's swung the other direction.
It's really easy for well meaning people to break down institutions like marriage, but the problem is, nothing replaces it. Nor do these well meaning people offer something to replace it. It's happening consistently throughout western society, to the point that nothing meaningful is really left.

Just to end this rant - I'm a massive hypocrite. I used to think marriage was stupid, but I understand it now. I used to be very in to hedonism and sex with random girls, especially in my early 20's but it wasn't fulfilling.
You are never as physically or emotionally vulnerable as when you are naked and having sex. To do this carelessly is quite strange. Yes, we all have sexual urges and would like to be having a lot of sex with a lot of different people, but actually doing that comes with big costs.

Being in a physically and emotionally vulnerable state, having sex with someone, do you think you will forget that? If you don't, why do you think they will? How can you know what it meant to that random person? How might they try to get involved in your life in the future because your "one night stand" or "just sex" meant more to them than it did to you?

Theoretically let's say you are an absolute chad running around slaying pussy by the truckload. Do you think none of these women are going to try to get knocked up simply based on your good looks and either hopes for commitment or not even caring about the commitment if it means they can have an attractive kid? Sure, plenty of women focus on their career over everything else and will get an abortion, but there are also plenty of women that dream of having an attractive kid, and if they can sleep with a really attractive guy they don't care if he will stay around. But wait, when they realize if they try to get child support that means you will have to continue to interact with them, and maybe you will come around and have sex with them again at some point, even if they don't care about child support they probably will pursue it eventually if you were worth banging in the first place.

People who imagine consequence free sex haven't really thought about it. It's an interesting concept, but it just doesn't exist in real life. If people want to have sex with you, some of them want to have babies, and then there is the emotional aspect of it. If you can get that physically close to people and it means nothing to you, I can't imagine you are mentally healthy and stable.

My grandfather was what a lot of people would consider a chad who impregnated dozens of women, some of them multiple times. The aftermath is,

1: He was shot twice in the back by different women that he had led to believe he was in an exclusive relationship with. In both cases if the bullet was in a slightly different place he would have died 30-40 years ago and wouldn't have done half the things he has since done in his life.

2: He pays child support to a large number of women. He will not say how many. He does have a large income so he can afford to do this. He has mostly tried to avoid going to court and just agrees to pay them a set amount every month outside the court system but this doesn't always work out.

3: He has dozens of kids who are really pre-occupied with their weird childhoods where they did not have a dad. I have a huge extended family and many of these families do not like each other because their mom was not the one he married. I am related to a large number of people with alcohol or other substance abuse issues, and of my aunts and uncles there are very few that do not have serious issues, and despite them now being in their fifties or sixties, they are still obsessed over stuff that happened when they were kids/teenagers, much of it related to family life.

4: There are a large number of scorned women and other people that hate my grandpa's guts. He would have impregnated far fewer women if he was honest to them about what he was doing. These days things might be different because people are less concerned about marriage, but back in my grandfather's day, if he was just honest about his intentions and what he would or would not do, there are a lot of women he would not have impregnated, and may have gone on to live much happier lives. I'm imagining this kind of thing still happens somewhat frequently.
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Not everybody is being able to maintain a steady family life.
I certainly tried two times, and it didn't work out.

And also, I just came back home after meeting a friend who has a wife and three kids, and he told me he had sex two times this year so far with his wife. It drives him crazy...

Marriage is certainly not that magic thing that will heal your life as some of you guys make it out to be here sometimes...

Marriage has an implied sexual contract. When people first get married, they are sexual, in part, because it is novel. It is fun to have these relations with you new spouse. Newlyweds are often have sex all because each spouse is so vested in pleasing his or her partner. In a new marriage there is usually plenty of time for sexuality because children aren't in the picture yet and the spouses are more able to focus on each other. Unfortunately, this early sexual relationship begins to fade. As we begin to focus more on our own needs and desires, we become less focused on pleasing our spouse. Early on the wife may choose to have sex as a gift to please her husband. Eventually, sexuality becomes self centered and reluctant. The husband desires sex and she simply allows it to happen.

