Now that we are starting a new generation, what are some of your hidden gems from this era?


Now is a great time to pick up some current gen games at a great price before they are hard to find. What are some games that maybe are under the radar that you would recommend to others?

I'll post more as I think of them but three that come to mind for me are Dead Cells, Into The Breach and Steamworld Dig 2:

Dead Cells:

I've touched on this more in this thread: LTTP: Dead Cells (aka my 2019 Game of the Year), but I've put more time into this game than any other this generation.

Into The Breach: Into the breach - From the makers of FTL

SteamWorld Dig 2: SteamWorld Dig 2 |OT| New Digs

Many of these games can be picked up for a cheap price, and that's what I'm hoping for with this thread so please post your favorites.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Nice idea for a thread OP! Thanks. :)

For me, it would be Hyper Light Drifter, and adventure game with lots of exploration, action packed combat system and an incredible pixel art.


Also Furi. A boss rush game that's pretty, hard, and with a banger OST.



CliffyB's Cock Holster
One of the first Indie games I played when I first got Game Pass. It convinced me that not all indie games are shovelware and I'm now quite a fan of Indie games.


Rime is fantastic, really shockingly good.
Days Gone was criminally underrated.
Nioh 2 though... man its combat simply takes the Souls' style to a whole level above. It is the absolute best there is. The sheer breadth and depth of the systems is unparalleled. Its a tragedy that it seems to be selling less than its excellent predecessor, because its even bigger and better.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I think OP - and others - are confusing "hidden gem" with "smaller game" but I appreciate any effort to push Into the Breach and Dead Cells.

I'll put forward Yoku's Island Express. Cute, fun little adventure pinball game where you play as a dung beetle postmaster.



The nicest person on this forum
I bought it and was bored after a couple hours. I need to give it one more go.
The game starts with prologue which linear but once you pass through that you can basically choose how you want to approach the story and combat section.
The three that caught off guard were:


RPG, TB combat, old school 'left side of screen vs right side of screen'. Cool concept, interesting game

Mutant: Year zero, road to Eden
Mutant was the best 'strategy' xcom game i've played since xbox. It worked amazingly well. Thoroughly looking forward to a sequel

Operencia: the stolen sun
A first person game where you could only walk in 'grid' fashion, using simple but effective battles. It really came in to it's own with the puzzles, which were beautiful, frustrating and so old school that it would make George Stobbart and Guybrush Threepwood smile.

Operencia saved the generation for me. It was just that diamond in the rough, the perfect little gem that I enjoyed from start to finish.

And the best part? All three of those games were on Gamepass.


No matter how many LttP's I see, I still think Prey has been ignored and forgotten (along with TEW2 which feels like RE4 IMO).

Prey is one of the best immersive sims I've ever played, the only thing that holds it back is the latter portion of the game and the nuisance of dealing with a constant barrage of enemies.


Grim Dawn. Graphics are dated, but its an amazing ARPG like Diablo, but with mechanics more based off Titan Quest. Instead of Diablos "Heaven vs Hell," its "Lovecraftian beings have come to eat you and the remnants of humanity."
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Many Indie games: Distraint 1 and 2, What Remains of Edith Finch, Coffee Talk, Sagebrush, Beyond Eyes, Storm Boy, Back in 1995, Breeder Homegrown, Bouncy Bullets, Fullblast, Just Ignore Them, Planet RIX-13, Need a packet? , Red Bow, Without Escape.
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It took a while but I finally finished my list, It has games from 2013 to 2020.

Natural Doctrine
Crimson Dragon
Fantasy Life
Valkyria Revolution
Bladestorm Nightmare
Rune Factory 4
Tokyo Xanadu eX+
D4 dark dreams don't die
Mad Max
Fatal Frame Maiden of Black Water
Trails of Cold Steel III & IV
Grand Kingdom
Toukiden 2
Utawerumono Trilogy
Shadow Warrior 2
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
Post Scriptum
SaGa: Scarlet Grace
Blue Reflection
Cosmic Star Heroine
Blaster Master Zero 1 & 2
The Alliance Alive
Shining Resonance Refrain
The Lost Child
The Caligula Effect Overdose
Metal Max Xeno
Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Dragon Marked For Death
Legrand Legacy
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
John Wick Hex
Hell Let Loose
Disaster Report 4
Hero Must Die Again.
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia
Trials of Mana


Not Banned from OT
A few mentioned already like mad max. Others like the ruiner I really loved. While a gears game it did not get the love it deserved. I am half way into it and freaking love gears tactics.



A Ghost of a Tale was great. Except the huge difficulty jump for last encounter.


Also really liked Observation


No, really, you owe yourself to play this beauty. I, like most people, don’t trust indie games too much but this one, wow, doesn’t get much better at that budget. Yea, maybe it’s not that long but worth every penny. Just terrific story.
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I’m thinking about purchasing Risk of Rain 1/2. Seems it is well liked even though I didn’t see a lot of talk about it.

I will also be checking over this thread to see what is on sale with all of the Black Friday deals going on.


Horizon Chase Turbo on the Nintendo Switch is on sale for $5 through December 3rd:

If you love the SNES game Top Gear (one of my all time favorite racing games), you will also enjoy this. Even has the same composer.

One of the few games I Double dipped and bought both on PS4 and Switch.

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OP, second you with Steamworld 2. First time on the series, i think i got it from gamepass or gold, dont know, but really loved it.
Right now im playing the touryst, which was added recently, and its a nice little surprise.
Finally, I really enjoyed The Barda Tale IV.
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