<3 Platinum, and i don't think its a bad idea to ask outside for help, don't believe it will ever happen though, and would start with the Tecmo Warriors team since they already have plenty of experience working on 'Zelda' games,incorporating them into the team wouldn't be a problem and they would be a better fit
I had no issue (besides with the low difficulty,that has been fixed on remasters) with the 'combat' in Zelda games before Breath of the Wild, these are not flashy character action games ,the focus is not on the combat system but on solving puzzles,exploring,adventure etc.the bosses were all simple puzzle/spectacle/setpieces like Mario games but epic,(i would even say i enjoy the 'combat' on Mario bros , jumping over goombas over and over never gets old!). The Gamecube games had simple controls and very good hit animations.
With Breath of the Wild combat design became somewhat more annoying ,there are more weapon options but the controls don't feel right at all neither the hit reactions,and no matter how they do it the weapon degradation system sucks imo.
Idk i just don't find it fun

appears some people like it at least and are getting
something out of it
Edit: also previous Zeldas had a more linear structure, with higher enemy variety from what i remember they would fit new enemies on each dungeon