When sexuality becomes selfish, it hurts our partners. This attitude is built on a lack of trust in our partner to fulfill our needs. Most often the case is that he wants sex and she doesn't. He might feel guilty asking for it and instead try to earn it, but often she doesn't understand his effort. Men are taught that demanding sex is unacceptable and they often struggle to even suggest it when the answer that they will expect will be a quick and curt "no". Many times her libido lessons and she simply does not understand that his sexual needs have not changed alongside hers. If he isn't properly communicating his sexual struggles, then she may not even realize that his needs are going unmet. Sometimes, sex can become a source of leverage. If he does X, Y, and Z, then she will give in to his desires this one time. Eventually unmet needs lead to seeking fulfillment for them elsewhere--pornography, extramarital affairs, or an over focusing on work/hobbies. These alternate sources of fulfillment will only further stress the marriage and sexual relationship.

A marriage in which the sexuality has dried up is virtually always an unhealthy marriage unless it is an entirely mutual and equal decision. If one spouse desires sexuality and the other does not see it, understand it, or care about it, then that relationship will only worsen with time. Clearly your friend is struggling. He desperately needs to sit down and have a heart to heart with his wife describing his unmet needs. Marriage counseling would likely go a long way. He needs to understand that he can't have it every time he desires it, but she also needs to understand is a legitimate need that he has that is currently going unmet. If she truly desires a monogamous relationship then she is the only legitimate way for him to meet this need. Communication is key in this area.

Sexuality in marriage should never, under any circumstances be controlled only by one spouse in any circumstance. It is always a sign of an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship.


So many beta-males here. We were biologically designed to spread our seed. Now, it is a tool that controls men, and power for women.

There's nothing quite like nailing a hot chick for the first time.

Why aren't you spreading your seed then? You use all kinds of methods to stop actually doing what you were biologically designed to do. Chickening out by pulling out, using rubber to block the seed from advancing, using chemicals to kill the seed when they're inside, killing the offspring when they are embryos and fetuses.

No, the fact is that people are just desperately hooked into having a good physical feeling, that's all. Biological design is just an excuse when all people are doing is avoiding to do the actual biological thing in favor of getting just the pleasure from it.


Elden Member
so long as all parties agree, yes people should be allowed to do what they want.

Should they do it though? That’s a personal choice and needs to remain as such. I think it’s problematic and will lead to unhappiness, but that’s something everyone needs to explore and learn on their own, not be told.


Marriage has an implied sexual contract. When people first get married, they are sexual, in part, because it is novel. It is fun to have these relations with you new spouse. Newlyweds are often have sex all because each spouse is so vested in pleasing his or her partner. In a new marriage there is usually plenty of time for sexuality because children aren't in the picture yet and the spouses are more able to focus on each other. Unfortunately, this early sexual relationship begins to fade. As we begin to focus more on our own needs and desires, we become less focused on pleasing our spouse. Early on the wife may choose to have sex as a gift to please her husband. Eventually, sexuality becomes self centered and reluctant. The husband desires sex and she simply allows it to happen.

When sexuality becomes selfish, it hurts our partners. This attitude is built on a lack of trust in our partner to fulfill our needs. Most often the case is that he wants sex and she doesn't. He might feel guilty asking for it and instead try to earn it, but often she doesn't understand his effort. Men are taught that demanding sex is unacceptable and they often struggle to even suggest it when the answer that they will expect will be a quick and curt "no". Many times her libido lessons and she simply does not understand that his sexual needs have not changed alongside hers. If he isn't properly communicating his sexual struggles, then she may not even realize that his needs are going unmet. Sometimes, sex can become a source of leverage. If he does X, Y, and Z, then she will give in to his desires this one time. Eventually unmet needs lead to seeking fulfillment for them elsewhere--pornography, extramarital affairs, or an over focusing on work/hobbies. These alternate sources of fulfillment will only further stress the marriage and sexual relationship.

A marriage in which the sexuality has dried up is virtually always an unhealthy marriage unless it is an entirely mutual and equal decision. If one spouse desires sexuality and the other does not see it, understand it, or care about it, then that relationship will only worsen with time. Clearly your friend is struggling. He desperately needs to sit down and have a heart to heart with his wife describing his unmet needs. Marriage counseling would likely go a long way. He needs to understand that he can't have it every time he desires it, but she also needs to understand is a legitimate need that he has that is currently going unmet. If she truly desires a monogamous relationship then she is the only legitimate way for him to meet this need. Communication is key in this area.

Sexuality in marriage should never, under any circumstances be controlled only by one spouse in any circumstance. It is always a sign of an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship.

I literately told my wife before we got married. We vow to only have sex with each other. Part of that vow is availability and interest.

It’s cruel and ridiculous to say you can only have sex with one person then have that one person regularly deny you.


