Let me ask you this. Do you really think the S would sell as well if the x were readily available?
x is readily available in our country (turkey)
more people choose S over X despite that (based on the friends i have. literally, i have at least 10 friends that have a series s. and only 2 friends that have a series x)
we're poor folks at this point so that's a contributing factor, mind you
but yes, x is casually, readily available to buy here lmao. and not even for scalp prices, just normal MSRP prices.
it depends on the country I guess. for here? series s definitely sells more. imagine being too broke that 2 of my engineer friends chose series s over series x
the conception that x needing 4k screen also stops more people from buying the x. most folks here had their 1080p screens from their previous PCs/consoles, so they see X as an expensive venture that would need them to buy an expensive 4K TV/screen so they go for series s instead, because that's the marketing niche (btw, i only talk down series s in these forums. in real life, i actually applaud and talk about how much goodie it provides for its price to people and don't discourage anyone from buying it

there are also folks who are not serious about gaming but just want to have the new "hotness" and get a series s. my friend is one such example, he has a 4k screen to watch 4k netflix, and he bought series s anyways