That's nonsense and anyone that understands how a correctly wound model using roughly one vert per mesh polygon using quad strips on a superscalar card with a 1.1Billion Polys/s theoretical upper limit versus performance of unoptimised model meshes on the same hardware would know it is the software, no the hardware that was the limiting factor.Wrong! early games reflected how inferior RSX was to Xenos, it was only later in the generation when developers started to use SPU's to offload work off of RSX in order to make speed improvements, that finally the PS3 games started to keep up with 360, but despite all the effort with techniques like "SPU-based deferred shading" (Which was no easy task btw) the PS3 failed to beat the 360 counterparts even in the best case scenarios, whereas the 360 was achieving it on Xenos alone and was still wining head to heads late in the game. Developers described working on the Cell as "sweating blood" if they were ever going to achieve anything above what the 360 was already doing without the extra effort and we still haven't even touched some of the widely unused special features in Xenos like MEMEXPORT.
Even John speaks about this at the 17:05 mark of the video.
VF5b/VF5c and VT3 on both console - that me and