What are you looking forward more to? Starfield, FF 16 or Zelda TOTK?

What are you looking forward more to?

  • Starfield

    Votes: 158 33.7%
  • Final Fantasy 16

    Votes: 164 35.0%
  • Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Votes: 147 31.3%

  • Total voters

John Bilbo

Zelda day 1, probably gonna check FF16 once it hits Steam.

I will try Starfield on Gamepass. Though not hyped or waiting for the game it might surprise me.


Gold Member
Why are you here? Clearly you don’t like those games

5/10 is pretty high, I think considering I haven't liked a FF since 9. I'll probably buy it later, but Diablo 4 has drowned out my hype for these games.
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Meh... FF16 I guess.
Don't care for Zelda, don't like shooters, that leaves FF16. I'll get in a few years when it's down to 20€.


Gold Member

And it’s not even close. I have zero interest in FF. I’ll play StarField, but only because of GamePass, I’m not hyped for it - at least not yet.


Statistically speaking, those results right now (40/43/42) are infuriating.

. . .and STARFIELD for sure. FF16 is immediately out of the question, so it's between STARFIELD and ZELDA. If ZELDA had, up to this point, communicated at all that we were getting a return to form, I'd pick it easily. But TOTK looks just like BOTW2 with little, if any, real innovation (and no adding on to the existing world interaction systems don't cut it) which is great for people who loved BOTW, and not for those wishing for a return to WW.

So that just leaves STARFIELD which looks like more empty headed, come on in and get lost in this new open world of ours, game from BETHESDA. And as I have an empty head myself - I'm all in on the hype (I'll gorge what I can on BG3 in a week in prep of moving over to another gigantic RPG).

Starfield as Bethesda RPG's are played for decades and this time we have a whole universe to explore, nothing comes close.

Completely forgot about the settlements system and how much of a time sink that will provide with the large amount of creative space in STARFIELD. I sunk an absurd amount of time into settlements in FO4 (playing a game with no fast travel and on max difficulty, so having to effectively use the settlement system was a must), which - lets be real - was only really half baked for what they were trying to do in the game. After seeing what other have done in the modding space of FO4, I am absolutely certain we are going to get their implementation and more of NMS within a "BETHESDA openworld RPG" (advanced, FREELANCER style, trading at is a must at MINIMUM).
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By far FF XVI, then Zelda and very last Starfield.
I'll play it at launch since I have Gamepass, but my hype for Starfield is almost nil, since at this point I don't expect much from Bethesda. Hopefully they will surprise me.
FFXVI almost had me preordering after the state of play, so that's the one I'd go with myself. Zelda is Zelda so will always get a look, BOTW didn't click which is why the hype levels are low this time around tho. I'm probably more hyped for a Compile Heart JRPG than Starfield at this point, whenever I see it I just feel nothing at all.

I can't get hyped for FF16 after what happened with FF15, and the franchise has been average anyway since the PS1 era.

Starfield will be a buggy mess at launch so why bother touching it?
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From what we've actually seen as in actual video game footage.... ffxvi easily.

But from a historical context and pedigree it's a very close toss up between it and starfield.

The game with the least copy/paste will win Me over
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Gold Member
they will all be great games, but FF XVI for me, as a long time fan of FF. I've been dodging info from 16 so far with success.


Gold Member
Starfield out of these. I''m expecting 30 fps on console, which is going to suck, but not upgrading my PC again yet, so that's not an option either. Still expect fantastic exploration and some fun quest lines.

FF16 I'm hoping I enjoy and overall like what I see, but time and time again have showed me the vast majority of JRPGs are not my thing. I actually prefer more of the older styles like 1-6. Because of this, I'll also probably grab the Pixel Remasters for my Switch.

Zelda: TotK looks like it will be better than BotW with the new abilities, but I'm still expecting disappointing exploration and lame quests.



Starfield, I will buy day one but probably not play it until there are community fixes and mods.

I didn't enjoy botw so it would hard for me to get excited for it but I'll keep an open mind.


Gold Member
Definitely all 3.

ToTK - Almost guaranteed aces. Built on the tech, design, and knowledge of the first game for 6 years and most recent trailer shows just how awesome it's gonna be. I think it will be better than BoTW.

FF16 - I'm a longtime action combat fan and a new RPG fan, so this is a match made in heaven. Some iffy/inconsistent textures here and there and the facial rigging from what I can tell looks...incomplete for some reason, it looks like a massive adventure that will take you to amazing places. Plus the return to high fantasy and more mature themes for FF sounds fantastic.

Starfield - I've been off the Bethesda RPG wagon since completing Oblivion and Fallout 3 and considering the setting, yeahImThinkingImBack.gif. I'm the most skeptical of this one though. Loooots of promises and not much shown. I would be shocked if the other two games weren't jockeying for my GOTY, but Starfield has a lot of proving to do.


Gold Member
I'll be getting Zelda and FFXVI but I'm definitely more excited about FFXVI.
I've really liked everything they've shown about it and it seems like it will give me that mix of story and gameplay that I'm looking for and which I've been missing from the franchise.
Zelda is probably going to be a blast too but the similarity to BOTW is keeping the hype factor low.

I don't have any hardware right now to play Starfield. But I've historically not been too much into Bethesda RPG's, I love the setting though so I hope I can play it some day.
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SF Kosmo

Of those, Starfield and it's not even close. I think BotW is decent but extremely overrated and I probably won't even play TotK right away. Likewise I don't have a huge hype level for FF16, though I expect a good game and will play it at some point.

Spider-Man 2 is up there with Starfield for me, though.


All 3 are shaping up to be something great. I voted Zelda though because the most recent trailer hit me from left field and got me super hyped, when I previously had zero excitement for the game. FF16 looks like a mix of DMC and Asura's Wrath, which sounds like something I'd love on paper, but I'm still a little hesitant about it. Guess we'll see when it releases though. Starfield will be great I'm sure, but not before ~3 months and many patches later. I'm super excited to play it when it's past its usual "Bethesda jank" phase.


World’s Biggest Weeb
For me it’s;
Diablo 4
Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion
Armored Core 6

Probably in that order but it’s REALLY difficult for me to rank them. What a great year for gaming.


ידע זה כוח
Tears of the Kingdom. I can't wait to get back to Hyrule and get lost again.

The last trailer had me in tears and awe.
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