You are never as physically or emotionally vulnerable as when you are naked and having sex. To do this carelessly is quite strange. Yes, we all have sexual urges and would like to be having a lot of sex with a lot of different people, but actually doing that comes with big costs.

Being in a physically and emotionally vulnerable state, having sex with someone, do you think you will forget that? If you don't, why do you think they will? How can you know what it meant to that random person? How might they try to get involved in your life in the future because your "one night stand" or "just sex" meant more to them than it did to you?

Theoretically let's say you are an absolute chad running around slaying pussy by the truckload. Do you think none of these women are going to try to get knocked up simply based on your good looks and either hopes for commitment or not even caring about the commitment if it means they can have an attractive kid? Sure, plenty of women focus on their career over everything else and will get an abortion, but there are also plenty of women that dream of having an attractive kid, and if they can sleep with a really attractive guy they don't care if he will stay around. But wait, when they realize if they try to get child support that means you will have to continue to interact with them, and maybe you will come around and have sex with them again at some point, even if they don't care about child support they probably will pursue it eventually if you were worth banging in the first place.

People who imagine consequence free sex haven't really thought about it. It's an interesting concept, but it just doesn't exist in real life. If people want to have sex with you, some of them want to have babies, and then there is the emotional aspect of it. If you can get that physically close to people and it means nothing to you, I can't imagine you are mentally healthy and stable.

My grandfather was what a lot of people would consider a chad who impregnated dozens of women, some of them multiple times. The aftermath is,

1: He was shot twice in the back by different women that he had led to believe he was in an exclusive relationship with. In both cases if the bullet was in a slightly different place he would have died 30-40 years ago and wouldn't have done half the things he has since done in his life.

2: He pays child support to a large number of women. He will not say how many. He does have a large income so he can afford to do this. He has mostly tried to avoid going to court and just agrees to pay them a set amount every month outside the court system but this doesn't always work out.

3: He has dozens of kids who are really pre-occupied with their weird childhoods where they did not have a dad. I have a huge extended family and many of these families do not like each other because their mom was not the one he married. I am related to a large number of people with alcohol or other substance abuse issues, and of my aunts and uncles there are very few that do not have serious issues, and despite them now being in their fifties or sixties, they are still obsessed over stuff that happened when they were kids/teenagers, much of it related to family life.

4: There are a large number of scorned women and other people that hate my grandpa's guts. He would have impregnated far fewer women if he was honest to them about what he was doing. These days things might be different because people are less concerned about marriage, but back in my grandfather's day, if he was just honest about his intentions and what he would or would not do, there are a lot of women he would not have impregnated, and may have gone on to live much happier lives. I'm imagining this kind of thing still happens somewhat frequently.

Your grandfathers mistake was quite clearly fucking every girl in the village, literally crossing the streams and shitting where he ate. That and raw dogging all of them.
Your grandfathers mistake was quite clearly fucking every girl in the village, literally crossing the streams and shitting where he ate. That and raw dogging all of them.

I don't think he views himself as having made mistakes by impregnating all those women. I think he's proud that he got so many women pregnant and that short of a nuclear weapon annihilating the continent his genes will live on and spread. He has at least dozens of grandchildren some of which have moved to other states and had their own children. I don't think he would express it this way out loud, but I think he views himself as having won at life in a profound way.

As I understand it from talking to him he doesn't really believe in God, so if you want to leave a legacy, well it may not be the best one but he left a big one that will have an impact on the world far more than most people will. I disapprove, but imagine knowing that between children and grandchildren, and great grandchildren, you have left this world with more than 100 people descended from you. That has to be a pretty crazy thing to think about.
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What's valuable is that people have the legal freedom to do what they want sexually, as long as they don't infringe on anyone else's freedoms. In the west, everyone already has this.

What should be encouraged is a different discussion.
I don't think he views himself as having made mistakes by impregnating all those women. I think he's proud that he got so many women pregnant and that short of a nuclear weapon annihilating the continent his genes will live on and spread. He has at least dozens of grandchildren some of which have moved to other states and had their own children. I don't think he would express it this way out loud, but I think he views himself as having won at life in a profound way.

As I understand it from talking to him he doesn't really believe in God, so if you want to leave a legacy, well it may not be the best one but he left a big one that will have an impact on the world far more than most people will. I disapprove, but imagine knowing that between children and grandchildren, and great grandchildren, you have left this world with more than 100 people descended from you. That has to be a pretty crazy thing to think about.

Well, is the argument in the OP about free sex or procreation because they're entirely different.
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